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Everything posted by Nuggit

  1. Nuggit


    Just as an aside, Cat C seems a bit harsh? I've seen worse things than that on a D...... If it hasn't well and truly cocked the boot floor, I'd ask for justification, Insurance co's constantly make mistakes with clarification and registering.
  2. Aye, if it helps, on my Mk2 Golf the NSR calliper froze, and I proved beyond all reasonable doubt there was bugger all icing in it by the simple expedient of dismantling the rear brakes on the driveway at 7am. In a suit. It was fun. I sold my Golf.
  3. Cheers David, I'll be grabbing one later... horrible feeling it's a-m...
  4. Hi Guys, New here *waves*, just picked up a yellow 16v that needs a bit of work. However, I've just felt a load forming in my pants as I've checked out the sunroof guides on this site (My sunroof is smeared with silicone), and I'd forgotten that a Corrado roof should be flush... Mine has some sort of plastic trim around it the exterior, about 3/4" around, I've not investigated fully as it's going off for paint, but I'm extremely worried. Should I get body-shop-chap to put the welder on danger-money? Edit : As No-one's replied... What I'm really looking for is for someone to say 'no, it's okay, you have a crap memory, that trim is perfectly normal'. It's not looking good! Cheers! Steve
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