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CCGB News Letter/Sprinter

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The CCGB is not dead, Sprinter is not dead. You don't like it? Fine.. But there's a whole stack of people who do (and who happily pay their subs for it).


Back on-topic (Sprinter) I like the photography ideas though. Car features, bigger ones, is a nice idea. Everyone likes Corrados, and high quality photography of high quality Corrados comes pretty high on everyone's idea of a "good thing". Plus it has the nice side-benefit of providing a portfolio for a calendar or similar.


Its always nice to come home to find a new issue of Sprinter on the doormat :wink: . Thats important when people are considering whether to renew membership, there car could be in the next issue and they'd miss it. I agree with Blue 16V, CCGB should forget trying to provide a forum, its too late. Put the effort into a cracking bi-monthly or quaterly mag with loads of show reviews (lets face it theres enough shows now, i'll write articles myself if you like), members cars and coverage of local meetings. Realistically the mag needs the following:-



Regional Hosts to do a page/paragraph an issue,

Members cars, 1 or 2 per issue,

Couple of Show reviews

News + Stories

Couple of tech items.

Gallery of Members Cars

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I agreeA20 LEE, i would join if there was a decent mag every 3 months or so. Could be kept secret as to whats in it just so theres something different to look forward to than sitting at a computer, and you can't really write whole stories on here. As for articles theres plenty of members here to PM if their C looks interesting or whatever. I'v ealso got an idea for an article that i'd like to write...

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Printed media is so out of date.


I hope you've told all the VW magazines and WH Smiths about this . :roll:


I'll rephrase that especially for you, I was referring to Sprinter. Before the Internet like minded people of whatever sort / passion / interest; grouped themselves in the form of clubs and the communications tool was generally literature. The literature served to convey club information, disseminate specialist knowledge etc. Again my point is that this forum does negate the need for this. Most of the info in a magazine will already have been on the forum. I will say that when I was a member of the club I enjoyed the one or two copies that I got, despite getting through them in a matter of minutes.


For those who fell the need then its great, for me I fail to see the point. As for discounts if ask you usually get one. I regularly get 20% off at the stealer, just ring a couple. I got 20% of my Rad at Euro CP the other day.

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For those who fell the need then its great, for me I fail to see the point.


Fine, but the topic of this thread was "how to improve the sprinter mag" not "is it worth running the CCGB, cos storm seems to think it's a waste of time"... ;)

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Matt this thread has been all over the place. Read the 1st page and you'll see that. I'm entiled to my opinion, so dont take the mick or I'll start too.


Oh and take a look at the following it may be relevant to your 4300 + posts


may I remind you that Andi does accept donations for the upkeep of the CF (if you feel your £15 could be better spent).

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There's no point arguing with each other about all this over minor things - that doesn't achieve anything - this topic's about the CCGB and The Sprinter. I accept that some people don't bother with printed media (much) anymore - though I find it hard to believe that people never buy magazines and ONLY read articles on the web. It's all well and good having loads of information on a site like this but sometimes you can't find an article again that you know you've read, sometimes the site is down, occasionally my connection is down. Also, I work in IT and spend most of my working day looking at a monitor - then I spend another hour or two in front of the computer at home each day. For me, printed media will never be out of date and will always have a place.


Personally, I enjoy receiving the Sprinter however much or little is in it. Obviously content is down to whatever articles people can be bothered to provide - I'd like to provide one myself, but I don't honestly feel there's anything interesting I could write.


Not sure if this happens already, but perhaps there should be a fee paid for each printed article to make it worthwhile for people spending time writing them. I like the idea about high quality images of the cars, and then using a selection of these for a club calendar.


I don't think it's realistic to expect the mag to be produced anything more than quarterly - this is produced in peoples spare time, not by full time editorial staff. However, a one or two page plain text newsletter in between each mag wouldn't go amiss - could give a preview of forthcoming articles, events, or any important news.


As for donations to this forum, I believe that people like myself who don't post very much should be the ones that donate - people who post a lot (generally helpful and useful stuff) are the ones who shouldn't feel the need to donate, as without them the forum would be dead.

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Im not in the club,

the local dealer doesnt support its discount scheme

So I donate My £15 to here instead where I can access info as I like from other members of the forum,

However I would reconsider in the future if things would change in the future and contribute to the Club too.

Just a side thought,I wonder if gsf would give a forum discount if it was asked for ?


interesting times...



