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Banana Man

Armour door plates?

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Does anyone know where you can get armour door plates for the rado from?? Loads of places do the golf mk2 ones but no one seems to do the rado ones!!


Anyone got any ideas??????

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Ill have a look for ya tonight Banana, do recall seeing one advertisement in VW Perf selling the though, just the one advert mind u

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Its for me....


Sadly I got done Sunday morning by the local scum!

Next door neighbours spotted them and rang the police. They came round pretty sharpish but were already gone.

I also got woken up at 6am with *bang bang bang* "OPEN UP, ITS THE POLICE!"


Yes, they do actually shout that.... lol


Passat handles + mech coming tomorrow (£30 the lot from VW+Audi breakers in Nottingham), but with the damage, I was hoping there would be a nice plate I could cover it with :)

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P.S. They didn't get in. 8)

The scum that is. I did let the police in. lol

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Shit happens. They tried to get in, and failed. Hopefully they won't bother trying again.


I'll pop round my alarm fitters at some point and quiz why someone wrenching out my door handle didn't even get a chirp out of the alarm!

No dual-proximity fitted (due to large population of cats that like warm bonnets) but a "bip bip bip* would have been nice.

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Sorry to hear that Andi. Glad that the turd bags didn't break in though mate.


Its no coincidence I sleep with my car on the street under my bedroom window - with the bedroom window open. If a fly lands on the bonnet of my car I can hear it!


I don't think the Clifford will repond until the door is actually opened or a window is put through and the pressure inside the car suddenly changes. My mate thought it was really funny rocking my little Saxo when it was parked up in the car park as the alarm still wouldn't go off - no tilt sensor, no dual zone = no alarm.

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alarms are sh1tt ive always seen my go off when theres no one abt,,,but never under attack from zee b1tches

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Yep, thats the problem, mine went off earlier and i thought the worst after reading this but i think its just very windy outside... only dont that once before when a lorry went past it on the street going way too fast but the problem is people just ignore car alarms now as there so used to faulty ones and when some bugger tries to break into it the fecking thing doesn't even go off!!

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Have you tried C and R Enterprises in Nottingham?


Yes, very helpful and understanding, but no idea of anywhere that makes Corrado ones.

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Have you tried C and R Enterprises in Nottingham?


Yes, very helpful and understanding, but no idea of anywhere that makes Corrado ones.


of course i'm sure Daves16v could possibly try out a prototype one(preferably a non-stainless but good quality)????? and exploit a nice little niche in the market

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of course i'm sure Daves16v could possibly try out a prototype one(preferably a non-stainless but good quality)????? and exploit a nice little niche in the market


Now there's a good idea... if I'm gonna be having the handle off to fit one of this handle fixing kits anyway, I might as well slap an armour panel in there too :)


And sorry to hear about that Andi, you do seem to get a lot of bad luck with eejits attacking your C :(


I really wish the feckers would just break the window. There's bugger all worth stealing in my car anyway and I get free glass replacement on my insurance.

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If there is enough interest then I'll look into it but in the mean time I'll continue to work on the handle repair kit.

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The problem with the corrado armour plates is that they'd have to be so thin that they'd be pretty much useless due to the design of the handle/mechanism... :( I haven't seen any for sale for years and the ones I did see were utter crap, pretty much only any good for hiding the damage once it's been done... :(

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