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***2005 CCC Calendars Now ON SALE***

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What would be wrong with putting together a UK calendar, rather than just a CCGB one?


Sure we could put together a great joint effort....

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If anyone wants to go ahead with this let me know. A Jct29 member is also a commercial printer and may be able to sort something out for fellow VW owners 8)

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Yes we talked about this but I thought general consencus was that it was better to wait and produce one next year rather than rushing something and ending up with a poor product because we tried to gather pictures, people, and get it all together in the last few weeks running up to xmas when everyone was exceptionally busy?

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How about setting up a sub-forum where people post photo's they'd like to see included in the calendar, one photo per thread and a yes/no vote. At the end of the year the top 12 photos get used (and maybe the next 10 runners up are used somehow too). Obviously there'd have to be some guidelines for the photos to make sure they're going to look good in print and not break any copywrite rules.

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Yes we talked about this but I thought general consencus was that it was better to wait and produce one next year rather than rushing something and ending up with a poor product because we tried to gather pictures, people, and get it all together in the last few weeks running up to xmas when everyone was exceptionally busy?


You have a point!

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Okay, I am willing to put this together for people FOR NEXT YEAR, it's far too late to do one this year. If people want to put up photos of theirs (or other peeps) Corrados that they would like to see included then I will offer to collate, print and distribute them. We can have voting on the photos that people want to have printed. I will print a list of prefered formats later.


Please make sure you have the permission of a) the person who took the photo and b) the person who's car you have taken it of. I will need these in writing as the time draws nearer.


I'll draw up some "rules" and a full proposal later this month when I've had time to do some costings.

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teddy ronals???

are them the ones in PVW??? if so ....... COOL!!!!!!!!-


Yup, them's the ones - work really well on an Arosa.

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teddy ronals???

are them the ones in PVW??? if so ....... COOL!!!!!!!!-


Yup, them's the ones - work really well on an Arosa.




me likey alot on the arosa!

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I received payment from Tom and Dom. Thanks! This money will fund our club so please buy one and support the CCC!

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Total: $28.80 CAD


Item/Product Name: 2005 CCC Calendar - Regular Shipping


Item/Product Number: 2005 CCC Calendar - Regular Shipping


Buyer: paul clarke


8) cheers zarman

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