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rear spoiler question

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Is anyone aware of a light sensor that works with the rear spoiler? Mine doesn't go up at night automatically, but is fine during the day! I know this sounds absolutly mad, but when I start the car in the dark, with no street lighting around it, it will not raise when I hit the magic 57MPH, but when I start the car during the day, or under a well lit area at night, the spoiler will go up when expected. I have checked this several times as I thought it was a coincidence, but every time gives the same result! Am I going mad, or is there a sensor in there I dont know about?

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I suspect it's more to do with whether you put the headlights on mate, nowt to do with the light levels outside....

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I'd just like to point out I'm NOT suggesting you go driving around in the dark with no lights on tonight to find out!!!

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I wonder if it's not related to your ICE. The infamous blue lead that passes on the speed info to the head unit is also used to drive the spoiler control circuit. Perhaps your head unit has a dimmed display based on the sidelights circuit? Perhaps it's pulling the speed cable down to earth but only when the sidelights are on?

Remove your head unit and see if it still happens (assuming it's on a pull-out cradle).

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I thought it was 45mph ish?


Some it's 45, some it's 57. Think it's an early car/late car difference.

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I thought it could be the lights, but have also set off in the day with them on, just to make sure - and it still works. I have 11 years experience as an electronics engineer, so I am sure I wll find out what is causing it. But all the testing and faults point to the weirdest things! T'is bloody queer tho'

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45mph for mine :wink:


as im only in to my 4th day of C ownership im always checking in the rear view cos i think its cool as fuck 8)


must remember to pay more attention to whats in front of me when im doing this though :lol:

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I still look back at the spoiler sometimes even after 2 years of ownership :oops:

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Worse: At shows like UVD you actually just keep it raised for show puposes, as the old saying goes "Spoilers up!"



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In my old valver (Boj) and I swear this is true - the spoiler only worked off the button - but when you filled the car up with petrol and immediately accelerated up past 45 it would raise. I even stopped the car and left the engine running then went up past 45 again and it wouldn't raise again! Weird. I swear to god that there's some kinda voodoo that controls the spoiler!

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