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Everything posted by Bojmobile

  1. ah the old "tell me whereabouts it is I'll take some pics." line! :lol: :wink:
  2. I wouldn't get an 8v - it's gotta be a 16v - and don't get too hung up on engine problems. If it breaks - it breaks - just get the nicest one you can for your money and insure you've got a few pennies spare in the event of something bad happening. You will not regret it. Good luck! Ps - I'm not dissing 8vs - but sometimes due to their rarity and that they were near the end of the run they can be quite expensive given their performance. In many cases the 8vs looked great - decked out in the finest Corrado trim as a selling incentive.
  3. Bojmobile


    as if by magic:- http://url.the-corrado.net/e964af
  4. Hery Furk'z - just noticed your avatar - have you seen? http://url.the-corrado.net/176ede Not Safe For Work!
  5. If the Corrado and Kevin Bacon had a son - it would be this car! Holy nostrils!
  6. Click below:- http://url.the-corrado.net/e964af
  7. Mine works on 1 and 4 - any ideas?
  8. Is that a common fault Supe?
  9. Think it's this part mate:- http://url.the-corrado.net/5f4876 and cheers for your comment! :thumbleft:
  10. I graduated from a valver to a VR and that made the Corrado experience even better - I loved the 16v but moving to the VR was mind blowing. I'd get an early 16v to experience the old styling - recessed bonnet and old interior then go for a VR in a year or two. Good luck! :thumb right:
  11. Yeah I totally agree - know way I'd keep my cool with flames all over the place! Bet there are complaints about it too - Clarkson keeps giving out the impression that he doesn't care what people think about what he says! He's getting more and more outspoken too!
  12. Yeah it cornered like the Starship Enterprise!
  13. That was ace - obviously set-up but hilarious!
  14. Caravan bit - hilarious - did anyone take a note of James May's supposed mobile no?
  15. Mine's the same - it works on 1 and 4 - think it's a fairly common fault. You can find new fan parts quite cheap on Ebay that should sort it. I'm sure this is covered somewhere on the forum though. Nice looking C by the way!
  16. My VR has developed a strange whistling noise today - any ideas? Only heard it when it was ticking over and was outside of the car!
  17. Bad crack mate - but could have been worse on both accounts - in some ways - you're a lucky boy - you might not feel it though! C seems to have come off best though!
  18. Really likin that! Cool idea - even have the recessed or bulging bonnet!
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