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20 MPG for 2.0 16v????

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I've got a J reg 2.0 16v its done approximatley 106K and on average its achieving 300 miles more or less on the nose when just hitting the red on the fuel gauge. it has a capacity of 15.4 gallons .. thats proberbly about 22 mpg as i fill her up just on the red , is this good fuel consumption??

cheers guys!

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nooo, i'd say theirs something wrong their, sure someone will point u in the right way, what is the MFA mpg looking like?

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I'd get your emissions checked and make sure the car's set up right.

Might be running a bit rich.

Also might be worth getting the diagnostics interogated with VAG-COM.

Could be a dead or malfunctioning Lambda probe.

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"just hitting the red" means there's probably 3-4 gallons left in the tank. Which means 300 miles / 12 gallons is about 25mpg. Still not great, but can be explained by doing lots of short journeys or hooning it about at full throttle all the time..

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I can run mine under the red.

You need to fill it right up until the pump clicks off, run the car, then when you next fill it up, fill it until the pump clicks off, make a note of how much fuel you put in. Note the mileage both times you fill it up, and you can calculate your mpg from that.

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depends on the type of driving you do, long or short distance and if u have a heavy foot.


I drive about about 5 to 10 miles a day in my 1.8 16v and I get 26mpg and for the long distance over 50 miles I get 31 mpg

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Hmmm, that's not great consumption. On a long run in both my valvers used to get at least 36mpg and sometimes 40+! Around town, on way to work etc used to get at least 27.

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andyVR6, how did u get more than 32mpg on a long run ??


Is there something wrong with my c ?

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I calculated my new VR6 mpg using phil's method, I got 27mpg and that includes lots of heavy right foot, and many short trips. Im driving it a bit lighter now and the MFA is up to 30 mpg around town, which I think is superb.


When I fill up I can only get about 55 litres when the gauge is on the red line, must be a massive reserve in there! But then I guess all guages could be different.

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The reserve should be 10 litres / 2 gallons roughly...


The reason for it is that it is not good to go below the reserve reguarly as the fuel pump is under more strain lifting and you don't want to suck up any grit at the bottom of the tank - it also uses fuel for heat dispersion, lubrication and sound deadening.

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Unfortunately it's about as accurate as a chelsea supporter on the way home from the pub trying to p155 into a bottle in a force 9 gale.


The guage is a guide, at best. Plus the fact that it reads more when you brake than when you decelerate and that it reads more while the car is moving than when the tank settles and yada yada yada...


Don't assume anything. You know how big your tank is, so fill up when you hit the red. If you put more than 65 litres in you left it too long! :)

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NG, well, not every car is the same, and it would seem that the 1.8 is a little more thirsty than the 2.0, but not by much. Also, it obviously depends how you drive it- keeping it in low revs = better consumption.


31 mpg does seem very low for a valver on a 50 mile+ journey. I get better than that in my VR!


Sounds like something could be wrong. Any suggestions?

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wow ok I think we are all talking a different language in terms of MPG. I thought uk was in km too. anyway I am in US I get about 16 MPG, due to the way that I drive my corrado, and the fact that my O2 sensor is fried beyond belief. I get a new one tomorrow, Had to order the illegal california one, how many mpg should I be getting once I change it. MFA says 25 right now but I know that its messed up. The only thing that bothers me is that I get 33 MPG on the freeway. anyone?

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i would have to agree with Phil here in that the only true way to record an accurate value for MPG is top fill it up to the top, reset your miles counter and then drive as you normally would and when you fill up next time, fill to the top again. Record the amount you put into the tank and the number of miles travelled and work it out from there. I wouldnt trust the gauge on the dash to be honest !!!

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God knows how some of you regularly get more than 33 mpg. If I flip the MFA to 2 the average mpg is 27.4. With MFA on 1 a 15-20 journey I may see 32 mpg. I get on average 360 miles on a tank. That takes me just into the red. I only get 32-34mpg if I drive around like my gran. And thats not a good idea! :shock:

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Hmmm, that's not great consumption. On a long run in both my valvers used to get at least 36mpg and sometimes 40+! Around town, on way to work etc used to get at least 27.


I didnt even question my car when i saw i was getting about 27mpg. This includes 50% short runs and 50% motorway at 70mph. I just figured it was hungry. I agree with Paddy, that the only way to know you mpg is by topping up and resetting the trip; as my MFA said 25mpg, but my calcs say 27.


What are the expected urban and motorway target mpg's?


Im sure if i drove my car hard all the time it would drop to about 20mpg. As the car doesnt tend to pick up till after 5revs.

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