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Door adjustment

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Alright chaps,

My passenger door isn't sat squarly ie. the front edge catches on the front wing when it shuts. How easy are they to adjust?

Also, am i right in thinking that the rubber door protectors are just stuck on and can be removed easily?



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Yep to the second question, needs a bit of heat to remove all the glue residue though. Keep them to one side in case you decided to put them back as parts like that will be made obsolete before long.


And regarding the door, I had a similar prob on the drivers side and I put washers behind the hinges to push the door back a bit. There's probably a better way of doing but that did the trick at the time!

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Tell me about it, just started snowing here. It'll be done in a warm garage. I'll have to find something to take the weight off the door. Cheers for the help mate....

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Believe it or not there's a special VW tool for this!


My mate borrowed it from the stealers he works in and fixed my door.


It's basically a long bar with a couple of prongs on the end.

Shove the prongs into the lock mechanism in the door shut, then pull it up violently.

Cringed when I watched him do it, but worked a treat.

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MikeVR6, so it's a bit like shoving a jack under the door to bend the hinges up a little then? :? (only without the risk of bending the bottom of the door ;) )


Bet that IS scarey to watch when it's your car.... :|

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LOL...I've heard of that method before!


You ought to speak to someone that works in a dealer bodyshop then! I know someone that works for Mercedes and the amount of cars that arrive in the UK with misaligned panels, dents, scratches, wrong glass, hydraulic fluid splashes on them etc etc is unbelievable.

Unfortunately, a lot of people buy cars thinking they're new when they're already a had a respray, door jacking done, etc etc :x


GolfG60, it's best done with assistance mate (i.e. someone to hold the door whilst you adjust!).

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I did the same thing on mine - drivers door had sagged. What I did was to loosen the upper bolt and for the gap between the hinge and frame bracket I cut n-shaped shims and slid them in. Just meant I didnt take the door off completely and its something you can do yourself quite easily.



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Hi chaps, sorry to start this one up again!

I've only just got around to sorting this but cannot see where to fit these washers (or am i being thick?). My hinges appear to be welded to the doors and body of the car. How do i adjust this???

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