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Posts posted by john_wintle

  1. Paint work wise, it's just a sealant, that repells water nicely.


    the surface must be prpeared well before hand, removing any deposits or swirls that might be there, otherwise they are sealed in! This is the problem when you get it done at the main dealers as they probably give the poor old valetter about an hour to do the tratment to the whole car, so on the day when you ick it up it looks lovely, but on closer inspection it's not so great.


    Designed for that people that hate cleaning cars and on;y want to clean it occasionally, and when they do want to do it quickly and easily, or use a car wash!


    Can get a better result on the paintwork with other products.


    Good idea for inside the car, but sounds like Scotchguard and the like.



  2. The Hydra flexy blade is much better than the Turtle Wax one, and you should be able to get them at Inters no probs. The A/G ones and others that look the same, are the same cos they are the Hydra Flexi ones. You can also gert a 2-pack one now, which has a smaller 6-8" blade in it as well.


    If the blade is scratchine the car then you have not rinsed the car off well enough, or you have left some firt that you have not washed off in the first place.


    Have another cloth to hand when you use the clade, and wipe the blade after each stroke if you are worried about scratchine. TBH, you will scratch just as much if you use a leather if grit is still on the car, just that it will be a real pain to remove it from the leather.


    Use some of the new microfibre drying cloths instead of a leather as they are much better and softer as well.



  3. jedi,


    The GB is still on-going for a bit longer if you want to 'dive in'! :roll:


    The kit will certainly remove the haze that you currently have with your green paintwork, and a lot of the time I have found that this comes from using autoglym polish for some strange reason. Putting the wax on top of the cleaned paintwork will result in a brillient finish that you will be proud of.


    You will not really goin anything from using the autoglym plish after the paint cleaner, and in fact you will be wasting your time, as the polish, by it's very nature, will remove the oils that the paint cleaner is puting back into the paintwork and the laquer. So you will more than likely end up with hazy paintwork again......


    The Paint cleaner is designed to be used before a quality wax from the same range. It is therefore advisable to choose one of the waxes to be used afterwards.


    You will also benefit from using a Paint rubber (clay bar) before using the cleaner, to really make sure that the surface is really smoothe. This will make the later stages of the cleaning process much easier and quicker.


    Paint Cleaner fluid has a retail of £19.90 BTW on it's own, without any discount..... :wink:



  4. Guys and Gals,


    I am closing this GB as of end of play tomorrow (Good Friday).


    If you would still like some, please let me know ASAP.


    If payments are in progress, thanks, but if they are not, can you please make them otherwise you won't be considered, unless you talk REALLY nicely to me...



  5. What are the prices if 10 orders are not reached? Same as website?


    I'll 25 tubs of Divine Wax too :wink:


    No, the price will be my normal discounted price, but I have increased it for the GB. If qty not reached then it will go up a small amount.


    Don't do sampler packs either, as the price would be prohibitive.




    3 so far then, oh and 25 tubs of divine for Kev as well..... 8)

  6. I am also setting up a GB on a Heavy dity pump spray bottle, suitable for use with WW MC2 multi-purpoose cleaner and a wheel brush.


    This is on offer for £14 delivered


    There is also an extra special value offer now......5L MC2 + pump sprayer + wheel brush = £35 delivered.


    Please add you name to the thread if you are interested.



  7. Henny,


    The differences between the waxes are mainly down to the %carnauba content in each.


    Onyx is around 30% by volume, this is the standard wax product suitable for all cars.

    Saphir is around 40% by volume, and is classed as a premium wax for all paint types.

    Shield is around 40% by volume but also has PTFE added for ease of cleaning. Suitable for all colour/paints

    Concorso is around 48% mix of white and yellow carnauba, for that ultimate wet-look finish. Suitable for all colour/paints


    Most people last year went on the whole, and from this forum in the GB, for the Shield Wax and were extremely happy with the results that they achieved.



  8. Kevin,


    I agree with the Divine wax, it is not intended for us mear mortals, but if you had a Ferrari Enzo or something similar, it would not really be much money compared to the price of the car would it now?


    Look at the other end of the scale. The Onyx Wax at £39 retail. This will last you about 3 years probably or even longer, waxing once a month, so then the cost per wax is just over £1. Not that much really then is it, on a cost per wax basis.


    The prices in the GB above are not the wax prices, they are for a kit, the wax just being 1 items in it.


    BTW if you think Kirby are bad, you should see the one some ederly people I know bought.....will even paint the walls for you. Now THAT was a rip off, as it cannot pull the skin off a rice-pudding!



  9. Hi All,


    I am going to do a GB on the new Starter kits that we are now offering. :)


    These contain the same size and quality of products as the larger Entry kits, but without all the extra items that come with it.


