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Everything posted by clumpy1

  1. I got my front and rear screen replaced on a previous car (New mini) at renewal time i changed insurance companies and as i am always honest with insurance companies told them about the screen replacement i was told they would only look to charging more if i had 4 or more screen's replaced in a year insurance companies i have also just received my renewal quote from adrian flux £500 one short phone call later after informing them i was a ccgb member blah blah £350 all mod's declared like for like replacement and agreed value they think you will just pay phoning them again on monday to see if we can get it down to £300:)
  2. Any thought's?[ATTACH=CONFIG]72777[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]72778[/ATTACH]
  3. Just look's like a TT with a silly bodykit :shrug:
  4. Never thought i'd say it but have to agree those wheel's :nono:
  5. I would ship anywhere mate would need your address detail's to find out shipping cost's if you pm me your address i will look into it James.
  6. Yeah it's ultimate dub's weekend so the forum may be a little quiet
  7. As post Excellent condition VR6 steering wheel £50 plus p&p[ATTACH=CONFIG]72754[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]72755[/ATTACH]
  8. Closing this thread due to starting new one with pic's
  9. There you go mate if Bryan say's it's a good place it must be just look at his thread (has helped me in the past when i have asked Q's) :thumbleft:
  10. Don't take this the wrong way but you were moaning about previous owner's of your car not doing thing's correctly/bodging and here you are talking about bodging a job if it is going to get done do it right mate i know how frustrating it can be when you want to get thing's sorted but you are asking for help on the wkend with the first big vw show of the season i'm sure if you asked nxt wkend you would get more replies/help.
  11. Stealth are in warwickshire CV472PT don't know how close that is to you mate i'm Scottish :lol:
  12. You could try Jabba mate but there are many conflicting view's some good some bad i have no experience with them everyone seem's to have good thing's to say about stealth but don't know how close they are to you.
  13. Such a shame after the work you have put into getting it looking sweet hopefully not to much of a fix i know the feeling mate i thought mine was dead after the brakes escapade i had but was very lucky just hope it is the same for you.
  14. Would have loved to have done a deal with either of the mk1's to be honest if your friend ever get's the itch i am so interested. I have toyed with the idea of getting mine done in bridge of weir but it would just be money down the drain in a mark1 no brainer.
  15. Thought it looked familiar with SLR bit's? What happened to the mark 1's? That Rallye has got to be one of the best looking car's i have seen EVER make's mine look nothing :salute::salute::salute::salute: you certainly are a dark horse Mr Arrow.
  16. Is the supercharged 20v the scirocco?
  17. Not sure if real some of it looks a bit questionable.
  18. From your pic's the body has come up well would have been better if you had a couple of before pic's for comparison but if it is on it's original paint
  19. Well spotted that man if i had been looking to buy this car and this information had been relayed it would have been a great help :salute:
  20. I'm sure that if the person you bought these off attempt's to sell anything else on here people will be wary of him i will just add the vast majority on here are good people it's just a shame you get the odd bad one as it may put off someone who is new to corrado's like yourself/myself.
  21. Compound oh i wish i could afford it have you seen the lotus exige that has better power to weight than a bugatti veyron mine wasn't very laggy as it was a hybrid t3 which spooled up pretty quick no where near as slow as a t4. That is an impressive back garage were you running standard power in the mk2 R32? and when you sat vr6 turbo corrado? golf? any pic's or link's ;)
  22. I will keep an eye out i am alway's chasing those elusive one's myself just missed a set of impul silouhette's :bad-words: don't think i have come across a set on a corrado such an awesome wheel so are the one's you are after wheel's make or break a car
  23. Is it his seat's in my car? thank's Michael how did you get on with those other bit's any joy?
  24. That's good to know from someone who has done the both as it was something you never said anything about in your build thread i know all about lag with a 330bhp cossie and now know what an R32 is like no lag i assume you get a fair bit of lag with a vrt i have not had the pleasure of either driving or being a passenger in a vrt but the sound of an R32 is so lovely especially when the vvt kick's in it remind's me of a 2.0 litre 16v twin 45 carbed nova i had a good few year's ago nice one kev.
  25. I wonder if anyone know's who's car this is seen it watching some corrado related video's on youtube registration is J55 SLC just wondering if it was anybody on the forum Jay renshaw's one was also in vid.
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