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About vick

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  1. Wompa - Yep, I bought it from a forum member a few years ago, can't remember his name tho. Yes it's for the main and dims.
  2. Hi mate, I just sent you a pm, for some reason I don't think it sent?? Did ya get it?
  3. Hi guys, still have some bits off my old G60. G60 Clocks (150k) - £10+p&p Uprated Headlight loom - £20 Delivered G60 Fuse Box - £10+p&p G60 Crank Pulley - £20 Delivered Steering Wheel - £10+p&p Indicator Stalk with Hazard switch - £10 Delivered Also have a standard charger pulley - £10 Delivered Regards Vic (Ex G60 Owner :() PM me or email : vickbansal@hotmail.com ---------- Post added at 6:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 6:19 PM ---------- Also have cable change selector mechanism & cables - £30 Delivered G60 Flywheel - £20+p&p
  4. I think I'm gonna stay with the Rado for a while, it's just a great car to have. It's just some of the people that I know who know naff all about cars keep having digs at me about my old car. Funnily on my way home from work today on the M4, a Rado VR6 came right up behind me and we convoyed for a few miles and just had a play, a quick thumbs up, and we both go our serarate ways. I hardly ever see any Rados on my daily commute so this put a smile on my face. Also, I hav'nt been to any meets or shows for years, so I guess I need to hit a few and find my enthusiasm once again. Cheers lads, thanks for reminding me I own one of the best front wheel drive handling cars ever made!
  5. As of recent, a lot of my friends and family say to me more often 'why don't you get yourself a newer car now, instead of driving around that old VW!' I do love my Corrado G60 and can't really think of another affordable car that I would rather have, it has clocked 140k now and although it drives fine, it has crossed my mind that maybe I should sell it while I could get a reasonable price on it. I don't know, I love the power it has and it looks great for such an old car, but peer pressure to get a newer modern car is as it's highest at the mo. Is 140k a turnoff for a potential buyer on a G60, What kind of mileages are fellow Corrado owners clocking on their cars? + What are your thoughts on my 'mid twenty age' car dilemma ? Cheers Vick.
  6. Hi, I would like a 3 relay kit also, please pm me the details. Cheers
  7. Hey guys, I have the following mods on my G60 - BBM RSR FMIC 68mm Pulley / SNS Chip K&N Filter Miltek Exhaust The charger is standard, but was serviced to standard spec by Gwerks by the previous owner, around 25k ago. Thinking ahead to maybe get the charger serviced in a few months time. I'm sure some of you guys can advise, ideally I'd like some gain in power and a more louder charger noise, but would the Race Spec mod make much of a difference on my setup to warrant the extra £££ ? Sorry if this has come up before, but I could'nt find anything in the search, Thanks.
  8. I have got an RSR outlet on mine & the boost return mod. Also a FMIC with re routed piping. It sounds good, but that Rallye was insane !
  9. Does a ported charger sound any different to a standard one ? The other I day I was talking to a guy with a ralleye which had a ported G60 charger (from Germany) and that sounded amazing compared to my one in the Rado. I'll be looking to get my one done at some point and will definately be sending it up to GWERKS.
  10. vick

    Late Black G60

    Bloody hell Riley ! That will be a bloody fun car to drive with the Nitrous !!! Can the bottom end handle 300 + bhp tho ? Let us know how she goes with the laughing gas !
  11. I remember this car was advertised on Piston Heads a few months back. I had arranged to go and see it, but by that time it got sold ! Seemed like a nice car in the advert, but looks great now ! Have you still got the old keskins mate ?
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