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Phil K

Might have got caught speeding... A3 in Surrey crack down

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his morning on the way to work going down the A3 to London, I was in the outside lane going pretty quick and coming along side a 5 series. I noticed he had sudenly braked and further ahead there was a police volvo. I braked too and got my speed down but it may have been too late... they didn't pull me over but there was definately a wpc pointing something towards us.


I am wondering if this could have been a camera? if so it will mean I probably didn't get away with it.


And, to top this off on the way back this evening I was going a bit quick (slower than this morning) and as I came up to a bridge I noticed on a tripod over each lane what looked to be cameras... I couldn't see a police vehicle on the bridge so again can't be sure if they were cameras or not :?


I now feel really f'kin stoopid (and know that it's my own fault) I will be gutted if this comes to anything, will be driving slower from now on... any thoughts as to if either of these incidents will come to anything would be appreciated...


Cheers Phil

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Phil, if she was holding it and it was square (the mind boggles) it was likely to be a radar/laser gun. So if they didnt stop you your off scott free. :-P

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Storm, not always matey,,, u can still get a sh1tty letter thru the post


also if its the A3 in/out/around guildford area its most likely they got ya their pretty sh1t-hot on that road its where i got done,,, also the day i had to go to guildford court i saw 2 vans with cameras in it and on the way back saw some cops on a bride and on the side of the road with guns......all had ppl pulled over......i think they like this road to make some $$$$

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Oh well I just hate the lot of them. At Least you avatar brought a smile to my face this morning.

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Hmmm... just had a call from a mate to say they are out again in force this morning :roll:


Very slow journey to work for me I think...


Whats ANPR?

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I must admit to caning it down the stretch from the M25 down to Guildford on a regular basis :oops:

I can guess why there's been a crackdown though.......there's been four accidents on just that stretch of road in the last 2 weeks......2 of which I spent a long time queuing as a result.

The problem is usually the northbound stretch where the limit goes from 50 - 70 as you leave Guildford..........

Here's hoping I don't get a letter through the post soon :nono:

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Automatic Number Plate Recognition.. used to catch drivers with no tax, MOT, insurance, banned drivers, or just cars that they want to stop...

Used in the 'ring of steel' round the city of London whereby if a tagged car enters its flagged up and an armed response unit stops it v. quickly...


One thing it doesn't so.. is measure your speed

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I got my collar fealt on the A31 hogs back last August so they get up there as well! :mad:


Mind you did the job as I have to drive like a kitten now! :cry:


I still stand by the fact the reading on his VASCAR was wrong, an argument which cost me dearly! :(

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never worth fighting the law...


well didn't see as much action today.. HiAsAKite, really hope it was only ANPR then ;)


not seen too much action accross the hogs back recently but they can be very sneeky up there too :roll:

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Storm, pleasure


biggrim was bridge but actually bride sounds better


Phil K all the best mate,,, im sure it wont be has bad as u think

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Automatic Number Plate Recognition.. used to catch drivers with no tax, MOT, insurance, banned drivers, or just cars that they want to stop...

Used in the 'ring of steel' round the city of London whereby if a tagged car enters its flagged up and an armed response unit stops it v. quickly...


One thing it doesn't so.. is measure your speed

They're currently installing a very similar system in Leeds at the moment. All the Gantry's are in place - don't think the system's live yet though.

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