    In the kit you will get:

      Wax of your choice
      Paint Cleaner Fluid
      Wax applicator pad
      Paint Cleaner applicator pad
      Micropolish Cloth
      Cooler Bag (to keep it all in)
      Additional: Car bath shampoo (not normally included) :D

    The choice of wax will be from:

      Shield (with PTFE)



    The Starter kit prices will be (retail):

      Onyx : £72.53 (£82.89)
      Saphir : £97.90 (£111.89)
      Shield : £107.53 (£122.89)
      Concorso : £141.65 (£161.89)

    (Please note delivery is NOT included in the above prices, but should be about £4)




    In order to do the above prices I would ideally need 10 people.

    Please express you interest in the normal manner in this thread.


    If you have any questions please email/PM me

  10. Hi all,


    I can get hold of some decent Microfiber drying cloths which are 16" x 16" square and seem to work really well, I am currently testing one out to check it....


    Price is looking to be about £6 each or 2 for £11 delivered UK rates, Eire will be a bit more....


    Payment methods will be cheque, bank transfer or PayPal (surcharge will apply). I will PM all with the details.


    I am looking to end this on Good Friday, so then I can get everything together and go ahead and make the purchase and send all out.


    If anyone is interested please add to the list in the normal manner.....



  11. Have a word with the local host, or the person that was frontinh the meet, to see if they might have any ideas as to the people that were around the car, or they might know someone that saw something.


    Not excuse for this type of behavior, obvious not an entusiast but just someone coming along to see what was going on and what was about........


    Just a thought,



  12. Using the MC2 from the recent Wax Wizard GB,


    Warm the engine for 10 mins and then switch off. Begin by misting Degreaser (If ordered) over the engine. Then spray MC2 (has a very orangey aroma) all over the top of the engine and to the underside of the bonnet.


    Once this has been done, lower bonnet but do nut shut fully. Now wash the car using a pressure washer to loosen all road dirt etc.


    Open bonnet and with the engine still switched off, pressure wash the engine bay and the underside of the bonnet. Now check to see if all grease and dirty black Cosmoline (transit paraffin based wax) has been removed. If required reapply MC2 and allow to soak in for a few minutes. Now pressure wash again. Be careful not to aim the pressure washer jet onto the intercooler or alarm housing!!!


    When done, restart engine but do not rev it, let it merely idle now until the coolant fan cuts in at least twice and then switch off again. Now using an old towel, mop up excess water from battery, air filter etc.


    If you have been supplied with Swift, mist this over the wet engine, in place of towel drying. This product will turn white when it meets water. Allow the engine to idle or take for a driven and the engine heat will allow the Swift to dry. Net result awesome finish. With a tissue soak up the odd puddle of Swift for a professional finish.


    Swift can be used for a variety of jobs by design. As it is water based and non silicone it will do the VW dashes a treat without the shiny glare of silicone based products. It will also clean door shuts etc., and well say the palstic sill tread plate etc. Merely mist onto the area and wipe with a cloth. It will give a dark finish (as its wet) but then dries to a naturally satin finish.


    Look out for a GB of Swift, if there is enough interest..



  13. LRP is not designed for performance cars, and anyway you don't need the lead substitute in your engine. LRP was mainly designed for those cars that couldn't be converted or use unleaded fuel, namely metros and the like.


    Stay well clear of it and use the 97/98 Octane stuff. You might get away with 95, some 16v's do, but most start to pink when using it.



  14. dinkus,


    T-cut and the like are paint cutting agents and therefore contain abrasives that shave a very thin layer of paint from the surface eash and evry time you use them. Just look at the cloth to see the amount of paint that has been taken off. :x


    The SWISSOL Paint Cleaner Fluid as well as the Zymol HD-Cleanse just contain natural paint cleaners and essential oils that clean the oxidation and debris from the paint surface, while at the same time feeding the paint to give it that wet-look shine. :D


    They are not cutting agents or polishes, just natural cleaners with essential oils. They are not dusty and leave the paint surface 'squeaky' cleaner, really! :wink:


    That is where they are majorly different from the off-the-shelf products that you can get most places.


    I have done a couple of dark metallic cars that the owners have just used A/G products on and the dark metallic blue, while being clean and shiny, had a lack of depth to it, and in fact looked cloudy, if that is the correct description. I used the Paint Cleaner fluid on one section and the difference was dramatic to say the least. There was no comparason in the two finished. 8)


    It was even more noticable under artifical light at a petrol station, where the two finishes looked very different. Suffice to say that he was then convinced and wanted me to do the rest of the car as it then looked crap compared to the new bit.........


    Lizzie, if the scratches are down to the primer paint then you will have to get them touched in or resprayed, maybe Chipsaway or similar. If they are just surface scratches, then then should be removable with the harsher Paint Cleaner Fluid Medium, which contains some abrasive extras, especially for this purpose.



  15. Bodywork wise, use a good quality product, preferably not an all-in-one, and wash regularly, especially the wheels, every week, wax monthly and it will stay looking great for ages.



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