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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. I never understood all this 5x100 ET35 malarky. It strikes me there's just not enough information to define the size and placing of the wheel bolts there..
  2. You seem to know a lot about hair care, Kev..............
  3. I'd be worried if my oil was 110 degrees while stationary in traffic. That kinda means it's hotter than the water.. Did you remove the OE oil/water heat exchanger?
  4. Too right....show you them your appreciation for liberating you from the clutches of a Cavalier blander than Granny's gravy and popping you into a sexy black coupe. Face it Matt, you are never going to get BMW refinement and road manners from a 10 year olf Volkswagen. For those of us that like to be kept awake at the helm, long live the C! :lol: good to see your surreal-statement-generator working well tonight, Kev.. :) What's a real shame is that they (all the normal car companies) have totally lost the plot. There are no driver's cars out there any more in the "mass" market. What's the point of paying the VW price premium when they don't offer any more power, or any more steering feel than a Vauxhall these days? Ok, they might go round corners a little quicker, but if you can't feel what's going on, it's just as boring.. The Corrado has a point. One of the last and best fwd mass-market yet somehow exclusive Coupes. If you want to better it for driving experience (apart from the rattles and shakes ;) ), you have to go two-seater, rear wheel drive and exotic insurance quotes! IMHO. ;) No I'm NOT queuing up to buy a fast Vauxhall, just to see that one off before it hits the rumour mill.. ;)
  5. ..well.. everything's moderated by the "what the marketing men say" vs the "what really happens" factor, of course. Nope, not tried it, just that along with everything else that people uprate and modify there is always an inevitable loss of "comfort", however slight. Of course, that's not necessarily a bad thing, just a trade off. I'm not totally after the pipe+slippers feel, believe me. I wouldn't be driving a C if I was!
  6. They don't *have* to. IIRC, the law just says that fixed camera sites *should* be marked up, and mobile camera sites should to be marked up too, but only in the *majority* of cases, and that's only so that the police force can claim the revenue from the cameras. If they don't want the revenue there's no need for them to actually mark up the camera sites at all. Or has that stuff changed recently?
  7. On the other hand, VW desgined the VR6 with the knowledge that it would be exported to extremely hot climates... As long as you're not doing stupid stuff it'll be fine. Of course, if you *want* to do track days all summer in 30 degree heat, an oil cooler is a good idea.. Though if you just want the peace of mind, 200 notes isn't that bad. But bear in mind VW aren't so stupid that they'd produce an engine that would genuinely grenade itself at the first sign of a sunny day and a traffic jam. My 2p, just to counterbalance Kev's -2p.. ;) IMHO, £200 will buy you a lot of oil changes, so make your own mind up, based on your experiences of driving your own car. If you see oil temps constantly over 120 degrees, something's wrong (or you're doing 150mph in the sahara!!). And the Corrado guide book says not to worry unless it's over 140 degrees either, so modern oil is not too upset by this kind of treatment either.
  8. Are you telling me that stiffer ARBs don't provide any extra spring rate? I accept that it's not going to alter the damping rate (the primary thing that causes transmission of vibration), but surely it effectively gives you stiffer springing (in the corners, at least...).. You wouldn't do it, otherwise, no?
  9. And then buy a seat pad so you don't lose your fillings on the way back from the meetings!! :) :-D Hell if it's not for road use, why not go for solid suspension all round! The "mini" suspension upgrade.. ;)
  10. I'll show my "appreciation" alright.... :twisted: ;)
  11. Make them a bit bigger, cut it in half and stick it on the back of your C, given that VW can't supply bloody badges any more.... :)
  12. Hmm, not being a mechanic type this might seem a stupid question, but do all engine stands fit all engines, or did you have to buy a "vw+aaa"-specific engine stand? I imagine there's standard mounting points, at least within a particular manufacturer..?
  13. How low? Just top it up in the expansion tank...
  14. IIRC it was the rack pipes (the steel tubing that links one end to the other) that's integral to the rack. The rubber pipes should be available from the dealers.
  15. :lol: :lol: dr mat - Did the experience of owning the Corrado make you acquire this humour and attitude, or were you always like this? :roll: Please consider carefully before replying as the answer may influence my next transaction involving a motor vehicle. :) I was always like this... ;) I never expected much from my previous cars. But I expected a lot from the Corrado. It delivers .. well .. something, but it's not everything I hoped for. (Well, it's hardly going to be is it, it's got 121,000 miles on the clock!)
  16. dr_mat


    Seized caliper, or brake needs bleeding. If the pad is being constantly held against the disk, it'll overheat and start to squeal.
  17. dr_mat

    starting problems

    When you say "nothing happens" you mean the starter won't turn?
  18. The Corrado is clearly a car designed by committee: *) passat rear suspension *) golf front suspension *) body panels changed slightly part way through the run of production, but so subtlely that no-one would actually notice *) every time you think the car has decided it's going to work properly there's definitely "any other business"... *) each time you take the thing to a garage (meeting), it winds up costing you money without really acheiving anything other than planning your next trip to the garage (meeting) *) even the name was clearly chosen by some marketing dude in a suit who had forgotten to take into account that none of the motoring press would be able to either SPELL or PRONOUNCE it, since it's based on a foreign word.. ... and for many other reasons, too, I think there cannot possibly be any single person to blame... ;)
  19. My suggestion is get down a scrappy and get a jack off an Audi A3 - same fixings and a useful bit stronger and taller. If you find one, get me one too.... ;) And in the meantime, if you get a flat whilst out and about, try calling mr RAC.. ;)
  20. http://www.argos.co.uk/webapp/wcs/store ... tId=111672
  21. Given that you have a Storm, i.e. a late VR6, you're actually quite lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you look at it!) that the standard jack works at all.. Mine won't lift the front wheels clear of the ground, so I have no option but to use a trolley jack. (£25 from Argos with a pair of axle stands! Halfrauds will charge a lot more..)
  22. dr_mat

    oil level

    Well you've gotta ask... :)
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