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a little advice ....... ?

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hey guys...


thats me had Scarlett for just over 2 weeks and unfortunately the list of things wrong is growing everyday!!! (not that i expected her to be perfect). all the big stuff seems to be ok, so far, but its little niggly, annoying things that are wrong.....


some things obviously need fixed before others... but heres a quick rundown anyway.....


central locking, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt... when it doesnt i cant get into the boot cos it wont open with the key.... most annoying.


sometimes have probs starting her, she has the push button ignition but the lights dont always come up on the dash to tell me when to hit the button, sometimes if u hit it anyway she starts, sometimes not. again, highly annoying....


internal electics seem to be in a mess, lots of lights on the dash dont work... neither does the cigarette lighter....


windsceen wipers are atrocious - is it true you can replace them with Lupo GTi ones????


have gone through 3 tyres in 2 and a half weeks, tho prob more to do with my driving????? lol


drivers seat is falling apart, the catch to put the seat forward has broken off so no one can get in the back from my side, and the knob for adjusting the seat has also fallen off and doesnt appear to want to go back on.....


wiring for the stereo is seriously dodgy... can only get 3 speakers working.... annoying....


and most importantly there appears to be no heating matrix in her, i can only presume its burst previously and had to be removed, the pipes that normally go in and out of the matrix are joined together with black tape under the bonnet......... quality!!!!


would appreciate any advice on whether any of these faults is just something we need to put up with in C's or if anyone has had a similar prob how or where theyve got it fixed..... Ta Much!!!



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quite a long list cant comment without looking and checking the components

looks like ignition switch re the dash lights.

You need auto electrician to check the car out, sounds like you got bad wiring and/or bad earths.

Is that 3 front or rear tyres? if its front it could be camber/tracking out of allignment or other suspension parts, bushes.mounts etc

is it standard or does it have lowering springs

Lupo wipers can fit, do a search as there is a big thread on this.

You may need new knob for seat as plastic may have fatigued on which it grips.

Is there no heating in the car? the heater matrix would cause puddle in car if it is bust, unless it is bypassed.

PM Biggrim he could give you details of Star garage who specialise in VW's and can look at it for you



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OK -


Central locking - check the pump in the boot, rear quarter behind the faschia panel. Is it "moaning" when you turn the key/push the fob? Also, they are prone to leaking from the tubes, so that might have something to do with it. I ended up buying a new alarm, riping the old lot out as it was the alarm causing the problem. Not to mention it going off at 2am. Grr.


Push start - not overly sure on that one, but it sounds like dodgy wiring from the button to the steering column. Auto-electrics are a beeeyatch, hire a professional :)


Lights on the dash maybe down to the bulbs, but check all the fuses on the right hand side of the dash under the pop out cover.


Windscreen wipers on the rado suck arse. Change them for the lupo wipers and arms (search for the post up top). Then you'll probably end up changing the wiper linkages as they wear stopping the blade making a decent contact on the wind screen. Lupo or not!


Get your balance/tracking sorted - sounds like they are waaaaaay off! Haven't seen you drive so can't comment on that!


Dirver seats can be repaired, but in all honesty you're better off scouring ebay and the forum for people selling complete interiors. I got mine for a reasonable price from Mr Henny, spruced things up nicely.


Stereo should be pretty easy to crack, search through a few posts on here for pointers.


ARRRRG - Heater matrix! Some people have managed to replace these without removing dash/half of car. Some haven't. There's shedloads of posts about them.


Basically - the golden rule... ...searching is your friend.


Hope that helps.


All the best


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scarlett, was it you that we met over in carlisle last saturday? you came to collect an aircon system from james? putting aside that little unfortunate episode since it was nothing to do with me... your car looked superb! easily one of the nicest looking C's I've seen in the metal. Dont dispair too much, most of the problems you're having sound like they can be fixed by an autoelectrican, tracking adjustment and a few second hand parts. If it was you in carlisle i'd definatly look into getting that seat repaired rather than getting a new one as they're hard to find in as good condition as yours seemed to be!

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that wissnae me in Carlisle.... but i am sure your right, have called an auto electrician whos gonna quote me on whats needed... might be getting new alloys tonite, so will get them all balanced up, especially as the 3 burst tyres have been on the front wheel.... and guess i am gonna end up searching for the other bits n pieces.... JOY!!!!


it dont matter, i still LOVE her!!!!!!!

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remember the tracking as well, and alignment....


/me re-reads post


BURST?! WTF? Check they arn't rubbing on anything in the arch!

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oh yeah, i should have realised, the lass we met was from wales somewhere! oh well...


make sure you get the 'tracking' done rather than just getting the wheels ballenced. tracking is to do with making sure both wheels are pointing in the right direction like this | | (if you imagine the lines are your front wheels!) and not toeing in like this / \ or toeing out like this \ /. if they're toeing in or out you'll get major tyre wear.


part of the fun is finding the bits you need, its like those trading cards you had as i kid...got...got...need...swap...got...swap ;)

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its like those trading cards you had as i kid...got...got...need...swap...got...swap ;)


lmfao, like it.

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good point bout the tracking - should have known that!!!


just cant wait to get it all sorted you know... roll on the cruisin in the summer!!!!

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