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  • Birthday 03/23/1985


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  1. Tidy job mate, looks great. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Looks tidy man. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. That was a fair panel repair on the quarter! Looks good though. Look forward to seeing more on this. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Was I speaking with you at glamis last year? I had the white corrado. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. So basically this is the stage I'm at. I'm still running standard injector's, standard fuel pump, standard clutch and I have no charge cooling. These are all thing's that I will obviously be upgrading, but for now i will try and map the car with what I have. My targets for the new year (after Christmas presents have been bought) are to firstly buy a set of injectors, as these will have an impact on the tune of the car, everything else will probably be installed when i have the fund's. Obviously I'll need some sort of charge cooling system before the boost can be increased, but as i do that I'll run out of fuel so I'll need an uprated fuel pump and then the clutch will start slipping and so on! Ha. Part of the fun I guess. Stole the wife's sieve! Made up some boost pipes to get me up the road.
  6. http://s1060.photobucket.com/user/gaz205t/media/raddo/Raddo_zpscer6avcv.mp4.html
  7. Car running on new management. http://s1060.photobucket.com/user/gaz205t/media/raddo/Raddo_zpscer6avcv.mp4.html
  8. Went through a few water and air temp sensor's, testing them for resistance and to see if they were the right thing for my ecu's configuration. In the end i got one's that were close enough. Thank's to Chaffe for letting me into his drawer's. 😉 Machined an adaptor to fit my coolant temp sensor for the M-tech v4 ecu in place of the second stage rad fan sensor in the water housing.
  9. Next thing to tackle was the engine management wiring. Done a bit of homework and had some advise from a couple mate's on the subject, so got to work. Pulled out the soldering iron, multimeter and ****top. There was a big use of spade terminal's till I knew it was right begore permanently soldering anything in. 😁
  10. Whipped off my inlet manifold to drill and tap then fit the barb's I machined. Boost gauge, ecu map sensor, fuel pressure regulator, brake servo vac line, manifold air temp and the idle control valve.
  11. Yeah I will be putting some sort of heat protection onto the oil feed as it travels across the exhaust manifold. Plus I'm going to try and retro fit the standard heat shield back over the manifold. I hear what your saying about using hard line but I don't really understand how running it along the bulkhead would work so well considering the engine moves? Thanks.
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