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Everything posted by Idlewillkill

  1. Thank you gents, would appear to have solved the issue with a new stalk. :)
  2. Yes mate,still interested in the Indies. Thought I was second in the queue for them though?
  3. Up/down seat lever (cracked at the very bottom, see photo) £5 posted? ;)
  4. Guys got an issue with my windshield wipers. If I flick the switch from intermittent to speed 1/2 in one movement, the fuse blows. However, if I take my time moving the switch through the positions, the fuse won't blow. Not the end of the world but its rather annoying. Any pointers? Many thanks in advance for any help.
  5. Ahhh ok, cheers man. Du power seem reasonably priced but their website ain't the best. Anybody have any experience with these guys? Again thanks for any help.
  6. Guys, where can I get the above please? Are my only options magnecor ect? Prices are a little off putting. Cheers for any help given :thumbleft:
  7. Second dibs on indicators please, should sale fall through :thumbleft:
  8. I generally sell stuff in batches, like 5-10 items at a time. The last few times I've done this I've had non payers on the odd item. Same problem as Jaded2882, waiting for fairly small amounts of dollar. Sorry, but if you're struggling to gather together a fiver or so, then you have failed at being an adult. Chavs have ruined eBay, and the internet in general IMHO.
  9. Grandad had a Scimitar when I was a nipper, can still remember the smell of the inside. Gorgeous, cool car. Hope you get one dude.
  10. Does this bolt on to a standard vr6 system in terms of bore size? If so I'll take it. Am fairly local so can collect if its easier?
  11. That would be awesome,besides its two more screws than mine lol. PayPal ok bud? Let me know. Thanks
  12. Thank you Mr Portent, will get onto that ASAP. :thumbleft: OK, so I have been doing stuff, just life has kinda got in the way. Have mainly started on the bodywork. No updates as yet, would rather do an epic, huge, boring all in one post on the subject. So, spent a good day cleaning out the interior as it was minging. Seriously filled up the vacuum with the amount of crap in there. Also the centre console was all crooked and not fitted properly so took it all out and now looks cracking again, plus the ashtray now opens! Anyway, some pictures for you. I have a cracked fog light and was kinda put off by the price of decent second hand items so got some cheap tint from eBay... Hasn't covered the crack all that well, was hoping for more, but its good quality gear and at least masks the problem somewhat. Also, had this kicking around for a while so got it fitted... Just needs some more leather treatment and will look rather sexy :thumbleft: ---------- Post added at 5:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 4:52 PM ---------- Other progress, thanks to a cracking guide somebody posted on here, got my headlights off and cleaned up. Totally a job worth doing if you have been thinking about it. OK, so here is one of the units... Note the part number sticker floating around in the bottom :lol: So with the surround off, here is the grimness... Also did the other one, but it was worse! Like dead creepy crawlies ect, which I doubt you guys would appreciate a picture of :lol: So also took the glass off, got the various bits of junk that were floating about in the units, put them back together and they look like this now... God awful pic, but they do look great. Finally, got super nerdy and painted various screws, nuts and clips on the slam panel, which is beginning to take shape now and looks like this... As I Say, not the most amazing update, but I'm generally quite happy with how its going so far All comments welcome.
  13. Took mine off, and it fell to pieces in my hands. For a 94 VR6 please, paypal waiting.
  14. Guys, was hoping to take mine apart today for some cleaning duties. They are currently on the kitchen table and I'm a little apprehensive about taking them apart. Is there a preferred technique to doing this? Really don't wanna damage the units as a couple of the fixings clips are looking very fragile. Cheers for any help guys.
  15. Brill, mine came with the black cap. All my previous VWs have had an issue with the caps. Infact last week I had buy a replacement blue version for my Golf. Im jinxed! Cheers for the help chaps.
  16. Cheers. Are there a choice of two caps, blue and black, like with a Golf/Scirocco by any chance?
  17. Guys, real quick one, is the seal supposed to stay on the tank instead of the cap like this on a VR6? Cheers.
  18. Doh! Sorry! That will teach me not to read the entire thread. :bonk: Still, count me in for a GB.
  19. Oh yes! I'd be very very interested in a set too please, depending on price. Thanks
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