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Just a side thought,I wonder if gsf would give a forum discount if it was asked for ?


Yep, they do or if your a member of ClubGTi you will get 10% anyways

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Oh and take a look at the following it may be relevant to your 4300 + posts


may I remind you that Andi does accept donations for the upkeep of the CF (if you feel your £15 could be better spent).


Hehe, nothing like a personal dig to raise the game is there?


Anyway, I'll shut up now, since my personal opinion has been heard enough on this forum and ignored (quite rightly) in most cases.

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Just a side thought,I wonder if gsf would give a forum discount if it was asked for ?
Not so far as I'm aware - head office have not & will not grant discount to any forums. They will only grant discount to a few specific owners clubs.

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This thread has made interesting reading.......


I am a member of the CCGB & will be for the duration of my Corrado ownership. It is an organisation which must continue. As most of us are aware, there have been a few "bad eggs" in the basket over recent times & possibly still are.. :shock:


As for the Sprinter - I haven't recieved one in 12 months !! However, I am aware of the reasons & do not hold this against the CCGB.


I think the upcoming AGM will be very interesting & I strongly urge all members to attend. Non members can join on the day, so if you're not yet a member but would like to be - come along to the AGM.

Details - http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=20845


It's very easy to complain & whinge about what the club is or isn't doing. What are the complainants going to do about it - will they stand to be elected to the committee so that they can attemp to improve things ?? Will they contribute to the content of the Sprinter ??


Or will they continue letting somebody else do all the work so that they can remain in their "comfort zone" & continue to moan, whinge or pick fault?

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Nicely put Stevemac, stand up and be counted. Not shy of a little hard graft myself and will be there no-worries. Agee that the VWCCGB must continue but I guess the loyal long serving members who are feeling hard done by are not getting value for money and would like change, pronto. Some people are the way they are, "se la ville" :wink:

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That would be "C'est la vie" mate ;)


But yes.. all right. Throughout my time here i've always always supported the CCGB mostly due to the warm welcome I got from them when I first started out in Corrado ownership and began to panic when things started to break. The eGroup was my saviour and I felt like £15/year to be part of what really seemed like the 'official' club was a necessity.


As Steve said the club has been unfortunate in recent years, as members will know.. but hopefully the AGM in April will see a good turn out and a chance for the club to reinvent itself a bit for a year.. looking forward to it, even if I am radoless by that point. Will be my 4th AGM! :)

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Cheers Kieran (hope I've spelt that right)


One thing that the CGB does definitely need is for the commitee members to be named on the CCGB website, along with their responsibilities & contact email adresses. This would enable the wider CCGB membership to contact the individual committee members withy any ideas or constructive suggestions that they have.


I will raise this point at the AGM.

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Unfortunately, I have to agree with the good doctor's first post about this. The CF and CCGB are separate entities and should exist as such. Some cross-promotion of each other would be welcome and a good opportunity for some additional funding for CF. However, there is no need or likelihood that they will become one and the same.


As far as print goes, I think that there is a place for the Sprinter in printed form, but it has to change quite considerably to make it worthwhile. People should be paid for contributing to it, even if it's by giving them club merchandise, or a cheaper membership renewal next year. The magazine needs to be designed by a professional desinger and have some nice, high quality prints of properly photographed C's in it.


That's what you cant get on a forum and it's something that you can feel good about getting.


However, the CCGB does need a makeover as a whole. Committee members need to be more accessible to members and newsletters need to go out regularly to keep people informed and involved in the club.


I'm gonna be at the AGM and I'm gonna make my suggestions there. I'm more than willing to edit the Sprinter and/or get involved with the merchandising side of the CCGB, so we'll see what happens.

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Dinkus, why don't you take up the position of East Region Host for the CCGB when the post becomes available at the AGM?

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Cheers Kieran (hope I've spelt that right)


One thing that the CGB does definitely need is for the commitee members to be named on the CCGB website, along with their responsibilities & contact email adresses. This would enable the wider CCGB membership to contact the individual committee members withy any ideas or constructive suggestions that they have.


I will raise this point at the AGM.


I'm sure this will happen in due course Steve. All the Committee and regional hosts details are printed on a full page in the Sprinter, though the email contacts probably won't work any longer because of the change of name of the website. There are some contact phone numbers though if needed. There's also a list of areas that need regional hosts for those who'd like to put their money where their mouths are.

