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Remote start, is there a kit that does this?

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Get the clifford alarm which doesnt have it as standard, get it added, and just don't mention it to the insurance company. I don't think they'd check for THAT in the event of a theft or breakin!

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What's wrong with going out in your paisley dressing gown and Kermit slippers, starting it and then locking the doors with the spare key? That's what I do, but I've got Miss piggy slippers and a terry towelling DG though :lol:

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Yeah ok, in most circumstances you would never get found out for any minor discrepancy on your insurance in the event of a claim.


Trust me though, you cripple a pedestrian for life and if it's gonna cost your insurance company a fair bit of money, they *will* find an excuse not to pay.


Not even that extreme really ....... £x cost of going over an application form/crashed car vs £y cost of a claim on the policy of a few grand. What's gonna work out financially better for them?


Sorry - just looking on the dull side really. I know that fitting the remote start will never actually cause you any grief from an insurance point of view.

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i take it you haven`t got remote start??


i`ve always been too scared to start the car and lock it with the other key in case i cant open it etc.....


i might give it a go tomorrow, i`m off but i usually start at 6am and a warm car would be such a bonus!!!!!!!

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Nope, wouldn't have it either, unless it came from the factory with it. Using the key to open the door is better than entrusting it to flakey old Clifford IMO!

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What's wrong with going out in your paisley dressing gown and Kermit slippers, starting it and then locking the doors with the spare key? That's what I do, but I've got Miss piggy slippers and a terry towelling DG though :lol:


Cos with remote start, that time you spend finding your slippers and dressing gown can be better spent sleeping!! Might only be a min or two, but thats a lot of sleep over a year!!

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Yeah ok, in most circumstances you would never get found out for any minor discrepancy on your insurance in the event of a claim.


Trust me though, you cripple a pedestrian for life and if it's gonna cost your insurance company a fair bit of money, they *will* find an excuse not to pay.


Not even that extreme really ....... £x cost of going over an application form/crashed car vs £y cost of a claim on the policy of a few grand. What's gonna work out financially better for them?


Sorry - just looking on the dull side really. I know that fitting the remote start will never actually cause you any grief from an insurance point of view.


Oh I totally understand mate.. i'm totally honest when it comes to insurance and have (I think!) declared everything with Brentacre as i'd prefer not to be left the chance of not being paid out and possibly prosecuted in the event of an accident.


Just felt that, perhaps, remote start you sneak in without declaring - OR - you could have the alarm fitted under someone elses name, and then get them to fit that as well and plead ignorance when it comes to an insurance situation. A mate of mine got a Concept 500 alarm on his Renault and it wasn't till we got into the alarm using the Cliffnet Wizard that we could see what optional extras were installed - if he hadn't had access to that, he wouldn't have known!

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I'd it's bad to have your car ticking over from cold anyway. Much better for the car to get in it and drive it off. Not much more than a 'pub feature' in my opinion. It's certainly not environmently friendly and wouldn't do your MPG figures any good.


I also heard that it would invalidate the cat 1 status of an alarm. Having never fitted one though I can't be 100%.



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jedi-knight83, You pay all that money for your S3 and you still have to wait 5 mins before being warm :lol:

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just buy a house with a garage! :p :lol: 8) No cold morning starts for me, and it actually LOWERS my insurance quotes... 8) :p

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I'm now reaping the benefits of having my intellistart on the car =] Blip the keyfob in the general direction of the window and go out to a toasty warm car.

It's great for when i'm running a little late, as it means the oil's up to temp as soon as i jump in the car so i can scream off into the sunrise without fear of damaging my engine.


Everyones jealous too. heheh.

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You mean you trust your car to be where you left it parked without leaving it in gear?

Or does the remote-start automatically take it out of gear and waggle the gear-stick left->right to make sure, and then sit with the brakes on till you get in the car...?

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If that was directed at me, then neither :lol: How does Intellistart know when to stop cranking.....ie. how does it know the engine has fired and is running? Timer?


Would be good if the remote start did waggle the stick to check for neutral but unfortunately you have to go through some procedure before you get out and lock the car.

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You mean you trust your car to be where you left it parked without leaving it in gear?

Or does the remote-start automatically take it out of gear and waggle the gear-stick left->right to make sure, and then sit with the brakes on till you get in the car...?


huh :| :? dont you have a hand brake in yours then mat? there all the rage now a days.. you should get one

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Intellistart ensures that you go through a number of procedures in order to activate it. Simply put, its not possible to leave it in gear or with the handbrake off and set the alarm!

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You mean you trust your car to be where you left it parked without leaving it in gear?

Or does the remote-start automatically take it out of gear and waggle the gear-stick left->right to make sure, and then sit with the brakes on till you get in the car...?


huh :| :? dont you have a hand brake in yours then mat? there all the rage now a days.. you should get one


Modern technology such as this hasn't made it onto the VW product line.


I park on a hill. The hand brake is rubbish. 2+2 is 4.

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Okay lets not have a fight now....

I don't know if I dreamt this... but I was remember being told you could go to Ian Bannings (Guildford) and get an alarm system whereby you could set a timer as well as the alarm etc to start your car up at a certain time of the day (cold mornings) and let it run with the doors locked and steering locked/Immobolised etc and what have you. Shouldn't be too difficult as a friend of mine had a RX7 with a turbo timer which left the engine running for a certain amount of time and you couldn't open the doors or turn the wheel etc. It would be a system similar too that I would have thought no?

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surely you could fit a couple of micro switches to the shift mech to ensure its in neutral, a couple on top of the gear box and a couple inside on the lever just to be sure


if i where to have a remote starter i would probably use an infra red remote so i would have to be able to see the car to start it just in case anything did go wrong.


there are about 3 miles of 30 mph roads from my house before i get to the bypass and get to open her up so the engine is usually up to temp


when i went to visit my brother in canada i noticed a lot of cars with a large two pole connector on the front, when i asked him what it was he said its for an engine warmer as the temp get quite low out there some people leave the car plugged in and it keeps it nice and warm 8) some use a imersion heater style system with a flexible heater cable that you insert into the radiator and others use a heated water pump that keeps circulating warm coolant around the system 8)

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