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i've had my best one upto now,yesterday i was in the front garden,puttin some petrol in the g60(ran out of juice on me drive :D) anyway shes just come back from bein painted an is lookin quite red an shiney,these 2 young lads walked past "WOAAAAAHHH!!!!is that a ferrari ?????" :lol:


they seemed to lose interest when i told them it was a vw :lol:

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Filled up with fuel at the garage this mornin, the bird at the till says "Ooh they're bringing out a new one of them aint they? (walsall accent) " I've always loved scirocco's, especially red ones."


Tried to explain but it fell on deaf ears... :roll:


Does this count as my 1st chuftie???


??? whats the diference between walsall accent and a brummie one ???

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Walsall is more "aye it", Birmingham more "int it"


Thats the best explanation i can give (without audio) to be fair.


(not from brum or walsall by the way just like to straighten that one out) :D


Cannock myself which prob isnt much better... :oops:

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guy parked his mobile wheel refurb van outside our house, and then started chattering away to my old man about my Rado that was parked on the drive :)


"if I could have any car, it would be a Corrado VR6" :D


my old man didn't even tell the guy it was mine, he spent 10 mins telling the guy how much he enjoyed it :lol:

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my old man didn't even tell the guy it was mine, he spent 10 mins telling the guy how much he enjoyed it





:lol: we'd have all done the same thing if we didnt own one ourselves

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too true mate :)



ironic thing is, he won't get in it, as he says its too low, so he can't get out 8)

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ironic thing is, he won't get in it, as he says its too low, so he can't get out



:lol: any excuse to stay in the drivers seat. He'll be wanting to drive it next.

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Some proper chufties this morning! Came out of a junction onto the A45 and the car was up to temp so gave it a bit of beans.. just enough to get the spoiler up. Noticed a black Ford Focus giving pursuit (well, trying) and we got to the next set of lights and he pulled in along side me. I looked over and there was a manically grinning guy next to me gesturing to wind down my window and he says:


"You're not thinking of selling your Corrado any time soon mate? Did you do it up yourself? I want to get one of these and yours looks really nice!"


I didn't know what to say but advised he checked out the forum etc - by then the lights had changed so I just wound up the window and set off on my way!


For an old girl with 170k on the clock, she sure can still make em look!


Proper chufties! :)

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Pulled into pub car park this morning after scaring the pants off mother who thinks that 40mph is too fast.......landlord was just opening doors and came out with his wife....was parked right next to doors as she doesnt like to walk too far......

he said to me " that's nice I've always wanted one of these.....since I was a boy racer......"

His wife said "why what is it?"

he replied "It's a GOLF with a different body!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"F**king T**t".....I thought.

Is this classed as a 'chuftie?'

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On my way to work this morning, pulled over to get a paper from some random corner shop in deepest darkest Huyton.


Getting back in and some lad walks past.. "Ey maaaate, daa's fuuckkkkin mint for an haaaaaich reg"


Oh. Er, ta mate.


My passenger asked me if I'd just copped off. :wink: :p

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after a match today as a ringer for Salisbury, one of my team got off the bus, saw my C and with jaw on the floor and finger jabbing the air


"is that a Corrado? Is it yours?"


"yup" (feeling a bit smug)


"I've always wanted one of those. You don't wanna swap it for an old Escort do you?"


No - you're right, I don't.

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just got back from pickin me g/f up from work,when i noticed this bloke wavin an givin me the thumbs up,anyway i wound me window down an he said "thats proper nice mate,ya don't see many that look as good as that round here,them wheels look proper mint"he told me how he likes his dubs an that his mates got a lhd g60 golf,so i gave him the guided tour,engine,interior :lol:

it took several mins for my head to go back down to normal size before i got on me way :D

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MOT tester was talking about his Golf GTI, then said "Doesn't look anywhere near as nice as this though!" 8)

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just got back from pickin me g/f up from work,when i noticed this bloke wavin an givin me the thumbs up,anyway i wound me window down an he said "thats proper nice mate,ya don't see many that look as good as that round here,them wheels look proper mint"he told me how he likes his dubs an that his mates got a lhd g60 golf,so i gave him the guided tour,engine,interior :lol:

it took several mins for my head to go back down to normal size before i got on me way :D


he was talking about ya girlfirend, then deterred to his golf to make sure u didnt get the hump lol

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Furk'z, :lol:


there was a car behind me @ the traffic lights 2day breakin his neck to try an find out what car it was "what the fuck is it?" i'm gettin right good @ lip readin :D

does anyone else look for peoples reactions when there drivin there C's?i get dissapointed when they don't react :lol:

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g60greeny, yeah mate, always look :lol: and I occasionally look at reflections...! "damn look at those lines!"


