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The "what I did to my Corrado today" thread...

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Yesterday I went over every bit of black plastic in sight (exterior) with black shoe polish. Takes away the faded look..

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Today I put a magic tree (new car smell) in the rado and put some new wiper blades on. damn i'm good, i should be a mechanic! lol ......not.

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today I washed my car for two hours straight, and was pretty much thrown out of the washing place by no less than four people. I kept it on the low though, and got a sparkling corrado in return! :) I love my car when it's freshly washed. Too bad it's too cold to polish it.

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today I washed my car for two hours straight, and was pretty much thrown out of the washing place by no less than four people. I kept it on the low though, and got a sparkling corrado in return! :) I love my car when it's freshly washed. Too bad it's too cold to polish it.


Where are these car washing rooms u talk about? I've never seen one in the north west, would be handy because I spend an hour or more washing mine every week, out in the elements!

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well, if you take a right at the mcdonalds by old trafford, then straight eastward for an hour, take the closest ferry to norway, then take a left, a right and then three lefts in a row, you'll get to my local gas station's "washing station". You get a high pressure washer, with or without soap, degreaser and the very scary "i'd like to ruin my paint job" foam brush. I'm sure you got some of these in the UK also?

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:D LOL, yeah the brush has been standing bristles down in the grit and the rubber hoses drag down your paintwork just after you have managed to get your trousers completly soaked. Great fun.

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well, if you take a right at the mcdonalds by old trafford, then straight eastward for an hour, take the closest ferry to norway, then take a left, a right and then three lefts in a row, you'll get to my local gas station's "washing station". You get a high pressure washer, with or without soap, degreaser and the very scary "i'd like to ruin my paint job" foam brush. I'm sure you got some of these in the UK also?


lol, I didn't realise that you weren't from over here!

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yeah, I gotta do something about that... gimme a minute. :)


Well I am on a roll these days. Today I got my car totally drained in grit, crap and cat guts, and i'm taking a road trip with some friends tomorrow, so I guess I'll spend the saturday cleaning it again.


I even did some real work today. I removed the boost return system by using a hacksaw and a few screw drivers, and got a really wicked pop off sound. Better than a POV imo. It's only there when you're really thrashing it (around 5000 rpm and above), and is hilarious :D That took me about 2 hours. The stuff fitted was a blanking plate for the charger, a mini k&n for the ISV (just used the original tubing, and hacked it around a little. I wondered if I would just cut a nice hole in my bonnet and stick it through there, but I'll save that for shows), and a nice shiny alloy oil catch tank (I fitted it to my strut brace. Any other placement options? I couldn't find any). Worth every penny.


I also removed the entire centre piece of the dash board to re-earth my head unit, just to find out it didn't power up when I got it all hooked up. After some minutes swearing, I found that the +12v live had fell out of it's nice rubber shielded alpine contact. So I got it working, and everything in place, and I even fitted some new screws I'd lost earlier. All in just about 1 1/2 hours, which is a new record (done it three times to do the same thing, hope it works this time).


Lastly, I fitted a new gear surround trim from a 94 corrado g60, so now that fits snugly also.


I feel really productive! Now I got some homework to do, though :cry:


Next on the list (probably this weekend) is fitting my rs-outlet and get started on my glass fibre (okay I can't stand it anymore, it's FIBER people, FIBER!) install. Wohoo! Let's get it ready for the 1st of May!

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And haven't done anything with it since about,ohhhhhh,september.


That's lie.I actually ordered me a compression tester to check for any HG problem.

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Yeah the big red Norway flag is a bit discrete :lol:


dinkus, just to be a wiseass, and show you that a norwegian kills you in english grammar (please let me be right on this one though :D ), isn't it discreet? I think it is.


That's gotta hurt, doesn't it? ;)


Oh, and I don't know if it counts, but I watched ali g indahouse yesterday, and it was hilarious. I'm gonna watch it tomorrow as well ;)

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Aye, in fairness I wasn't sure if it was discrete or discreet, but doing far too much maths meant I went for discrete. It was close...ish.


And ooh - Ali G Indahouse was 2002? You Norwegians really are cutting edge :lol:

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dinkus, yeah I know but it's still hilarious. We really are slow on new movies, though. Let's say a 4-6 months behind the states? Today I will drive my car to sweden and chill out.

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Fitted my TT gear gator and surround and new steering wheel.... well happy!

thought about trying the flush audi type handles couldnt be bothered decided to go to the pub instead!!

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Just had new gearbox mount fitted - OMG what a difference! Everything feels nice and tight again, no more vertical play in the steering wheel and smoother gear changes!! One more thing sorted! :D

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Went for a drive and gave it a wash. My son George aged six the front seat passenger said 'Your Corrado's cool daddy, everyone's looking at it! Even that dog looked at it!

Rear axle bushes and brake upgrade next.

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Un-covered the c from its sleep today, battery was dead as a dodo, nothing on the dash at all. So connected up another battery and she started within a second of turning the key. Not bad seeing as she has been sleeping since october. Have no rigged up my trickle charger to keep the battery topped up.


Went for a quick blast round the block.....big smile and woohoo noises! Reminds me why I like Corrado's so much. Oh well back to driving the Old Seat Ibiza for a couple of more months.

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fitted an rs outlet instead of that original crap box. What a difference it makes! Perhaps not a lot performance wise, or sound wise, but definitely on the estethic (spelling?) side. It now looks the bollocks! See attached pic ;)


Well, I also barely got my bonnet open, so I really tightened the bonnet release cable up, and now it bounces open every time. Really great!


I bought a set of new pedals yesterday, some sparco carbon ones (real carbon, not that crap stuff). They look alright, and ain't too shiny either (which is a major plus for me anyways). I'm gonna fit them a couple of days before the show season begin, so they won't be too dirty by the time I get to show them off.


Today, I was trashing my car a little bit around town, and had a lot of fun drifting on the snowy roads. Then, when I was going to do a really nice nought to sixty sprint in my local 20 mph zone neighborhood, my car just cut out. I was about skeeting myself, thinking about major repairs and all, but it turned out to be the weather had made some condensation in the gas tank, and that made it neccessary to be towed by another corrado to the closest gas station for a quick fix. Now works like new ;)

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Today I am mostly gonna be replacing a dodgy headlight bulb, taking it for a razz, and maybe polishing it ;)

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