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About totallyoriginal

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    '94 Aqua Blue VR6 198k & still running like a dream.....but about to SORN & restore

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  1. I've just got what I hope is a working cassette from Stevens, so will likely have 2 spare cassettes in various states. I'll know more in a week's time. If I do't need them then happy to strip them down to get the parts for remanufacture.
  2. Thanks, makes perfect sense.
  3. So, if the fault goes away when the unit warms up, it is hopefully a solder problem. Why would the mileage vary?
  4. Thanks for all the advice and a really helpful write up by Sean.
  5. Hi Jonnyo, did you get BBA to do the job for you? It's just that I have the same intermittant fault 00280 on mine. Feedback on BBA varies and the original company is being wound up so I'm hesitant........ Thanks
  6. Like so many, the N/S slider on my sunroof has snapped. Does anybody have a working cassette or did anything ever happen about getting somebody to re-manufacture? Alternatively, I am told that the sunroof repair kits for a Mk 3 Golf are still available from Germany. Are these usable? Part numbers are 1H0 898 019 & 020. Silly prices, but sometimes needs must..... Thanks
  7. Does anybody know the SPAL part number for the fan on the Diavia kit? My motor is fine but the plastic fan wheel is beginning to break and fould on the housing. Or, anybody have a spare fan? Thanks
  8. Hi The impeller on the blower motor is falling apart and fouling on the casing. Anybody know of either a new blower motor or complete a/c system for sale? Or somebody that may be good at repairing or re-manufacturing the impeller Thanks
  9. Hi, I'm looking for a drivers side window switch for a '94 VR6 Twin switch - drivers & passengers Part number 535 959 855 F Thanks, Keith
  10. Anybody got an offside wiper arm for a '94 VR6, to replace the one that sheared off on Friday! Looking for complete arm from splined drive. Thx
  11. Hi, do you have either a complete air filter box p/n 535 129 607E or a working sunroof. Both for a '94 VR6 Many thanks
  12. I had the same problem.....so I bought a used passenger seat and used that as a donor. The passenger seats are generally in much better condition than the drivers and the whole of the back of the seat is the same fabric as the bolster fabric. All you then need is a really good trimmer to remove the worn panel and stitch in a new one using the donor seat.
  13. Thanks fla - appreciate the advice. Is it necessay to fully remove the instument cluster & hence the speedo cable? - I'm told it can be a bit of a pain to refit? Thanks Keith
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