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The Corrado Club UK...

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That was half my point though. It was aired at the AGM, so the members were more than likely in possession of most of the facts.


However, what about the potential members that have still only heard rumours and half of the facts? I'm not after any information, I'm just thinking from the club's perspective about what I'd do.

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How about, once the AGM is over and the 'new' committee is in place we have a round up issue of the Sprinter outlining EVERYTHING that has happend over the past 3 years.


Hopefully, that'll put an ended to all this confusion and stop the bickering.

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I think that would be a very good idea. It would hopefully mitigate some of the chinese whispers that are currently doing the rounds.

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It is amazing how many weak, greedy people are selected by apparently sensible people into positions of trust. (I have just renewed my subscription in the hope of a better future, though.)

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"Give us £15 (or £7.50) and we'll tell you what happened."


Now why didn't I think of that...

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"Give us £15 (or £7.50) and we'll tell you what happened."


Now why didn't I think of that...


:D ..

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It is amazing how many weak, greedy people are selected by apparently sensible people into positions of trust


I'm sure the committee will appreciate that.

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dont u lot get tired of bring up the same dirty time to time again


ive just come on here to thank the guys who turned up to my event last night and see this thread


if you dont want to be in the ccgb then dont be in it simple


ive already said what ive got to say in the past but its nice to see peoples attitudes on here never change (and then u wander why i never get involved with this forum anymore)


and as for the cf v's ccgb attitude well when uve got andi making smart arse comments and him being the creator fo this forum i cant see why people would think there is a problem can anyone on here tell :roll:


once this years agm is done things the members can decided what to do with the club hence why we put our £££ towards it its our club and needs our support not people bitching and screaming their heads off when they dont come round to do to do everything for them


and if u want to arguee about dedication who out of u lot would have sat through the rain last night marshalling a event so that everyone happy. if your answers yes then we want more people like u in the club


thats my 2p's worth and i couldnt give a shit if you lot flame me for it

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Thanks for generalising every single person who posted in this thread. This thread isn't pure CCGB bashing... its a discussion for people who support both side for f*cks sake.


I'm flipping fed up with this.. but I guess as long as the CCGB doesn't run an official forum of its own, the Corrado Forum is going to always be an overspill for discussion on the various problems, pro's, con's, events and other opinions on the CCGB.

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For Andi's sake, I think it might be a good idea... (he IS liable for slanderous comments after all...)

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dont do it for andi sake if people but the heads one the line then let them get whats coming to them i dont care if u lot flame me but i dont put myself in sutpid situations


im tired of the same shit like the rest of u but if people on the forum can get past it well then i just we all might aswell get to the point

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This whole thing seems quite depressing. Locking this thread up sounds good. Im am happy with both the C forum and CCGB and will continue to support both... got 10% off from my local VAG with my CCGB card this morning (first time at Finchley Road VAG) :D


BTW: anybody here have any back issues of the sprinter kicking around that they want to sell? I am missing quite a few. I tried the CCGB, bought a few but there were many I couldn't get, thanks.

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Hi Guys,

I don't generally post on the forum but keep up to date with things. I have watched this thread develop or should that be deteriorate into a complete lack of respect for CCGB, it's committee and members. I agree with everything Alex says and with a number of others who have attempted to defend the club with dignity. If you really want a merger between CCGB and CF you are going about it in the wrong way completely and judging by Andi's crass comments I doubt whether he wants that. As for what you got for your £15 last year I attended events at Stonor, Santa Pod, Bentwaters and E38 with the club where all members were welcome, and although we were lacking in Sprinters there were interim newsletters. Yes the club has had problems but I remain optimistic about it's future providing there are genuine enthusiasts who wish to get involved rather than hide behind an ID in a forum. So let's give you a challenge Andi to turn up at the AGM instead of washing your hair and be positive about moving forward. Bill '96 VR6 CCGB#1286

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Thanks Bill, I am going to lock this up for now as the AGM is only a couple of weeks away and I think any further discusion should be left until then...

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Alex, what you seem to be ignoring with your recent posts is that there is a LOT of very unhappy people who have been members of CCGB who want to know what is/has been going on and what's going to be done about it. This thread, admittedly, has got more than it's fair share of people bashing the club, but there's both view points in here, which is the whole point of a public forum... :)


You know I (for one) won't flame you (or pretty much anybody else) on a forum as it's pointless, gets nowhere and nothing is accomplished by it. Discussion and debate are the keys to getting anything done.


