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Everything posted by Wastegate86

  1. oh dear ratta you're not making your own arches again :lol:
  2. http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/1971713.htm £8500 whats he been smoking! :shock: i do remember seeing the episode though....was rapid!
  3. fuses or relay?? seperate fuses for dipped and full......could be worth a check
  4. agree with Zombieland thought it was amazing! resident evil (3rd one) 8 / 10 great story and effects cant wait for the next one Hot tub time machine 9 / 10 funniest film iv seen this year :lol:
  5. have a similar problem main beam and full beam have stoped working so does a mk2 golf switch really work?? anything else worth checking?
  6. would like to see a pic of the back end as that tends to be the make or break part of any cabrio :camp:
  7. too fucking right! well unless they're stainless steel! pistonheads wheelwhores ebay forums .........all good places to keep an eye on for wheels picked up mine for £350 delivered off pistonheads :norty:
  8. crist!!! wasnt thats up for 10k about 6months ago?? BARGAIN! :nuts:
  9. Bloody hell dude you know your shit about fuel :shock:
  10. with high millage id be looking for: regular oil services head rebuild, crank rebuild + bolt replaced for VW upgraded part, gearbox rebuild, no serious rust, good solid paintwork with a good shine, charger history, and then lots of reciepts of things like brake lines,cv joints,clutch,wheel bearings..... depends how picky you want to be??
  11. you little bitch matt you totally forgot my G :nono: :lol:
  12. bloody gorgeous! :nuts: would loose the eye brow though if it were me
  13. far too high looking at those pics thats the problem with 15's......gota drop it to the floor to give it a good gap between the wheel and arch by the way the wheels are SEX!! :salute:
  14. Pics or it never happened :lol: you still having the car sprayed a different colour? whats it guna be??
  15. Hmmm thats odd im sure mine arn't et60 will have to check now when i get home :shrug:
  16. are you sure?? mine have a 35et standard
  17. 83bhp i recon :lol: get it on the rollers rob should b an interresting one???
  18. AMAZING! but then white is always the best colour :norty:
  19. it also says "Post a Pic Only".....wheres yours?? :lol:
  20. if you want more rado pics then worth looking on edition......theres bloody loads http://www.edition38.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=54870&st=0
  21. yeah should do as long as its a spline socket :D
  22. were they all corrado recaros??
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