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Everything posted by Bojmobile

  1. ok here's some pics of the VR with my new solitudes on and with Paul's (formerly VR6Paul) S4!
  2. Love that car - I think I'd shit my pants if I saw that in my rear-view mirror! Maybe you should audition it for the next Batman movie! "Holy active spoiler action Batman!" :batman:
  3. Yeah - I don't think it has a roof - when I first saw those pics they christened it the Carrerdo - as it was meant to be a cross between the Carrera GT and the Corrado.
  4. have you ever tried it in the backseat of a Corrado! The arm-rest is a total pain - but at least you have easy access to the medical kit if you do yourself a mischief! :shock:
  5. What about folk waving at her though? sorry couldn't resist it! :oops:
  6. I'm gonna get you round to do mine! That's amazing mate! Well done! :thumb right:
  7. Zippy - have you any other photos from a bit further back - I've been thinking about this but wanna see how it affects the look of the whole car.
  8. I always wave but some folk ain't as friendly as us! :(
  9. I hate the convertible with the roof up though! looks like a van - weird!
  10. agreed, but we are yet again caught by the goolies by suppliers :x aye and it's only gonna get worse as time goes on! :roll:
  11. Bojmobile

    Angel Eyes

    I didn't actually mean I would go for those exact ones - there are cheaper ones on ebay too - just wanted to know if they're any good - headlight adjustors?
  12. Bojmobile

    Angel Eyes

    I do quite like the style of the Angel Eyes though.
  13. Bojmobile

    Angel Eyes

    Hey guys - been thinking about going for lights like the ones below:- http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Angel-Eyes-HeadLi ... dZViewItem What are they like - are they really just plug and play to fit and would they be noticable brighter on a Corrado that's loom hasn't be uprated? Cheers Glenn
  14. I saw one yesterday in Salzburg airport - looks good up to the end of the door in my opinion - bit funky at the back but then all the CCs are like that - stupid name though!
  15. Don't roll your eyes at me boy!
  16. I'd agree with that!
  17. I have no Maplins near by and need some of these LEDS - can anyone help? Dom?
  18. Dark Burgundy by the sounds of it - my favourite Corrado colour! 8) does it look like:-
  19. Aye that's the one - guy rolled it a few weeks back - was ok except for a bit of claret that was gushing from his head.
  20. Hey guys, I live in a small coastal town on the West Coast of Scotland and it has a population of 12000. It used to be pretty much Corrado free! While back it was only really me and VR6Paul - but now they're everywhere and Paul sold his a while back - there's 5 regulars in the town to my knowledge! Is this unusual?
  21. That first picture says "Ausfahrt"! Fart! :lol: God I need to grow up! Nice photos! At least there was no crashed Corrados!
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