What does annoy me about your attitude is that you generalise about EVERYONE on this forum in your posts, when we have several thousand members, (many of who would benefit from some of your experience and knowledge) and who have no idea what is going on with CCGB, yet who you tar with the same brush as the very select few who seem to have a real problem (or have issues) with CCGB and how it is/has been run. That kinda makes you look like a hypocrit and doesn't do your online persona any good...


I appreciate that you do a lot for the scene with your meetings and that you put in a lot more than some other people do, but that still does not give you the right to generalise about the CF members in this way.


It'd be a sad day if any of our members (including you) decide that they don't want to come to the forum due to the general attitude on here, as this is still the friendliest and most helpful forum I've visited...


Sit down, chill out and have a think, my friend... Are you just p!ssed at a couple of people's comments, or do you really have issues with the 1000+ people who post on here regularly? :|

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Right, I've just been through this threads and done a quick post count... (yup, I'm bored! ;) :lol: )


Over the 8 pages of this thread there are:

  • 38 off topic / not applicable replies[/*:m:66021]
  • 28 genuine questions asked about CCGB or the forum[/*:m:66021]
  • 25.5 positive CCGB replies (why you should join, what IS being done etc)[/*:m:66021]
  • 15 negative CCGB replies (why you're not going to join again, "I only got one sprinter...", the website is STILL down etc)[/*:m:66021]
  • 6.5 posts which can be called "CCGB bashing" [/*:m:66021]
  • 2 CF bashing posts [/*:m:66021]
  • 2 anti generalisation/CF defence posts [/*:m:66021]
  • This reply [/*:m:66021]

(the half posts are from posts which start positive or with a question and then change tack half way through)


Hardly what I'd call a "bash-fest" or a witch-hunt of a thread.... :roll:


Lets hope this all gets settled to the members satisfaction (as that's what matters at the end of the day) at the AGM.


Personally, (and I know the rest of the mods are with me on this) I wish CCGB all the best of luck getting past the rocky time of the last couple of years and I hope that they can go on to pull the club onto the great things that it, and the hard work put in by most of its staff, deserve to achieve. 8)


I'll leave this thread here....

If anyone else has any issues with this thread, I suggest you actually sit and read it again in one hit. There's some bloody good info in here, some good suggestions and interesting comments (both positive and negative) that BOTH CCGB and The Corrado Forum can (and hopefully will) learn from.

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Actually Henny, if you or any other the other mods don't mind, I would actually like to reopen the thread so that people can see the analysis you've done?


I share the same thoughts as you - I didn't for one minute think of it as a thread full of criticism. I think it actually shows the ccgb in a better light in that they are taking things forward.


If anyone feels that this thread is best locked (particularly the thread-starter) then let me know.


If this turns into anything other than constructive comments, it will be closed immediately.

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Since I've been mentionned enough times in the past few posts I may as well make an appearance.

I have no problem with the CCGB.

I get on very well with John aka corozin but as a club member - I am disgruntled, and here's why:


My ideas are ignored or snubbed.

This forum was created as "The CCGB Online Forum". I received praise from CCGB members, but a threat of legal action from the committee as they were unhappy with ideas being on an open forum. I also received abusive emails telling me I had no idea what I was doing. At the time I was (and still am) a Moderator on the BBCi forums. That's a group of forums which receive 2000+ posts an hour. Yet I didn't have a clue about a Corrado Forum. Thanks.

So it became THE Corrado Forum, and on my merry way I went.


My help is taken, then slapped in my face.

I offered to become the Webmaster for the CCGB and started about revamping the then 3+ year old website maintained by Guy Hartley - WITH HIS HELP. I then start to receive more rude and abusive emails about how I'm not doing it right - why don't I do this - how come you got the job - from... a disgrunted web designer who didn't put his name forward. I was half-pushed, so he was hardly bothered. I thenrequested the domain is moved cheaply and securely to a new provider over and over again. Ignored. Domain lost. Cue more abusive emails to me. Thanks.


