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Weird noise coming from front end

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Hi hope someone can help me, my car has started to make a weird kind of noise when driving along, I cannot feel anything through the brake pedal whilst it is making this noise but the faster i go the quicker the sound goes if that makes sense. It sounds like a train sound and i'm sure its coming from the front wheels. My brakes have gone really really bad recently and when i try to stop the car sometimes the brake pedal touches the floor and the car still moves (VERY DANGEROUS). I had the brakes checked over and the mechanic at Kwik Fit said that the brake discs up front need changing and the system needs to be bled, will this solve the problem with the brakes??? The brakes are going to be fixed soon but i don't know what the noise is. I also get a weird noise like something is rubbing on the passenger side front wheel, it also gets faster when i drive faster. I know i need to get my C.V. joints replaced as i get a knock sound when turning and its not the alloys rubbing on the arches. I'm not very mechanic minded so please could someone help me out. Many Thanks!!!! :D :D



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Well its a bit difficult to say without a bit more info, but if the KF guys reckon you need new discs then I woulkdn't be surprised if your pads aren't totally shot. Get them sorted PDQ and please don't drive behind me because mine work. In fact, from the way you describe them, seriously you should not drive it anywhere.

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Do you get any juddering through the pedal when braking hard? From what you've described it sounds like a combination of warped discs and worn pads.

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Do you get any juddering through the pedal when braking hard? From what you've described it sounds like a combination of warped discs and worn pads.


yup warped disks can push the pistons back into the calipers giving no brakes at all next time you use them until you pump them back out get this on motor bikes alot.

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Hi thanks for the quick replies. The brakes are really bad but the thing is they are intermittent so sometimes the pedal will touch the floor sometimes they are perfect which is the weird thing lol. I'm trying not to drive it much until its fixed. I don't get any juddering when braking or feel anything weird through the pedal. Could it be the discs?? If i get these replaced then everything should be back to normal right?? At Kwik fit the guy said that one part of the discs was something like 18mm and the further on it was 21mm which means that the disc is uneven. I'm well confused can someone help me sort this problem out!! I don't like my car parked up, i want to drive it :) Thank You :D :D



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Yes, if the disc is of differing thicknesses it will certainly give the symptoms you describe. Question might be why they have gotten like that. Anyhow, new pads and discs should sort it for you so get em changed and keep us posted m8

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Thanks for the advice guys, well am waiting for the kwik fit guy to price up the parts for the job as the power steering hoses are going to be replaced as well as the reservoir, its leaking so he's gonna replace it. Should have everything fixed by this weekend i hope as i'm pretty warey when driving the car in traffic. Thanks Again will keep ya posted :D



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Pinks where are located, we could recommend someone to have a look at it, who knows the car rather than kwik fix.

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Good idea Majik. Pink$, I would recommend that you fit genuine vag OE disks all round (not expensive), oe pads on the rear, opinion varies re front pads (I'm using pagid fast road). The PS pipes are expensive so you want to be sure they really need doing.

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Hi I live in south london so if anyone can help me out i'd appreciate it a lot. The PAS hoses are being replaced, i just want my car to return to its best state. The performance is really bad now as well which is annoying!!!


The guy in kwik fit said he'll fix all the parts at no labour cost and give the car a tune up so i might as well let him sort the problems out. Not sure if the weird noise will go away but i am gettin the following replaced:


front and rear discs and pads

pas reservoir

pas hoses

sump gasket


I been priced all the above for 250 which is reasonable to me. Need to get the C.V joints replaced too which will cost another 100 or so.


Will keep ya posted on what happens!! Thanks :D



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When you get the CV joints done, make sure you grease up the splindes before they go back in the hub.

I had a strange noise on mine when i first got it, similar to what you're describing. Sounded like the tyre was rubbing on something, and was only noticable at low speed, and when the steering was on lock. Couldn't figure out what it was, so took it to my local specialist who knew straight away. All he did was knock the driveshaft out the hub, grease the splindes, put it back together and the noise disappeared!! Genius! Something i would never have thought of...




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Hey Steve thanks for the advice, will get the garage to do that. Once i get my brakes and pas leak sorted i'll get the C.V. joints replaced and hopefully the car will run perfectly!!! :D


Whats really weird is all day today my brakes were fine, no spongeyness at all, its intermittent. Some times its really bad or jus normal, kind of like the weather :shock:



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