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What dont you get . . . .

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. . . . About the vw scene ??

Dont get me wrong , i'm not picking hole's . . . . i'll give you my example and you mite know what i mean ? :roll:


German look number plate's ?? :scratch:

Ok that's mine :wink:

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Because its a german made car.. if you drove an American car, surely you'd want to stick American style plates on it?


There isn't a lot I don't get about the VW scene - a lot of the styling choices seem to be what I like.. though I dont like exceptionally wide / deep wheels truth be told. And I dont think i'll ever quite understand the magic of those huge split rim BBS's that a lot of people drool over.. I just don't find em that attractive unless they have a slight dish on them.. and even then i'm still pretty indifferent ;)

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I dont get why there's so much hating of other cars manufacturers... it's like you buy a VW and can't then like anything else.


Sure, I love my rado, but since production stopped in 95 Japan has been producing better looking, cheaper and more reliable performance cars.


I went in a friends S2000 today.. WOW. 1-0 to Honda...

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old skool/or any wide rear rims on FWD cars :roll: :roll: .............911's etc have wide rims on the rear for a reason


M3 mirrors on VW's :roll:


plenty more but don't want to upset too many peeps :oops:

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old skool/or any wide rear rims on FWD cars :roll: :roll: .............911's etc have wide rims on the rear for a reason


M3 mirrors on VW's :roll:


plenty more but don't want to upset too many peeps :oops:


well said.. wide rims are needed for a reason...

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there is likes and dislikes.........but tbh i think its each to their own really


there are modded vw's i like the look of but i wouldnt want to own


dont really understand why some american guy takes his car to maybe 3 different companies who pimp the engine, interior and bodywork and then he takes the credit ??? wtf has he done apart from supplied the $$$ , he wasnt out in january freezin his nuts off fitting lupo wipers !!and then mags pat him on the back ??


scrape some knuckles - keep it real :-)

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German look number plate's ?? :scratch:


I got mine for two reasons: 1) I needed new plates and the German style ones were actually cheaper than GB plates would have been from 'round here, and 2) I liked the look of them on DazzyVR6's car - just something subtle and a bit different.


One thing I don't 'get' is the fitting of aftermarket parts that make the car look better but drive like a sack of spanners. I found 17s on my Corrado improved the looks no end but made the car feel awful on the road. My car, like many others, is a daily driver - function over form.

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old skool/or any wide rear rims on FWD cars :roll: :roll: .............911's etc have wide rims on the rear for a reason


M3 mirrors on VW's :roll:


plenty more but don't want to upset too many peeps :oops:


well said.. wide rims are needed for a reason...


Women don't need huge breasts, doesn't mean they don't look good though...

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Cor this is going to be an prevocative thread for arguments :D


I'm with Roddy, I don't get a lot of things about the VW scene.....but the ones that get on my goat the most are:-


9x16s or any rim that pokes out past the arch - Why do that? What's the benefit?


Bling lights - Cheapens the look of the car.


Dials - Again, cheapens the car. What's wrong with the standard ones?


Borbet As - They are disgusting wheels.


Geekiness about certain models - Storm, limited, Campaign etc etc. Who cares, they're the same bloomin car?!


That'll do for now..... 8)

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porsche stuff :? I think I'm missing something pretty obvious here.. but why do people want to put a load of porsche bits on their corrados?


Overly wide wheels - same as putting 20" wheels on a corsa... they don't fit, so stop trying!


I'm sure theres more, but thats all I can think of at the moment :)

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I'm not entirely against Porsche stuff on VWs as the two companies have a collaborative history. Porsche wheels and brakes look good on VWs 8)

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See, I can understand performance upgrades - it's a case of whatever does the job best. If it happens to be a set of Porshce brakes, then so be it. Similarly, things like James' 24v and TT dash transplant are freaking amazing. His C is the most modern one on the road, but he's still keeping all of the chassis and handling characteristics of a C.


The 'stylying' bits just baffle me though. Why stick a big body kit on a car that looks perfectly good anyway? You're getting no aerodynamic improvement from it. The one that confuses me the most is taking off number plates and lights from the bodywork. It just makes the car look odd.


I guess it's to look unique and if that's what you wanna do, then cool, but it just doesn't really float my boat. However, I can appreciate when a job has been well done, so top marks to the guys that do it.

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Wide wheels at the back for me too! Front wheel drive, what's the point! I know they look OK and very "Euro" but I'm not too sure about Audi handles? Another thing, why do people stretch very small tyres over wide wheels so their sidewall is all deformed, surely it can't be safe?

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Another thing, why do people stretch very small tyres over wide wheels so their sidewall is all deformed, surely it can't be safe?


People do it to get more arch clearance, not too sure about the safety asspect of it, allthou in most cases, the tyre is only stretched 1/2 inch more tham the recomended maximum for the tyre

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I disagree about Audi handles....it's a functional mod to replace the useless Corrado ones and they look great at the same time.


I hope A20_Lee doesn't take offense as his car pretty much has everything we've been slating, ooops!

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jeez if we all liked the same things ........how boring would that be ?? and ebay would love us all bidding on the same items :-)

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Thats just the way it goes.. we're all different, and Lee doesn't exactly need to feel offended by the comments in here.. his car is magazine featured, and most people who see it adore it. It is a stunning car to look at!


But we all have different tastes and opinions and I guess thats what makes the scene what it is :) I know not everyone is keen on my alloys for example, but I like em so nuts to what everyone else thinks ;)

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Exactly Jim. I know what I like and what I don't like, but if you like something else then that's cool, I'm not gonna tell you what to do.


I might tell you what I think, but hey nobody takes me seriously anyway :lol:

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I know not everyone is keen on my alloys for example


I love em :wink: Very OE looking, which is cool in my book.


I would be wearing 17" versions of the VR Speedos if they were available, but the RHs are a good subsitute 8)

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old skool/or any wide rear rims on FWD cars :roll: :roll: .............911's etc have wide rims on the rear for a reason


M3 mirrors on VW's :roll:


plenty more but don't want to upset too many peeps :oops:


well said.. wide rims are needed for a reason...


Women don't need huge breasts, doesn't mean they don't look good though...



sorry but more than a handful in the breast dept is a waste of flesh :twisted:

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old skool/or any wide rear rims on FWD cars :roll: :roll: .............911's etc have wide rims on the rear for a reason


M3 mirrors on VW's :roll:


plenty more but don't want to upset too many peeps :oops:


well said.. wide rims are needed for a reason...


Women don't need huge breasts, doesn't mean they don't look good though...



sorry but more than a handful in the breast dept is a waste of flesh :twisted:


But less then a handful and it ain't worth bothering!!

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