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The "what I did to my Corrado today" thread...

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got this far. Pretty sure I can finish it tomorrow. Have lost a small bit from a screwdriver set and can't find it. Am hoping it didn't fall into the Inlet openings when manifold was off. Looked everywhere for it. Might be sat on fuel injector rail. Feck knows. Also jacked the car up with bonnet open and wedged it into the garage door above. So scraped the bonnet.

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just finished. Got to fill fluids and test gear box. If it's ok am going to put new oil in it. Bought the oil to go in last gearbox but never got round to it.

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Had my VR6 (previously owned by Veedubhev) on a 3,500 mile road trip to Europe, (including 4 laps on the Nordschleife!) and got back home to Ireland at the weekend. 'Discovered' a new way of driving it to save fuel ("pulse and Glide"). Filled her up with cheap petrol in Luxembourg, drove all the way to Cherbourg, and home to Dublin from the port in Rosslare (south-east of Ireland). There's 580 miles done on the tank, and probably still about 40 miles left in the tank, and the MFA shows 47.7mpg so far for that tank! And that's driving average 60mph where road conditions permitted. And with a payload of about 250kg of stuff! I'll post the true mpg when I finally fill up the tank again.

Edited by DSLDave

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Took it out of "winter hibernation", gave it a good scrub, polish, wax, and took it for a spin - gona be the daily for a while now I guess, while the Passat V6 gets some rest.....lol :)

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  Jim Bowen said:


got this far. Pretty sure I can finish it tomorrow. Have lost a small bit from a screwdriver set and can't find it. Am hoping it didn't fall into the Inlet openings when manifold was off. Looked everywhere for it. Might be sat on fuel injector rail. Feck knows. Also jacked the car up with bonnet open and wedged it into the garage door above. So scraped the bonnet.


Did you find the screw driver bit? been there myself it's a nightmare !

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Nah, its still not turned up, cleaned the garage and swept up and still not found it. Engine works so isn't inside there.


I reckon its sat on top of the fuel rail or somewhere like that.

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690 miles (1106km) from 1 fillup! Update on my 'VR6 economy tank'. This is NOT A JOKE, and NOT A MISTAKE !!! Today I filled the VR6, after she started to splutter a bit with 689.8 miles on the tank. I cut the engine, popped in a can of 5.0 litres which I had with me, and took her a mile down the road to fill her up proper. The MFA read 47.6mpg for the total miles driven on that tank, but after filling her, the calculation gave a 'true' mpg of 45.3mpg. The journey was: Filled up in Luxembourg City on 16th April (normal unleaded 95 petrol), drove across France, around Paris, up to Cherbourg, then from Rosslare up to Dublin, and another 90 miles around home until I had to fill her up this morning. It was mostly long journey driving on motorways and decent country roads at average 60mph, and some sluggish driving around and through towns. I drove the whole tank using the 'pulse and glide' hypermiling technique, and didnt floor the throttle at all! This has created a brand new challenge for me now - to get 700 miles from a fill in a VR6!

Edited by DSLDave

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  Jim Bowen said:
Are you sure you haven't forgotten you filled up somewhere inbetween?


Are you asking me seriously, like you don't believe me? LOL! If you look at it for a moment its not that hard to beleive. Remember I started with a full tank, and drove til it was empty. It gave me 45mpg using super-economical 'pulse and glide' driving (but never turning the engine off while driving - very dangerous!). I've got 40mpg before on a long journey doing steady 50mph just for the sake of research! 50mph steady speed is MUCH MUCH more tedious than 60mph pulse and glide, believe me!


If you're MFA works, you should give it a try on some journey just to see the results for yourself. Just remember you won't be maximising your mpg til your engine has warmed up. I reckon you save 20-25% fuel compared to driving at the same constant speed. I only tried this stuff out for the first time 2 weeks ago and I was amazed! I had to do a 3,500 mile round trip, and I thought for a moment how much fuel that was going to burn, so I decided to experiment with this technique.

Edited by DSLDave

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And by the way Jim, I dont always drive my VR6 like a granny! I had the privelege 2 weeks ago of being able to take it for a few laps of the Nurburgring Nordschleife (first, but hopefully not last, time), and the MFA told me it did 16mpg!! Allowing for MFA error that was probably really 14 or 15mpg! I thought that doing it would satisfy me, and I'd be content that I'd been there done that. But now I just want to do it again even more!! Cheers.

