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trendy tramp

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Everything posted by trendy tramp

  1. Icegeezer - top bloke, parts as described and even held parts aside for me whilst i was away. Cheers mate! tt
  2. cheers - he sold the car last night anyway 8) tt
  3. My mates warning light is permanently flashing on, but his coolant level and temps are fine. Told him to check the connections to the sensor on the header tank but no joy. Any quick pointers before I have a look? Cheers, tt
  4. found this New Corrado News looks like the Concept R ha been further developed but still has not been signed-off tt
  5. let's not forget PhatVR6's R32 powered Corrado 8) tt
  6. turbo + supercharge - pah! it'll never catch on :lol: tt
  7. a few things to add: you should specify ADIABATIC efficiency in terms of efficiency - a perfect adiabatic system is one which can change pressure without a corresponding increase in temperature. teh efficiency is dependant upon the incident angle of the incoming air to the angle of the cmpressor blades which changes with speed. the ovals you refer to are more commonly called efficiency islands teh surge line is only approximate - most manufacturers are slightly optimistic of the surge characteristics of their compressors - some worse than others (naming no names :wink: ). when the constant speed line starts to decrease as you move left from peak efficiency is the true start of surge. so you may be in surge sometimes without realising it. there are different types of surge. surge below a PR of about 2 is known as light surge and most OEMs will actually calibrate to move along the surge line, sometimes to the left of it as it is not damaging. moving further left or upwards or PR 2 will cause heavy surging which can damage the compressor wheel as supersonic pressure waves oscillate within the compressor wheel blades and splitter blades as it spins and flow breaks down. The ability to recover from surge is affected by the volume of the pre-compressor ducting - larger volume = longer surge period. surge is actually a cyclic process and the compressor will go in and out of surge several times a second - hence the associated noise. although you may be measuring a mean PR and mass flow well within the non-surge region of the map, the compressor's locus of operation could actually be dipping into and out of surge. most importantly, maps are gas stand tested and do not include the vehicle level intake pre/post compressor. The pre/post compressor geometrics can and will move the operating map away from it's measured map - 99% of the time for the worse. Usually the PR will reduce and/or the mass flow capability wil reduce - basically the map is squashed and hence performance is reduced. and let's not forget axial swirl into the compressor which can have the same effect or have a beneficial effect - depending upon the direction of the swirl and the compressor wheel design. the bottom left of the compressor map can also be extrapolated as this region can be entered under harsh tip-in (accel). the constant speed lines can also be extrapolated to PR=1 to determine the choke characteristics of the compressor. that's the basics on compressors - now how about turbines and matching :lol: tt
  8. yep - defo exhaust mate - mine was the same recently tt
  9. well the missus is definitely getting a C after Xmas - all very good except she'll want me to rebuild the engine, fix this, fix that etc. :( tt
  10. :lol: the C's gotta be more reliable than the Spunto though :roll: tt
  11. you may think a bad move.... but after 2 days she now wants to sell the Punto and buy a C 8) :D she's looking to buy after xmas now - that could throw me a lifeline to do work on my cars now :twisted: tt
  12. yeah rob blew it up showing off to ell's horny assistant !! :lol: :lol:[/quote:a8b8a] LOL :lol: tt
  13. i can vouch for that :) and then there's mine - it pi55ed it down at brunters every time i went out and it gripped and gripped and gripped. that's in a car where we've purposely moved weight from the front to the centre of the car to assist cornering. and it never had any tractions problems at all - and that's also with a std diff! Just a very stiff shell, no rubber, lowered engine and careful setting of the geometry tt
  14. still can't picture you mate :oops: terrible memory for people like that :roll: maybe i've supressed the memory to protect myself - must have been a terribly messy image :lol: tt
  15. side exit won't hurt the tyres Henny - so much turbulence from the rotating wheel there's no chance unless there's some freakish bodywork involved by the way, did i speak to you at brunters? didn't realise you were there and i was busy with the car and avoiding the rain most of the time tt
  16. the effect you are all talking about is the fuel drop-out temperature of air - the eact value of which i can't recall at the moment. this is the temperature at which fuel will drop out of the air and onto the intake walls as it cannot remain in a vapourised state. the level to which this effects your engine will of course depend upon the intake design - if you have a fuel injector mounted very close to the back of a valve spraying directly onto it then this should not be such a problem as the valve itself is quite warm and will assist in vapourising the fuel prior to it reaching the combustion chamber. however, an injector mounted a long distance from the valve, perhaps with some slight bend or curve in the runner, will exacerbate the problem - it's not such a problem with full load as larger droplets are usually better in terms of specific power output, but in terms of part load driveability it could cause problems. tt
  17. my old man's Cerbera's exhaust expands a few inches after he's been out nailing it :twisted: 2 inches sounds a lot for a C though :?: tt
  18. not VW but the guy who designed the G-lader charger [from the original concept all those decades before] and took the idea to VW, has since moved to Switzerland and I last heard was still developing the concept further with his own company. I would guess that it's the same guy... tt
  19. my old boss did a lot of the outsourced dyno development for the G60 engine at MIRA (he ran the cells there) and he never heard of the G80 tt
  20. you don't spray it INTO your intake system - it runs around it through a bulb in the intake or is sprayed onto the IC to reduce charge temps. OK if you suffer with high charge temps and high temp environments that you don't really get in the UK. It's a solution to a problem that it's best trying to prevent happening in the first place tt
  21. A while ago I bought my Corrado which has turned out to be the car from this poster campaign - The car is in reasonable condition and fully original - I've got most of the bits I need to tidy it up. The charger has no history but I've got another with only 2000 miles on it since a full rebuild and porting job. Any ideas how much it's worth? I'm considering selling because a) I don't want the hassle of looking after a car with a bit of history, and b) i've just got involved in another major project (a Corrado) and have to finish my dual charged racer (what a dilemma, eh? :lol: ) Any input would be most appreciated. Cheers, tt
  22. there's a new series borne out of the hot rods for these spaceframe monsters. all vauxhall red top engines RWD. good for 160mph+. the series is running around all major uk tracks and there are 3 or 4 corrados racing. there were a couple at the Autosport show this year. tt
  23. this monstrosity has moved a few doors down :( mod edit-pic thumbnailed for the benefit of dial-up users-vr6storm i have to look at it every day :( i think the burberry cap says it all tt
  24. there will be a mid-ngined supercharged vr6 mk 2 gti in the golf mag very soon :)
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