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Everything posted by Swompy

  1. Its a Tornado red Valver :D :lol: And They got me a Tshirt with a G60 on it
  2. Well I'm going to get some quotes to see what it would cost on each of the different models and take it from there, but I think we all know which car will be cheaper for me to insure. Which ever car I get I will still be on top of the moon because its a CORRADO :D And yes most of you are right my pockets arent lined with money ( altho it would be nice). If I'm not spending stupid amounts of money to insure it and in the unfortunate event of something going wrong then I should be able to aford the repairs
  3. As much as I would love a G60 or VR Some how I dont think I will be able to get hold of a ressonabley priced insurance cover for my age. So I think a Valver will be the best car for me. Mainly because the insurance will be cheeper, also the proformance will be preaty good too :ignore: I say this because at the moment I drive a 1.4 golf :camp: and I think a 2lt 16vl will be considerable more powerfull than my golf.
  4. Thanks Yeti I forgot about that I shell give them a call when I'm ready :thumbleft:
  5. Well I think I'm going to try and test drive each model and see which one I like the most, then go on these comparison websites and find out how much each of them will be to insure. My drive to work is 90% A roads with the last 10% being stop and go/crawling traffic ( on the way back its just a straight run home) and its round about 40 miles there and back. Thanks for the offer Big Ben but I live in the South West ( Gloucestershire) so it would be a bit of a treck.
  6. Not if he has any No claims bonus, I'm 20 soon to be 21 with 3 years no claims and the insurance on my Vr is pretty acceptable considering the car, still not saying its cheap lol but its not soo bad that it makes you want to kill youself I've been driveing for 2 years and I've got 1 years no claims ( was on my parents policy first year) so shouldnt be too bad
  7. If I did get insuredon on a vr6 it will cost me an arm and a leg. I think I'm going to give each car a drive and take it from there. So who wants to let me drive there car :D haha I've got fully comp insurance hahahah
  8. Ok thanks every one. When I'm ready to buy a C I will try and test drive a valver, G60 and VR6 and I'm shore the right engine will jump out at me once I've driven them all.
  9. I'm not that fussed on mpg I would just like a Rado with a good balance of Proformance and mpg. Mainly something that will put a smile on your face every time your foot touches the pedal but doesnt smack you in the mouth at the pumps or am i just being optamistic :D
  10. Ya see were your coming from as If i spend a bit more now, in a few years ( after the ressesion) they should hopefully start to increase in value. So its not a bad thing that I'm being fussy and only wanting a C with low milage. So your saying If I want a decent C I will be paying some were between £2500 - £5000. which is what I expected any way. I can get round about a another £1000 for my Golf. and save a few pay packets up as well :D Thanks for that Leon very helpfull And I'm shore if I ever do have any problems, I wont have been the first to have it and can count on every one on here for infor :D
  11. Braught Devil driver, Fury Of Our Maker's Hand its really good old school metal. AMAZING
  12. Haha they ent half as bad as the :censored: sheep I had my Golf 2 weeks before one ran out in front of me, luckly for me the only damage was one smashed head light and a line of sheep sh#T Running up the side of my car, work that one out :scratch: Well im going to see how much dosh I get in my first pay packet from my new job, but I have about £2500 saved up ( dont really want to use it all but I'm shore It wouldnt take much to make me spend it all on :D )
  13. Well It was either going to be an engine change or a completle rebuild as I want to keep the Car going for as long as possible. As there is all ready not enough of them on the roads. And as I'm only 20 the insurance will be alot cheaper on a valer and it wont be a big step you to a 2.9lt engine plus less chance of ending up in a tree ( they seam to jump out at you round here along with the sheep :D )
  14. It wont be for a few years thats for shore.
  15. The reason I want a Rado is because I have all ways wanted to own and drive one. When ever I see one I'm like a child thats had too much sugar. I think I will go for a valver first and try and lurn as much about it as I can before make a dessision if I want one of the other models. One thing I would like to look into doing in maybe replacing the valvers engine with a newer/ low milage engine. But the big problem behind that is I am a complete noob when it comes to things like that.
  16. In the next few months I’m going to be looking at getting a Corrado, but I cant make up my mind which one. I’m drawn towards the 2lt 16vl because I will be doing about 40 miles a day ( 5 days a week) to my new job and don’t want to be spending loads on petrol and secondly because it will hopefully be cheaper insurance. But I love the sound the VR’s make and I have all ways been draw towards them. But at the same time the G60’s have started to attract my attention more and more. I really don’t know which one to get, there seams to be loads of VR’s for sale, not so many G60 around but even less 16vl about. Can any one help me choose :shrug: :scratch: :help:
  17. SO what is the best Rado for mpg then? I get the impresion from this thread that the 2lt 16vl arent very good for mpg :confused4: Whats the differenc betwen the 2lt 16vl, G60 and VR6 mpg. I still cant make my mind up which Rado i want to get.
  18. What a shame A minet silence please :( :salute:
  19. Plus cos every one is going slower and every one will be bunched up no one is going to be able to turn onto a main road from a side roads cos there wont be any safe space to do so
  20. Join the club mine thinks im the same when ever i see one
  21. saw a tornado red Rado on tv this morning Was on a cooking program on UKTV Food, the program was called This little farmer went to market. Only saw th back end of the car as it was half parked behind a van but I could recognise that ass any were :D
  22. Think you've missed the point slightly, you only get the £2000 if you trade your old car in for a brand new 'eco' one, not if you just scrap it. They'll still be a second hand market and new drivers will still be able to buy old bangers to wreck. In my professional opinion this budget has been rubbish, won't make a difference in the grand scheme of the things. Best of luck to all of us, the govenment have messed it up once more... Great! :( O right my bad must of read it wrong :brickwall:
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