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Mcr VR6

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Everything posted by Mcr VR6

  1. I like VR6's standard when they have chrome badges, not a fan of the red VR6 badge tho. I really dont like the rear colour coding tho, i'd prefer to either remove the badges or show em off!
  2. which of yr two existing colours do you prefer! go that way :D
  3. Anybody know what colour this is most likely to be? My favourite yet! See my avatar for how i really feel about it...
  4. Mcr VR6

    Personal Plates

    Aha, didnt know that. I was looking at 'VR06 WOW' and 'CO55 ADO' but dont think I would have gone for either really. The car could use the £500+ elsewhere better! Didnt think about the cost when changing cars either with retentions etc. If I had a C that I took to shows I would defo want CO55 ADO, its quality! But if it cant be done... That leaves my other potential plate which makes no sense when you look at it, but if you see me in yr rear view mirror it makes sense!! haha. Got the idea off a bus number plate, when I read it in my mirror it was saying LOSER at me! (R350 LUY or something, backwards) :lol:
  5. Mcr VR6

    Personal Plates

    I've seen a couple of nicely kept corrado's with personal plates, but its always a fine line between looking tacky and looking trim whats general opinion. HOT or NOT? and is it better or worse if you go for a plate that matches the car? like 'VR06 xxx' plates that can be had nowadays for £300 - £400ish i cant decide :?
  6. i wanna work where you work...
  7. well that makes my decision for me! no remote start it is. about time i read the manual too... :D
  8. THANK YOU for this guide, its top notch! I found it last week and bought a VR6 storm today. wouldnt have made half the checks without this guide, and i'm hoping she's not a lemon as a result. There was a lot of dampness in the passenger footwell but the car had been sheltered so there was no long term damage done. it was just leaves blocking the drainage that is mentioned in the guide (near the bulkhead) Also extremely useful to know where to look for stickers and engine codes etc Cheers! ***Update: 18 months on and still no problems. Top guide. Thanks to previous owner as well obviously :D
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