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Everything posted by Swompy

  1. No not yet, I need to track down my calipers I sent to be refuerbished, which the RM has lost :bad-words: What I have had done you can see below 8) I had the powder coated inlet manifold, rocker cover and a KR cam put in today :D Along with a few degrees of ignition timing and adjustments to the fueling. Car is alot smoother through out the rev range and picks up alot quicker whilst in gear. Big thanks to Graham at DG once agoin for the great work :notworthy: Also Thanks to Dave for breakfast/dinner :D Oh and was nie to meet OSV today too :wave: Now what do I want doing :confused4: :scratch: :lol:
  2. No your all wrong but sunshine would be good and a foil bra could be interesting 8)
  3. Looks like an Ice Grey to me 8) And nice and low too
  4. No but hopefully soon there will be some :D HAha no If I was going to do anything with the aerial I would proably have it removed and smoothed over, like Grahams VR at DG, looks really good :luvlove:
  5. Wax or something more metallic :wink: Its not shiney persay but better looking that what I have now :D Wax and all the stuff will be coming over the weekend too ready for coleford 8)
  6. Something shiney will be going on tomorow :D Watch this space 8)
  7. They class a deisel golf as a prestige car :lol: i dread to think what you would get if not. best of luck sorting the insurance out
  8. Dam :( really sorry to hear this but glad you ok. I cant think of nothing worse than watching your pride and joy go up in flames and cant to do anything about it. :( Best of luck with the insurance
  9. Any one who like Chimaira should go see them in October when they come back. absalutly amazing to watch and listen too. And i hate to say it Trivium were rather good live. :ignore:
  10. You think that was funny read this. (NSFW in places) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230451057921
  11. Going to go see Chimaira on wednesday cant wait :clap: Unfortunatley they are supporting Trivium
  12. Yeah :D So long as it's a Zinger. Not a fan bargain buckets of skanky wings n things :pukeright: And beans? [Cue my best Phil Kay "Garlic and Bread" impression] Chicken.... and beans?! WTF?! People rave on about their Gravy too, but to me it's tasteless brown water thickened with corn flour. Yeah defo agree with that. Sweaty old limp things they have the cheek to call a burger, but Cheeseburger, small fries and a small choc shake takes me back decades, so they're tasty for nostalgic reasons. Everything else, including that drain cleaner stuff they put in the 'Apple' pie, is rancid! Gonna have to call you into the office for that one :nono: BK is lush!! :D Well, the XL Bacon Double cheese is at least, imo. Proper flame grilled taste, but what is it with BK and their dry burgers??! You don't get any sauce in it, LOL! Soft drinks from all 3 are watered down tat and best avoided, but McDs have the best shakes, and there's always room for a choc donut :D Erm, yeah, if that's what we're supposed to be talking about, LOL! But being British, let's face it, we just fall in line like sheep and accept it. We still like to moan about it though, but are too defeatist / lazy to do anything about it :lol: We all secretly hope the truckers will kick off again, thereby saving us motorists the effort :D :lol: love it :D I would much rather a BK then a McD dont get me wrong but KFC all the way but have to agree with your view on the bucket :D The petrol at the shell garage I usaly go to is the same price as the diesel at £1.17 and thats the normal stuff the V-power is £1.22 :cuckoo: How can Deisel prices fall but petrol prices stay the same? are they not made from the same thing? :shrug:
  13. KFC = is the best McD = :pukeright: Burger King = :gag: Oh ya and petrol prices are stupidly high :( :mad2: :censored: :bad-words:
  14. Yep its a brake caliper allen key
  15. When I changed my suspension I used a 7mm allen key with a handle Like this Then used a socket ( cant remember what size ) and a pair of mole grips worked fine for me. If I could of I would of welded a bar to the socket to make things easyer but lack of a welder stopped that. 8)
  16. Sounds good Jim and even better news about have two C''s :D With regards to the scrappage I think in this case it is a justified reason and not just to get money off a new car 8)
  17. Swompy

    MFA display light

    Right thanks for that I've had the clocks out befor to install some shift lights so know how to do that :D Just need to get the bulb then Cheers
  18. On the way to work today the light that illuminates the MFA screen doesnt work any more :( The rest of the dials are all lit up just the MFA one isnt IS this just a case of replacing the bulb?
  19. Looks nice and clean :shock: Did the steeler want much for the parts for the rear beam?
  20. That'll be this bit of footage then... legendary! :salute: [youtube:2cgh42y1] [/youtube:2cgh42y1] No that was some games console style racing. Which is what we need more of. Bring back the turbo cars, and let the designer have free range on the cars look but cap the money they can use on each area of the car like ya much for power, ya much for areo and ya much for traction/handling (not to low so nothing can be done but not so high the bigger team can fund there way to the top) then we might see some interesting races. my 2p
  21. Well if Im honest that was boreing Bring on the BTCC in April :clap:
  22. Mine in the bushes :norty: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=Tewkesbury+Rd,+Cheltenham,+Gloucestershire+GL51,+United+Kingdom&sll=53.514185,-4.042969&sspn=13.320813,39.331055&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=FTQuGAMd1OLf_w&split=0&hq=&hnear=Tewkesbury+Rd,+Cheltenham,+Gloucestershire+GL51,+United+Kingdom&t=h&layer=c&cbll=51.917245,-2.106405&panoid=uc31xk-QHPcPDPGlHxtpfA&cbp=12,47.68,,3,2.69&ll=51.917379,-2.10518&spn=0,359.997599&z=19
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