Generally only 5 to 6 % of members can be bothered to turn up at the AGM, be nice to see a few of the armchair warriors in the flesh.

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Should be a lively AGM.


But, please remember, while the lack of a sprinter may suggest the CCGB is relatively inactive can i assure you that this is far from the truth.


The committee are working very hard behind the scenes to get things sorted for 2005 and to put the club on good standing for the future. Please wait for the AGM to hear what we have done (and will be doing) before condeming us.


Thanks Jamie

CCGB Web site

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Should be a lively AGM.


But, please remember, while the lack of a sprinter may suggest the CCGB is relatively inactive can i assure you that this is far from the truth.


The committee are working very hard behind the scenes to get things sorted for 2005 and to put the club on good standing for the future. Please wait for the AGM to hear what we have done (and will be doing) before condeming us.


Thanks Jamie

CCGB Web site



But what about the members who can't make the AGM, a 2/300 mile round trip just too hear what the club is going to be doing differently this year is a bit much for some people. Its not fair too be classed as armchair warriors as in the post above yours does. Is that how the committee sees its members?


Will the club be sending out letters tellin members whats been decided, as this year the commuication from the club has been poor. 1 Sprinter, and 1 renewel agm letter.


This will be my 4th year in the corrado club if i renew which even at £7.50 i cannot decide if i will get value for money. Does not help that i live in Norwich which doesent really fall into any regional host area for local meetings.


Why Is there a dislike between the forum and the club? Too me it seems the club is the older generation of corrado owners while the forum seems too be more the younger generation. Would love too know why they cant all work together???????????

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Firstly, :lol: at the image of armchair warriors!! I have this vision of bearded old men going round in motorised armchairs smashing into each other. :lol:


Anyhoo. Regional CCGB host could be cool, I'd like to get involved in something! I'm keen to hear what is in store at the AGM, but I haven't had a renwal letter or anything. I only know about it because I'm on the e-group (and it was posted here too).


The CCGB and CF don't get on because when Andi set up the forum he got pretty much booted out of the CCGB and threatned with legal action. Tends to aggrevate people...

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I’m just going to quickly add my 2p's on here over a few pointers bought up


First off all CCGB IMO has and always will get my money as Ive meet some great people through it, which has saved me time and effort, nothing has ever matched the kind of welcome, knowledge, friendliness everyone has got and should get.


Sadly in the last year/two years the club has had some really bad setbacks but as mentioned I know all the committee are working very hard. I know how that feels running regional host in London for E1K its not easy when you have full time job and family commitments to keep, but people never understand and always expect things to be done prompt or want something to show for it, this so very hard to explain but is true.


I know the sprinter does have past event etc but that’s what printed material is all about also a lot of the corrado owners in the club don’t have internet access or are not on it all the time/didn’t attend events so its nice to read about these things. But myself included don’t write in about our cars god knows how many times ive been asked but its never been finished for me to do a write up.


Also the club isn’t full of politics its very relaxed even so more than this forum here guys cant wait for a chance to slat something off just because they want to or go on with useless information and I mainly put it down to being a younger crowd. This isn’t generalisation its just what ive picked up from following both groups.


In the club yes it older generation but you tend to see they stick with the car through thick and thin and tend to keep it standard on here you tend to find the younger lot that want to the most of the car but the min things start to go wrong they cant wait to get rid of it. Again isn’t generalisation its just what ive picked up from following both groups.


lastly the thing between CCGB and CF isnt down to being booted out its down to the way things where set up in the first place from what ive been told. What followed after that is down to the individuals and what steps they choose.


Personally I will be sending a £15 cheque instead of the £7.50 renewal for existing members as I think it’s worth every penny.

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I think I'd agree with most of your points Alex. TBH, I haven't had much experience with the CCGB, but the guys I have met seem alright.


I'm not entirely sure of the situation between CF (read Andi) and CCGB, but I do know they've came to blows a few times in the past and at best it'll be a case of a truce.


I have no problems with sending a renewal to the CCGB this year, especially if it's going to actually do something, but I am a little concerned about what happened to all the money from last year. Again, hopefully this will all be cleared up at the AGM.

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well i guess its down to which side of the story uve heard. like the saying is, there is two side to every story.


yes this AGM should be interesting as there will be other developments to talk about.


Perosnally the only way forward is see, is for this "stick to it and help" attitude the club had when i joined is carried through and its very hard to find this in people now-a-day :( .

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