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Everything posted by cptkirk

  1. Ive been away for a bit and ive kept a few hanging who have took there time to get parts for me..one of them being Rodmax... things are getting back on track so you will be seeing more on me on here
  2. after the da i used the megs 3 stage polish to get the paintwork back up..i will be polishing it again this weekend to get the colour out a little more
  3. just a da machine...used G3 paste but was very carfull thinking about changing the wheels for some 16's
  4. as far as im aware good corrados are going up in value
  5. swapped um over and the fronts are fine..ive now got the 215's on the rear and there rubbing on the suspension leg..apart from getting 205's or spacers..is there any other way around it??
  6. thats a price id snap up...could we sort some sort of post out
  7. looking over 60 in derv lol...how much you looking for it??
  8. with the 215/45s on the front its rubbing on speed bumps on the top of the arch..ill swap um over torrow and see what the crack is..its getting lowered by 30mm min so i wanna make sure its fine.. cheers again
  9. if any1 has any of those to ill have um..cheers
  10. wow..im crap at maths lol....its not that big of as problem if were looking at a few mph....ive found that the 215's rub on the front so hopefuly the 205's wont..will find out at weekend. cheers for you input m8
  11. dorr cards, trim under the steering wheel....
  12. how much for the drivers door, steering rack, all the engine sensors on the side of the block...maybe the full interior and trims and doorcards
  13. i need a steering rack and the sensors on the side of the block...o and a full interior and trims lol
  14. as abive plz..i need all the water sensors, oil temp sensor and the larger one on thew rocker
  15. i need a steering rack as mine is naffed...can collect cash waiting
  16. |^^^how much!!! only got this sytem because the old one was gone..it had been repaired at some point... i just cant understand how the large box would make the gases flow nicly...no lamba on mine eva?? thought it would have one
  17. ive now got 205's on the front not 215's still 45 profile...am i lookig at a small speedo difference or is it more than that
  18. hopefully the stainless system will last long tiime
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