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Cause of car accident?!

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Ok, so today I'm out on the R1 for the first time - roads are dry but salty and it's very cold. I do about 15 miles then turn around and head home. Back in the town I get to a long straight section of road. There's a bus pulled stopped to pick up passengers and two cars waiting behind it in front of me. To my left is a car waiting to pull out of a shop-front parking area so I leave a gap between myself and the car in front.


The (woman) driver of the car pulling out is looking at me as if she's waiting for me to tell her whether it's clear, so I stick a hand up to stop her pulling into the path of two oncoming cars. As the final car gets level with her I put my hand down to signal all clear after the car has passed. It's right in her line of sight so I assume she's seen it. She doesn't look left or right for anything and maintains eye contact with me whilst driving straight ahead into the rear quarter of the other car.


In a way I feel partially responsible but I have no idea how she didn't see the other car - it must have travelled past her as she hit it in the back. There very minor damage but I'm still shocked that such a dumb accident took place.


Your thoughts please.

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the highway codes states something like this--that you should not use signals or flash other road users for instructions has accidents like this can happen,,,been a long time so i dont kno exactly what it says but something like that

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Similar thing happened to me a few months back but I was in a car and because I had to slow down anyway I decided to try and help a woman out of a tight road to the right of me, I flashed to let her out and she hesitated for ages then nearly drove into an oncoming bike...


Not my fault and not yours either, regardless of other road users people need to have a basic road sense and be aware of all other traffic!

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*sigh*....I know it's not technically my fault but I was still gutted. All she had to do was open her eyes. It's still on my mind too - the sort of distraction I don't need with my PhD supervisor breathing down my neck for this research paper.


I'll remember this next time I try to help any other road users.

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Mate dont worry about it, no body was kiled and you clearly have better things to worry about than some sill women who cant drive! not your fault one bit, i would have pi55ed myself, but im just evil!

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It sounds like one of those moments where you just slap your forehead in disbelief of how stupid someone can be :roll:

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im not about to start slagging off ALL woman drivers as i know some very good ones, but when the woman drove into the back of me the other week i just couldnt understand why.

it was light traffic on a link road between two large roundabouts and i was stopped behind two cars that where also stationary i had my lights on and my foot on the brake and she just drove straight into the back of me without braking.

im not saying im a perfect driver and i have rear ended someone before but that was after he swerved into my lane while everyone was allready braking hard after a lorry clipped the armco barrier.

i have lost count of the number of women i have seen doing thier makeup in the mirror while tanking along the fast lane of the motorway

but i have also lost count of the number of reps driving beemers, vectras,or other rep-mobiles while using mobiles or shavers, and why dont people get stopped for smoking while driving ?

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I would have been in hysterics if I'd seen that....but it is Norwich though, so has a higher count of inbred dumb arses than you're average city....and I know that from experience....present company excluded of course.

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Def her fault, silly women drivers :D


Any time someone gives u help on the road you still have to use basic common sense and not rely on their guidance 100%. U just tried to do your helpful best, she just sounds like she isnt a very aware driver really, there's a lot of them as well!

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I've always maintained that women drivers are worse for this kind of thing by men than miles.. men tend to just have way more elaborate and expensive accidents like leaving roads at 70MPH and vanishing into a field etc.


I nearly had a woman driver wipe out my Corrado the other morning on a roundabout.. she went into the left lane which would either allow for 1st exit or left lane on the 2nd exit... I went into the middle lane to get past her (as she had been dawdling along for a mile or two) - my middle lane would account for 2nd lane on 2nd exit or 3rd exit.. so I start to catch up on her and am just approaching the rear quarter of her car as she cuts me up and proceeds round the round about in front of me and off onto the 3rd exit.. she started off in the left lane ffs!!


I was gobsmacked.


I don't wish to generalise all women drivers as I know there are plenty of good ones.. but the majority of women who just consider their cars to be 'utilities' and just potter about in them are dangerous.

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I would have been in hysterics if I'd seen that....but it is Norwich though, so has a higher count of inbred dumb arses than you're average city....and I know that from experience....present company excluded of course.


I actually live in a town about 14 miles north of Norwich...but your statement still holds!

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funny stuff!


I'll be killed for saying this... but my gf is terrible! She is learning at the moment V V V blonde gal, hair and mentally :lol: highlights how these things happen.

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My woman aint bad,but shes never had anything less than a GTi to own.


By all means act on other signals such as flashing lights and people waving you on,it does reassure you when you look for yourself as well.


its when you see these things going to happen and you think 'No FFS'


I spose you have to laugh when shes now what you made me do...


Not your fault,you were being a knight of the road...


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I had one yesterday. I pull onto a white spot roundabout having seen the old biddy in a 52 plate Polo. I notice that she doesn't appear to have backed off for this roundabout and will defo drive thru my door(LHD) if we both keep moving.

I stop dead on the roundabout and stare in disbelief. She clocks me at the last moment, anchours up and stops halfway onto the roundabout. Then waves me on like she is doing me a favour.

I think my ex-biker/6th/spidey sense saved me again. :D


Any way she follows me for about 10 miles on this country round. I am doing this chameleon thing to make sure she doesn't rear end me.



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