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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Just got all the bits together to change the oil in my C's gearbox, but i'll be buggered if I can get into it!, using a ratchet and 17mm allen head, with plenty of WD40 and it wont budge. Should I be using something more robust, or am I simply a pansy :)
  2. Thom

    Gearbox oil

    Hi all, my gearbox has become very stiff at times (especially when cold) and am thinking it may be due a change of oil! Is this fairly easy to do yourself, or am I better off taking it to ATS? Cheers
  3. Hi all, still got a a slight oil leak, had engine cleaned and can now see that oil is seeping from the bottom of the engine, however I don't know exactly where, any ideas what the most common explanation is?
  4. I had a similar problem until recently, changed ISV and cleaned MAF, changed plugs etc. Turned out I had faulty wiring to the Throttle position sensor so sometimes it was all over the place, other times it was fine, just something to check out :)
  5. Thom

    Oil Leek

    Hi, Still have a nasty oil leak on my 9A. One mechanic told me it was the half moon seal on the rocker gasket, but it's definitely not as I cleaned this weeks ago and havn't seen any oil from this point at all. Have tried a tin of Stop Leak, but thats just crap. Basically where this is going is I was wondering if anyone has any experience of jet washing thier engine bay? I want to do this so I have a better chance of finding the leak. I'm planning to cover the battery terminals etc, but otherwise, is this safe to do?, cheers :?
  6. I had this problem until very recently, changed the ISV etc and no different, turned out to be the Throttle Position Sensor at the throttle body, they cost around £70 8)
  7. Thom

    Fault Codes

    Hi, Have just read the fault codes from my C's ECU and have come up with the following: 00525 : Oxygen sensor, Low voltage 00516 : Throttle Position Sensor - Closed Switch 00587 : Mixture Control Adjustment, Bad ECU Ground/Air Leak/Leaking Injector My reason for checking the codes is an occaisional very rough idle and hesitation/stalling. My o2 sensor is only 10K miles old and have checked the wiring around the TPS and for air leaks. Can these faults all be linked to a fault Throttle position sensor, or is there something else I should be trying first? Ta :?
  8. Hey, Bought a Gunson Fault Code Reader from Halfords yesterday for the modest sum of £10, so thought I couldn't go far wrong, It said it was compatible with the 9A on the box but turns out it's intended for use with the old style 2x2 data plugs and doesn't give connections for the newer socket. I have found the pin-outs for the newer 16 pin connector on the net but can't find the ones for the old plugs anywhere (so I can determine the equivilent pin to connect the reader to, it's simply a 3 wire device with a flashing LED) Does anyone have this info? 8)
  9. Hi everyone!, I still have the classic 9A problem of fluctuating idle spped and cutting out, though less frequently than before, I've replaced/tested the ISV, cleaned out the intake and throttle body, checked all wires and connections, changed plugs/leads. Anyone have any other ideas? Also, I was considering buying a fault code reader, but have heard that these are not very helpful with the 9A, anyone have any experience of this? cheers, Thom 8)
  10. Thom

    16v ISV Wiring

    Isn't that only on 1.8, KR engines?
  11. Thom

    16v ISV Wiring

    Oops, I mean MAF sensor
  12. Thom

    16v ISV Wiring

    I have exactly the same problem, have a fully functional ISV and yet there still seems to be a fault, no error code reading, can the MFA be responsible?
  13. Hi Crasher, can I have one too please?! :-) Having same problems
  14. Hi, does anyone have a step by step on this?, I know it should be fairly straight forward, but if there is one that'd be great... :)
  15. Thom

    ISV Problems

    I sprayed carb cleaner through it a few times and it seems to have done the trick (touches all manner of wooden objects). Hopefully saved me £100ish, Cheers guys
  16. Thom

    ISV Problems

    was a used one, but sold as tested....maybe not. If you leave it unplugged you can't push revs above 2000ish
  17. Thom

    ISV Problems

    Evening All, Just changed what I thought was a faulty ISV for a replacement, but I still have idle/power loss problems. I know that this area of the engine is to blame because if I unplug the ISV, everything is solid as a rock in idle. Any ideas? or could it be an amazing coincidence that I've fitted another dodgy part!? Cheers T
  18. Hi, I'm considering a chip upgrade for my 2L 16v (1995). Have heard that on some ECUs, the chip is soldered onto the board, rather than in a chip socket. Can anyone tell me which mine is likely to have, I will obviously otherwise open it and look but if I know before I start then I can upgrade my soldering gear (as its all a little old), cheers :)
  19. Thom

    Performance Chips

    This one is an AMD Techniks Chip, says that it gives an extra 14bhp to the standard 9A engine
  20. Hi, I was considering buying a performance chip (from another C owner) for my 2L 16V, this particular one boosts the power to 150Bhp. Has anyone had any experience with these or knows how worth while it is? Also wondering how easy they are to install into the engine computer? Cheers
  21. Thom

    MPG, Corrado 16v

    lol, yeh I guess if anyone was really bothered then they should be driving a diesel too, or something other than a Corrado! Cheers guys, was just to put my mind at ease really, I think I'm getting just under 30 on average, but a good service will hopefully improve things, Ta :D
  22. Thom

    MPG, Corrado 16v

    Hi, out of interest, what sort of mpg are you valver owners finding you're getting?, I'm half convinced my cars using more fuel than it should be!...say 27mpg on an A road cruise?
  23. Thom

    9a Engine Sensor

    yeh thats missing on mine as well, bizarre :?
  24. ok, will check that out, any chance that this problem could be affecting my fuel consumption?
  25. Is the throttle pot the part underneath the dizzy cap with the 3 wires? These seem ok, but I may be talking about the wrong bit here (Kinda new to these problems, Scirocco engines are a lot simpler) Cheers for all the suggestions, am due a full sevice as soon as I get paid too.....
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