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Everything posted by kevin_m

  1. this is mine, not in the best condidion, but tis a work in progress. new wheels
  2. What's a 'Speed'? These:- There what ive got in my corrado, far superior to the VW Recaro's these look like the ones in my brothers tripe R civic, if they are then there mega comfy! :D
  3. Does anyone know if VW still sell the wee blue plastic grommet/raw plug type thingammy bobs that hold the read badges in? Kev
  4. i would say worn piston rings or valve stem seals? someone else should be able to confirm as im not 100% sure
  5. ahhh nice one, cheers bro! 8)
  6. get the rocker cover and the sump pan of and get a pressure washer in there... lol :\
  7. just making sure that its the 12mm socket, there's 12 and 14mm ones on the website
  8. Hi guys, I have a couple of spark plug sockets in the garage but neither fit in the recess to remove the plugs from my valver, can anyone recommend a socket that will fit? Kev
  9. I had this same problem, no leaking fluid, not drop in fluid level. but when i tryed bleeding it the clutch just didn't work at all. Replaced the master cylinder (£70 from TMS i think) solved the problem :)
  10. right lets set the scene, was driving home from work today and there was a rattle coming from the front drivers side. when i got home i had a quick look under the car and there was a bush of some sort hanging round the drivers side drive shaft, i am assuming it comes from up next to the gearbox. just wondering if it needs to be replaced or whether i can just hack it off with an angle grinder? Kev
  11. If I got my hands on one, I'd burn it to :) i stupidly bought one...you can burn mine if you like :)
  12. i got a used PAS pump from a crowd called VWS for 35 sheets which i didnt think was to bad :)
  13. kevin_m

    Front struts!

    currently driving a 1991 1.8 valver. unfortunately the front shock absorbers are knackered, my mate has a 1993 scirocco and has recently put coilovers on it. lust wondering if the standard front suspension would fit the raddo, just temporarily, till i got some monies for coilies myself? Kev
  14. http://www.maxpower.co.uk/article.asp?asset=12007 what do you guys think, personally i dont think it looks all that bad :?
  15. had on some not very nice 17" wolfrace octanes :camp:
  16. Got these a couple of weeks ago, just thought i would put up a picture see what you guys think, i think they are awesome, although iv had mixed response from my friends and aquaintences.
  17. are some clocks not rolled back a few miles so that you could have a nice 0 miles car instead of delivery milage?? just a suggestion dont know tho :shrug:
  18. seen this on my local cruise forum thought i would post it up for the hell of it :D thoughts? http://www.bmw-driver.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15029
  19. Seen a black vr on the A78 heading for irvine on saturday, J44 _ _ _, i was in the nugget yellow raddo
  20. sorry to keep asking questions, but what is an eezibleed kit where can i get one and how much?
  21. do you know roughly how much a slave cylinder is gonna set me back? Do VW still stock it? and is it a hard job to do in the driveway? Kev
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