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love speed??? then what you need is a ford granada

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Suicide Jockey if ever I heard of 1. Must have been like driving a skip lorry at a tonne. Frightening to think what the anchors were like. No doubt some poor unsuspecting C Owner was “Blown” off the road in the process and lost their no claims and excess

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180, Bull shed....


So why was this car never mentioned as being a Lotus Carlton beater? That did close to 180mph and was the fastest production saloon at the time..... and it was twin-turbo'd!


3.0 NA + Auto + heavy old barge does not = 180mph! Cosworth are great engineers, but not *that* good!

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The lotus carlton was the only one with that kind of performance AFAIK.

This car MAY have been tweaked, but it would require twin turbos or redline at 10k rpm to get a Granada to 180mph...

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The vehicle comes complete with personal number plate. ( K97 BUH )


Huh? personal? WTF?!?


It's a shed! Cosworth only tweaked these engines, they didn't actually make 'em IIRC... The only way you'd get this to 180MPH is to attach it to a missile and press the fire button! :roll: :lol:

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May be the seller was aiming to beat this guy (found on the Darwin Awards site even if it was bogus!!)


Jet Assisted Take-Off

1995 Darwin Awards Winner

Confirmed Bogus by Darwin

The Arizona Highway Patrol were mystified when they came upon a pile of smoldering wreckage embedded in the side of a cliff rising above the road at the apex of a curve. The metal debris resembled the site of an airplane crash, but it turned out to be the vaporized remains of an automobile. The make of the vehicle was unidentifiable at the scene.


The folks in the lab finally figured out what it was, and pieced together the events that led up to its demise.


It seems that a former Air Force sergeant had somehow got hold of a JATO (Jet Assisted Take-Off) unit. JATO units are solid fuel rockets used to give heavy military transport airplanes an extra push for take-off from short airfields.


Dried desert lakebeds are the location of choice for breaking the world ground vehicle speed record. The sergeant took the JATO unit into the Arizona desert and found a long, straight stretch of road. He attached the JATO unit to his car, jumped in, accelerated to a high speed, and fired off the rocket.


The facts, as best as could be determined, are as follows:


The operator was driving a 1967 Chevy Impala. He ignited the JATO unit approximately 3.9 miles from the crash site. This was established by the location of a prominently scorched and melted strip of asphalt. The vehicle quickly reached a speed of between 250 and 300 mph and continued at that speed, under full power, for an additional 20-25 seconds. The soon-to-be pilot experienced G-forces usually reserved for dog-fighting F-14 jocks under full afterburners.


The Chevy remained on the straight highway for approximately 2.6 miles (15-20 seconds) before the driver applied the brakes, completely melting them, blowing the tires, and leaving thick rubber marks on the road surface. The vehicle then became airborne for an additional 1.3 miles, impacted the cliff face at a height of 125 feet, and left a blackened crater 3 feet deep in the rock.


Most of the driver's remains were not recovered; however, small fragments of bone, teeth, and hair were extracted from the crater, and fingernail and bone shards were removed from a piece of debris believed to be a portion of the steering wheel.


Ironically a still-legible bumper sticker was found, reading

"How do you like my driving? Dial 1-800-EAT-SHIT."

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Love that story.. fair play to the bloke though. What a way to go out!


Kept a 67 Chevy impala straight for 2.6 miles doing 250+ mph!! at least the guy could drive..


wonder what would of happened if he had european brakes :lol:

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this muppet speaks total and utter Bullshit.................the Scorpio Cosworth apart from only having 195 bhp IIRC was also automatic only..........can't seem to remember Ford having a Autobox capable of 150mph let alone 180mph

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Ive had a split new unregistered 2.4 v6 granada doing 135 mph on tradeplates but

we all know how poop ford speedos are,

failing that my 1.4S fiesta did 110,dont all sneeze as you all cant be alergic to bull$hit


afaik the speedos only go upto 150 and are probably limited to that anyway. :wink:

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this muppet speaks total and utter Bullshit.................the Scorpio Cosworth apart from only having 195 bhp IIRC was also automatic only..........can't seem to remember Ford having a Autobox capable of 150mph let alone 180mph


it used to be a major complaint that the autobox wouldnt sit at preset desired speed as the engines couldnt keep the speed up on hills ( kickdown or not!)



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