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Vince the Supergod strikes again...

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Just had to shout on here what we all already know - Vince at Stealth Racing is an absolute GOD. Not only does he really know his stuff but, as is not usual for people of that ilk, he is also very helpful and doesn't insist on making an unnecessary buck out of everybody who walks through the door. Example, yesterday I rang to ask him about a problem (Two detonating ISV dampers within a month). Response, a couple of suggestions and an invite to bring it down so he could look over it. Today I took it in, he did a diagnostic that brought up a couple of faults, messed about with it for an hour (that's a lot of picking about when you work at his speed), did another diagnostic (faults still present plus faster idle), reset ecu (we all know how), hey presto, VR runs better than ever. None of this is spectacular news so far. But... One-and-a-half hours labour, no parts = Free! Nada! No charge! Wouldn't even accept a drink. Now how many experts do you know with that sort of attitude? I don't know many.


This is simply the opposite of a rant. The man is excellent and I recommend him, his work and his attitude to anybody who has had their head stuck under a rock and doesn't already know about them.


There, anti-rant over :)

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Yep, dinkus, I did... but I must say I wouldn't have noticed it had I not looked after last week's thread/comment by jimsG60. Cool though, it's still there... Vince is also 'plugging' the Forum (He asked me if was on it while we were chatting about future plans, etc.) !

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Yep, dinkus, I did... but I must say I wouldn't have noticed it had I not looked after last week's thread/comment by jimsG60. Cool though, it's still there... Vince is also 'plugging' the Forum (He asked me if was on it while we were chatting about future plans, etc.) !


Ahh excellent stuff, he's spreading the good word then 8)

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I was only there on Thursday LicklePaulie - missed you by a day.


I got my CV joint done, a split in a fuel hose sorted (new hose!), and about 45 minutes of his and the rest of the teams time trying to work out (and successfuly identifying) the rattling exhaust problem I have.. in all my car was in for about 2 and a half hours and it still only came to a two digit bill including all parts. VW would probably have charged me £100 just to ding the bell at their service desk! ;) :D


As ever Vince is the man to see, and now they got their huge workload down a bit, they are somewhat more accessible than they were a few months back :)

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ive got to agree he is the "GOD" to us modding and standard guys


not only is he helpfully and knowledgable but one top man :D

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Dont suppose he will relocate up here by any chance?

Tell him Perthshire has the best quality of life in the UK according to national surveys.

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Dont suppose he will relocate up here by any chance?

Tell him Perthshire has the best quality of life in the UK according to national surveys.



well you always have the McVince......aka Jim Curley(star-Performance) in Kirkcaldy.........btw there is the Forum's 2nd RR-day coming up soon(halloween in fact) so that would be as good a time as any to meet yer fellow C-owners and see what Star-P have to offer........and of course you could always put yer C on the Rollers and found out how many horses you're keeping under the bonnet :wink:

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vr6storm said

well you always have the McVince......aka Jim Curley(star-Performance) in Kirkcaldy.........btw there is the Forum's 2nd RR-day coming up soon(halloween in fact) so that would be as good a time as any to meet yer fellow C-owners and see what Star-P have to offer........


Yes, sure - I know about Jim Curley's from here - I have not needed to go yet but he would be my first port of call for serious work. We should thank our lucky Stars he is near us!

Am bearing in mind meeting in Fife - will try and come. No RR, though, thanks.



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:lol: :rofl: 8)


That tickled me a little more than it probably should have done... :oops:

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