Sometimes the "what on earth is that" is brilliant, but it's best kept unknown rather than them thinking it's something else...


Going back last year, I went to some party with my missus at a pub (at the time) and pretty much everyone was there, i was driving so i didnt drink. Soon enough when the night is in full flow, the music went quiet and an announcement was made"


"Can the owner of the red scirocco please move their car as it's blocking someone"! B***ARDS!


I just sat there and the missus goes "Well go move it then" I just sat there going "Im not moving till he gets it right"


Did eventually go out and move it after.


It's not that I don't like scirrocos (Id kill for a mint mk1) but it's just Corrado sounds much cooler 8)

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does anyone else look for peoples reactions when there drivin there C's?i get dissapointed when they don't react :lol:


The first time I drove my Corrado I was convinced everyone was staring at the car,completely in awe of its greatness.Now,I'm used to driving around with nary a reaction.Re-assuringly,there's always someone who tells me "So and so loves your car,they think it's the best thing since Shanice's last album"..or something like that.I don't know why it matters,it just does.

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Driving home from work last Thursday along A4110 north from Hereford some one in a Corsa was right up behind me in the 40. Saw a little light in the rear view mirror - the passenger was taking a photo of my grubby G60! Gave them the thumbs up - 3 lads in the car crack up at this.


Had cambelt done at local VW garage yesterday. They collect and return the car (xpensive car wash - £145!). Saw the courtesy bus driver and the salesman looking at the car upon returning it - lad brings me the keys. Duly thank him for returning the car - he says that it's a really nice example and is brilliant - if I ever want to sell it to let him know!


Made up for two completely crap days at work to be honest! :angel:

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Had some MOT work done today and the guy at the garage said my C was just about the tidiest valver he'd worked on.

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Well got a nice chufty today from a VW dealership of all places...


Went in to pickup a couple of parts and the parts guy took one look at the parts sheet and said in broken English "Is it here, I can fit that for you if it is" I could see he just wanted to look at the car.... unless you get free fitting on all replacement expansion caps. He looked rather disapointed when I said no. If it was the crank bolt he'd offered to fit I might have dashed home to collect the car ;)


Then again it is VW so maybe not....

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When mine was parked outside my old work (which is on one of the main roads out of Stratford town centre),always had people nosing around it then come in asking "WHo's is that?" Had one old boy come in one day,actually shook my hand and said its nice to see young people driving them,and I'm glad to see that you've looked after it so well.lol.Mentioned to him thats it had had a repray and some smoothing and colour coding done and he was like "glad someones spending money on them!" Lol!


The best was when I was in my mk2 (which is away for winter :-( ) and some guy in a Blue 360 stopped his car after string at it for ages,came over and said how he thought it was the best looking Golf he'd ever seen!ANd asked if I wanted to sell it.I politely declined,it wasn't til later that my passenger pointed out that it was Ian F*KIN WRIGHT!!!!!!

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On my way to my parents for Sunday lunch today.. pulling up to some lights, and the raspy sound of a Porsche next to me.. I hear someone shouting at me and look over to see three asian lads in the sweet low black 911 next to me, ALL trying to hang out of the window and talk to me about the car!


One lad asked if I was selling it (he had the cash on him there and then! apparently!) as he wanted to strip it for bits (sale immediately abandoned) and then they asked about the mileage as it was in 'amazing condition' - I said 170,000 miles and the guy who asked about buying it said something along the lines of "Forkin hell!!" - then the lights changed and I trundled off!


Chuffed to get chufties from someone in a Porka! :)

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