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Everything posted by dave_c

  1. Parcel monkey quoted £46, i usually use them. PF won with £20! Cheers everyone!
  2. This exhaust is 180cm long!
  3. Thanks I'll have a look later! I guess the only option is to replace it?
  4. Any one found a company that will ship an exhaust at a reasonable price? I seem to be getting silly quotes of £40-50!
  5. Still none the wiser! It's worked a few times now but still randomly stops! Loose connection? Broken wire? Where are the main bits I should look for?
  6. I fitted a new gauge cluster and now all of the mfa functions work! Spoiler still doesn't work automatically though! However, on the way home tonight (before I fitted the new gauges) it started working on it's own! It went up and down twice before failing to come back up again! Any ideas where the fault lies?
  7. I couldnt be further away really, I'm in Cornwall. Whats the postage address?
  8. It all looks good, no cracks just a few scuffs on the underside. How do you wanna do this?
  9. Ideal, I'll have a look this morning and let you know!
  10. Im not really sure if they are working correctly! I'll have a lite investigation and come back to you.
  11. Is there any way to check if mine are at fault? If I buy a new set and these are also duff then I'm none the wiser!
  12. All I have is a vacuum sensor on the back... unless its located behind the dials?
  13. I havent really looked close, but to me it looks perfect. Probs got some small scraps on the bottom. I'll get photos if you like?
  14. My active spoiler has never worked. It works off the switch but not at 45mph etc. My MPG gauge reads a constant 99.9MPG. The speed reading on the MFA display reads random numbers irrelevent of the actual speed the car is going. It seems to just read higher the longr I've been driving. Any ideas? I've tried searching but theres so much about the blue wire etc etc Is this speed sensor related? If so where is that?
  15. Didnt realise it was a vr6! you should be ok!
  16. The offset is a bit high, the tyres/wheels may catch on your suspension.
  17. Can I have some pics of the exhaust Rod? Does it have a black handbrake handle? david_caldaralo@hotmail.com (ps. I found some doorcards nearby)
  18. dave_c

    Dash illumination

    Ok, what switch? I had dash lights until yesterday, they went off when I took the cluster off to sort the temp gauge. I've never had heater lights since I got the car.
  19. dave_c

    Dash illumination

    Just to clarify I have indicator/battery/full beam lights just no backlighting!
  20. I have no lights on my dash at all, driving at night is very scary! Is there a fuse for the heater/speedo lights or are they likely to all be blown? What bulbs do they take and how do I get to the heater ones? I haven't had a look yet!
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