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Everything posted by Wompa

  1. If I go the Climatronic way from a Passat, that doesnt have the electric duction? That just senses the heat and adjust the flow for that? No need for the ducting in the Corrado to be changed, just the blowerunit?
  2. Why no r36 in le mk1!!!!??? I think that Turn10 have gotten a bit thick! Add me if you want guys! w0mpa89
  3. Stop showing your genitals in trafic and the problem will be gone!
  4. Thanks mate! But not sure where to put it... Its the "best" spot! ;)
  5. Thanks mate.. but you are overreacting! ;) Did some work before the gearbox teardown! I really miss it right now :( ---------- Post added at 02:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:38 PM ---------- A video from this summer..
  6. I think VW have lenses... Here in Sweden I can get them for around 50 each.
  7. Wompa

    GLX Side Skirt

    Any one using these? Thinking of getting my self a set and put on my Corrado. There is GLX versions and then the ABT MK3 version.. but the VR6 Golf MK3 OEM skirts. Are they anything that also can be used to get rid of that gapp on the Corrado? And, does any one have the partnr for the GLX sideskirts, and is it the same as for the VR6 Golf skirts?
  8. A set of pictures from the last garage visit for the Corrado..
  9. Get ahold of it and make copies...
  10. Wompa

    268 Vr6 Cams

    Going to check!! Thanks!
  11. Wompa

    268 Vr6 Cams

    Hello. Im looking for a set of 268 cams in good condition. I live in Sweden so you should have no problem sending.
  12. Thanks chaps! Going to check with the local VAG dealer and see what prices there is... but Lupo or TT??...
  13. Hello! Can someone help me find out that Chinese car part page? It had alot of MK2, Corrado Passat parts like rear lights etc. The thing is.. I can remmeber that It was here on the-corrado.net that I found that page... Someone that know what site I am jappering about?
  14. The red surround can be taken from a Audi 100 94 or something like that :)
  15. My oiltemp is also higg.. but if I shut off the headlights the temperature drops. Try it.
  16. Wompa

    Votex Roof rack

    Could this roof rack for a B6 Passat fit a Corrado? ECS Tuning say that its fit a Corrado but Im not sure.. http://www.ecstuning.com/Volkswagen-Corrado--G60/ES342630/PriceAlert/ http://www.ecstuning.com/ES2143680/
  17. Wompa

    Cooling issues

    Dont know... I changed the termostat and flushed the radiator but its still keeping 104-110 Oiltemp and 90-100 in water temp. Celsius... But some times the water temp is 85-90... and then go up after a while and maybe go down again. But the oiltemp is quite funny, because if I turn off my headlights the temperatur goes down 6degress or so.. HAHA! Compaired my two radiators and the original one didnt have any resistans when I tried to blow true it... If you know what I mean about that? The new one had more resistans but I dont know if a radiator should have high flow or a low flow true it?
  18. Wompa

    MK4/Polo Shifter

    Got the MK4 parts now.. only payd 20euro the the shifter and tower... Ordering the Polo parts next.
  19. Me and a friend was driving on the highway and I wanted to speed things up a bit. Tried to get in to third but all that came was some crunching noice and the gear couldnt engauge. After that the gearstick was stiff and some of the gears was very hard to get to. Home I forced the geartower in to submission and the gearstick was better but still allitle stiff and I cant get 2nd gear. I dont know if this inside the shiftertower or the gearleaver mech. If its either of those Im going 100% for a 02J setup. Any tips to ger it to work so I can use it before I scrap the car of a bi**h?
  20. Me and a friend did it on about 20min... but then the car was already up on the jacks etc ;)
  21. I did that work in 20min... it isnt hard as you think just because you need to remove the bumper.
  22. Wompa

    Cooling issues

    HAha! Hope really thats the problem! Easy to fix... I maybe think that its something inside the oil/water heat exchanger...
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