Resigned from the position - it was causing stress in my relationship at the time and affecting my sleep - all for a favour I was doing.


Then sent off my £15 to join the club as a normal member.

Sent off the next £15 too. Received 3 Sprinters in 2.5 years of membership. 2 lost in post. Requested more. Never turned up.


Ok, the club's had problems - I'm aware of this. Money is short - I'm aware of that too. But the club was very quiet over the last financial year and I receive a letter offering a discount of £7.50 on my next year's sub. Hardly inspiring stuff that wants me to send more is it? P.S. No stamp on the letter - had to pay the postman.


So that brings us to now.

The CCGB is suffering terribly from a communications break-down. You're not able to ask any questions or get any answers anymore. The club is not allowed to use the eGroup for discussions as it is against the T&Cs on Yahoo so that ends up being letters - cost money when sent to 600+ people, or the internet.


I can't believe they can be so disjointed from the 'net. You can go online on high streets, at work, school, library, and around 70+% of people have it in their homes. Yet we're stuck in a communications melt-down where no one can talk directly to someone in the know.


Which causes situations like this.

Agreed, the Internet is not a good place to voice personal opinions if you type in a colloquial manner - sarcasm is my downfall in that no-one else seems to get it online ;) I'm a right sarcastic bastard - but it can, and is, overly misconstrued.


Now I don't believe the CCGB creating their own forum is a viable option. Two Corrado-only forums will be a waste, and won't get us anywhere. However, I am more than happy to have a CCGB section on this site. They are welcome to a club-speak mini-forum - it can even be protected so only CCGB members can access it if required. Then Corrado owners can benefit from two resources in one place. Would certainly bring an end to CCGB v CF if they were both accessable from one site.


At the end of the day its not the committee or Server Admins that need to come out of this on top - its the Corrado owners who need to benefit from the experience and knowledge of others for our wonderful cars.


(and then u wander why i never get involved with this forum anymore)


So glad you enjoyed the recent group-buy on the Audioscape Sub Enclosure, Alex.

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ok talking to some people i though i would clever this with an apology to most, for generalising about forum members


my comments were aimed at certain individuals that don't actually require naming as it's obvious from the thread who they are


i hope this clears things up

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I'll second what Andi says, I spent many nights while this was all going on talking about the attitudes of the few affecting the many with Andi. At the end of the day, its IS down to a communications break down between the members and the committee.


I know many former members where VERY pissed off with the goings on of the former committee and I am still waiting for an in-depth report to what happened with all that money.


IT’S THE MEMBERS MONEY, not the committees. Sadly I was unable to attend AGMs being an overseas member, but I still should of received formal minutes of the AGM and its findings.


In my personal option all the members past and present that were members in the last 3-4 years should have been told every single thing with regards to the past problems.


There were three main reasons for me not rejoining this year.


1. Lack of renewal letter (very poor)

2. Sprinters were getting fewer (no reflection on editor, we should all do write ups) but if not sprinter, letters should of been sent out.

3. The present committee failed to update the members affected by the problems the club had.


So can someone tell me why I should pay my £15 to be ignored?


Now that i'm back in the UK I’d love to come to the AGM but since i’m not a member I can’t really. I just want answers.


When the CCGB is good it’s great but when is bad it’s really bad.


As far as i’m concerned it’s not CCGB bashing it fact, it happened, it’s the truth. From my own experiences as a member. And until such time that its rectified I see no reason to part with £15, which I would get far more enjoyment out of in loo roll at present. At least I’d be cleaning up poop!

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Hi Again Guys,

It seems now that everyone's had the chance to re-evaluate their comments and we've returned to sensible mode. As for Andi's suggestion I have to say it's a good one and my request still stands for him to attend the AGM and put this forward. At the end of the day if the member's want it then they'll vote for it and it will be carried even if the committee are not in favour. Let's just forget about what's gone before - get over it and take the club forward.


Bill CCGB#1286

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Andi, I think a "CCGB only" section on the forum will go a long way towards bringing everybody together. Excellent idea & hopefully you'll get the official backing of the club.

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Brilliant post Ghandi mate.


I must admit, I have no interest in the CCGB what so ever but I don't like seeing CF members falling out over something so trivial though....glad it's coming to an amicable conclusion.

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