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Recommend some 15's

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Anyone got any pics of a C with either OZ Superturismo or OZ Record wheels?


Or recommend something else! Looking at 15's, although wider than the std 6.5" would be good, but keeping suspension standard.




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I'd go for 16's mate... seem to be the best comprimise between handling and looks! 15's just look like the owner couldn't afford anythnig larger IMO

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I took off the 17s that came with mine and found some original 15 inch BBS wheels and fitted them. The car looks wicked with the original 15's and you get a much more comfortable ride with 15s! Schmidt Modern Lines in 15 look great though, especially if the car's low. A SuperT in 15 on a Corrado would look a bit odd IMO as the spokes don't go right to the edge and make the wheel look smaller. Also the multispoke design I think looks a bit out of place on the Corrado.

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