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Thursday night new front top mounts fitted (much thicker than the ones that came out- so well needed). Now a clean and ready for mot! Fingers crossed!

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Pulse and Glide is just a method of driving where you choose a speed you'd like to drive at, say 60mph or 75mph, or whatever, and instead of just driving steady at that speed, you drive in a series of 'pulses' where you accelerate gently to a speed above your target (I ususally go to 10kmh above target) and then shift to neutral and let the car glide (free-wheel) to a speed below your target (I let it go to 10kmh below target), then you shift to 5th gear and accelerate back up to your above-target speed and repeat the cycle. If I am doing it, I use it on flat and downhill stretches of road, and when climbing hills I just use the power to stay at constant speed as in normal driving. It works well on long journeys on relatively quiet roads. Definitely not a good idea where you have vehicles behind you getting frustrated at your wavering speed. Last week on an 80mile round trip the MFA read 50mpg over the whole journey. That was on country roads with a 50mph speed limit, so the slower driving was more fuel efficient than if I was driving 60 or 70mph. It might sound tediouos, but I was surprised to find that I found long 300-400 mile journeys less monotonous driving this way than if I was driving 'normally'!

Edited by DSLDave

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  DSLDave said:
Pulse and Glide is just a method of driving where you choose a speed you'd like to drive at, say 60mph or 75mph, or whatever, and instead of just driving steady at that speed, you drive in a series of 'pulses' where you accelerate gently to a speed above your target (I ususally go to 10kmh above target) and then shift to neutral and let the car glide (free-wheel) to a speed below your target (I let it go to 10kmh below target), then you shift to 5th gear and accelerate back up to your above-target speed and repeat the cycle. If I am doing it, I use it on flat and downhill stretches of road, and when climbing hills I just use the power to stay at constant speed as in normal driving. It works well on long journeys on relatively quiet roads. Definitely not a good idea where you have vehicles behind you getting frustrated at your wavering speed. Last week on an 80mile round trip the MFA read 50mpg over the whole journey. That was on country roads with a 50mph speed limit, so the slower driving was more fuel efficient than if I was driving 60 or 70mph. It might sound tediouos, but I was surprised to find that I found long 300-400 mile journeys less monotonous driving this way than if I was driving 'normally'!


My husband and I used to drive his old diesel Audi A4 like this and compete to see who could get the highest MPG (photographic evidence was required). My C is an automatic the best I've had is 31Mpg oddly enough when I've done the 20mile trip to work and managed 80mph most of the way.


Most days I average 27-29mpg driving at 60mph max. I wish I had a clutch :D



The girl had a wash and polish today after I unblocked the drain hole behind the petrol flap. I noticed this was an issue Thursday and then had a leaky sunroof Friday. I'm hoping the two and their joint occurrence are connected (please tell me the rear right sunroof drain joins the filler cap drain?)


My sunroof doesn't work (broken slider) so if the drains need more clearance it's going to be an arse.


She has a full service and coolant flush booked for Tuesday so I'll worry more after spanking £££s on that :)

Edited by DPS

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  DPS said:
My husband and I used to drive his old diesel Audi A4 like this and compete to see who could get the highest MPG (photographic evidence was required). My C is an automatic the best I've had is 31Mpg oddly enough when I've done the 20mile trip to work and managed 80mph most of the way.


Ha Ha, yes that would make 'boring economical driving' a lot more fun, when you can turn it into a competition!

31 mpg is just about exactly what I get at a steady 80mph.


Just discovered that 2 of my alloys are buckled and a bit egg-shaped. Need to look for a nice set of new wheels now that won't cost more than the car's worth!

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Today I will be selling my corrado. Sad times but I need to raise money for my van. She is going back to her previous owner where she will be equally loved :(

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purchased an Aerial Gasket and Gearknob from local VW, cleaned the engine bay and wheel arches/door hinge areas ahead of National in May. Purchased a new Aero wiper blade for rear screen.

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Just ordered fresh fixings for my headlamp washers from VW, plus some hose and clamps. Hoping to get them all sorted for Stanford Hall!

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