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Oh dear!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING this post may offent some people

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No one is going to disagree with you for having an opinion mate.


At the end of the day, you have to understand that a very very large majority of people on this forum are fans of the Corrado in its original state - sure, a few tweaks here don't go amiss such as nice alloy wheels, a bit of colour coding etc - and even when people do make a few body changes, even those often look good - BANANAMANS funky G60 for example.


Its just when it comes down to blatant nasty modifications like bolt on bloody spoilers (the Corrado HAS a spoiler - can the driver not see out of the rear window to notice this?) and the worst alloy wheels I have ever seen, then peoples opinion changes.


I'm afraid I am with everyone else - I think the car is awful. Japanese styling on a german car doesnt work.. case in point.

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what is wrong with people!! :x


no taste at all..


why not leave them gay facking crap spoilers to the saxo & jap boys!!! :p

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Have to agree with jimsG60 on this one - I'm not at all averse to a bit of ricing... It just really doesn't suit the SausageWagen. I have dabbled in both fields but imho oil and water do not mix. Leave the jet-fighter look to the Jap-mobiles, the lairy paint-jobs to the Californians and the plastic bolt-on bling to the Chavs and have-nots. We'll stick to our toned-down and subtle mods, thank you. Each to his own though...

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Sure i know what your saying about taste's !!

But there's lot's of thing's i dont like , but i dont go around boring people with the sh1t i hate !!!! :roll:

personally If this is the shape of thing's to come , why dont we have a section in member's motor's were everyone can come up with the perfect car , so we can stop this sh1t !!! :agrue:


And all follow the crowd !!! :?

(This is my fiver's worth ....you can keep yeh pennie's !!)

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Look - if you wanna mod your car in that way then fair enough. If a load of us old boring b*stards hate it them so much then so what? If you are saying that our opinion doesn't matter you if you style your car then why is it such a problem - style it how you want, and ignore what we say!


I'm all for everyone having an opinion, and thats all we are having - we aren't going to rip your head off or laugh at someone if they decide that, for example, this car is their idea of Corrado bliss! Just that for some of us its not, and we are just posting to say what we think.

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There's just to many of these , sort's of post's on this forum , that's all !

I'm sorry if i have affended you or anyone else , but i'm just looking in , as an outsider


What will they think about our topic's of interest ?? prior to owning or registering with the corrado scene ??

I've already heard people at show's , talk of the "corrado boy's" and i quote "There nice car's , it's just the nob's that own them" surely this sort of posting only reinforce's that ??


Anyway i apologise again :roll:

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And let's face it, those of us who DO mod our cars are TRYING to look different and to get a reaction from the crowd. Surely we don't need to debate the validity of debating our personal perception of somebody else's vision? I know that there are many on this Forum who don't like the fact that I've put a deep-grilled spoiler on my Corrado. I don't have issue with them, that is their own taste but mine is different. And I reserve their right to say "I don't much like the look of that" as much as I reserve my own right to say the same. It certainly doesn't mean I think we should all be driving round in an exact replica of my car (Perish the thought!), the whole idea is to create something that we feel improves on the original and (Heaven forbid) makes it more personal. The vehicle in question has doubtless had a lot of effort put into it but "I don't much like the look of that!"

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There's just to many of these , sort's of post's on this forum , that's all !

I'm sorry if i have affended you or anyone else , but i'm just looking in , as an outsider


What will they think about our topic's of interest ?? prior to owning or registering with the corrado scene ??

I've already heard people at show's , talk of the "corrado boy's" and i quote "There nice car's , it's just the nob's that own them" surely this sort of posting only reinforce's that ??


Anyway i apologise again :roll:


Fairs fair mate - I hope my post didn't come across as a rant as I am honestly trying to remain as impartial and in between as possible - and you don't have to apologise as, despite how it seems to come across, I am not trying to make my opinion be the only one that counts. I apologise if I came across that way.


This is the problem with the owners scene though - and it goes the whole way up and down from something like the McLaren owners club right down to the Micra Sporting Club - they will always look down at the group below them, and the group below will always look up at the group above as an arrogant bunch of sods. The Corrado isn't a particularly flashy or expensive car and 99% of the other owners I meet at shows are fine.. but the Corrado is just one of those cars that seems to attract older & more well off owners who can either lash thousands of pounds on them and tastefully modify them, or just leave them well alone.


I just think that in this case, I just personally feel that Corrado has crossed the line too far into the realm of badly modified cars - some styles suit the Corrado and some don't. I'm of the opinion that kinda lairy styling is best left to the Japanese cars and not German cars. A BMW wouldn't suit it, a Mercedes certainly wouldn't suit it, and whilst the Corrado perhaps doesn't deserve to be referred to in the same class as those cars, I still feel its German styling doesn't make it look particularly flattering with the bling and the body kit.

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It is indeed, each to their own. It's his car and his money to do with as he choose. The wheels, eyebrow, wing mirrors etc. IMHO don't look too good, but if he likes it, then good for him. The spoiler on the other hand, again IMO, doesn't fit the look of the car nor serve a purpose. The C already has one. Not a matter of slating, just one of incomprehension.



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not wanting to kick this off again, but IMO its about the image the corrado has. I think the majority of people on here would agree that the Corrado has a pretty good image with non-owners, as in, the uninformed masses dont see one and instantly think 'boy racer'. Thats because of the fact that for the most part, the styling is subtle and the drivers are as has already been said, genrally a little older and wiser.


The problem I have with this car is that to a casual observer its a blatent boy racer mobile and i for one dont want to be tarred with the same brush. One of the reasons I went for a C was because I like the more subtle understated look that tends to go with them, and I'd hate to see the trend swing away from that to OTT max-power styling. Remember Richard Hammonds comment in the top gear review? 'its the only 90's coupe you dont look like a prat getting out of' and i'd like it to stay that way!


that said....paint job looks good!

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I don't know what you're all moaning about - all this car needs is some nice seat covers


Do you have the GSF part number?? :lol:

:lol: :lol:

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Deleted *quadruple* post Steve!! (not Steve mac).


Sorry Tom but the forum has been awful latly, it freezes on me constantly and is getting practically unusable!

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all this car needs is some nice seat covers


Note the knee(crusher) bars, hence it must be a US-spec Rado :shock: Still doesn't explain the choice of seat covers :lol:


and I'd hate to see the trend swing away from that to OTT max-power styling


Exactly my concern as well, but alas that's the way it's already going with Rado prices now becoming affordable to the average boy-racer, just look through some of the VW rags and some of the feature cars. The rags tend to mostly go for spoilered up, sometimes 1000s of pounds spent on cars etc. to draw in a certain crowd, often the boy-racers. That's where the loop closes again.


Just my 2 pence,



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