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why is this ?

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just got quotes from http://www.confused.com and the insurance for my valver is£1100 but the g60 is £1170 and the vr6 is £1220 thought it would be a bigger diference - and when i upgrade my car what should i go for? are the vr6's very hp upgradeable or would a good g60 be better - also why do they cost so much on upkeep compered to the valvers?

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Oh boy.. well.. this all depends on what you want to do and what you want from your car.


Firstly - the insurance thing. It seems that the engine is not so much the deciding factor on Corrado insurance premiums.. so all the models only sit a few insurance groups apart from each other hence the very slight price difference between each model.


Performance.. well it can be summed up like this. G60 slower as standard, but doesn't need boatloads of cash to get it up to VR6 levels of performance. VR6 is a much more refined and smoother engine than the G60 which gives superb performance in standard setup, but if you want to squeeze any more power out of it you really need deep pockets.


Don't buy a G60 (especially a tuned one) if you do lots of short trips - it is NOT an economical car for town driving, and believe it or not I figure the VR6 is better for general tootling around.


Upkeep.. well simply put the valver engine is was very heavily used throughout the VW range.. it is reasonably simple, pretty much any garage should know how to work on it, and the parts are cheap. The G60, whilst being based on the standard Golf GTI 8v engine does have that great supercharger and all the other bits and pieces associated with it, and factoring the cost of charger maintainance and harder fuel economy into the equation, it does make things more expensive.


I think its not so much that they generally cost more on upkeep.. its the bills you'll get when they go wrong. Valver engine is reasonably cheap to rebuild or get a replacement for.. VR and G60 engines are a little more expensive to fix when they go wrong!

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Don't buy a G60 (especially a tuned one) if you do lots of short trips - it is NOT an economical car for town driving, and believe it or not I figure the VR6 is better for general tootling around.

Is the feul economy really that bad Jim, or was it just cos yours was modded?

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g60 is about 160bhp stock, and can be tuned up over 200bhp, the vr6 is 190bhp and (using guy heartly as an example) can be pushed to over 300bhp! obviously it depends on your budget, doing that level of mods to either car is going to cripple you insurance-wise. As for the extra running costs, the 16v is, in engine terms, fairly simple. Its shared with a few other VW's and many mechanics know their way around them, cheap parts and cheap(ish!) labour. The g60 and vr6's are more complex, basically they're less common engines, meaning parts are more costly and work is more expensive, its also harder to find someone who knows what they're doing with them.


oh and they use more petrol :D



heh, beaten to it point-for-point by jim! must learn to type faster...

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Is the feul economy really that bad Jim, or was it just cos yours was modded?


It was dire around town mate quite honestly. On a long run it was fine.. well over 350 miles out of a tank which is basically correct for a G60, as I know Supercharged gets / got similar figures from him.


If I spent every day just tootling around to and from work and never heading out to a motorway to stretch the G60's legs, I could easily see 230-250 miles out of a full, later tank (£50 of fuel) - pretty jaw dropping really.


heh, beaten to it point-for-point by jim! must learn to type faster...


Hehe.. if it wasn't so mind numbing, i'd be good in a data entry facility.. can type reasonably quick ;)

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the VR6 has a longer second gear allowing 60 to be reached in 2nd the g60 has not not sure about 80.

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I'm with Woody here, to pull away from a VR6 in a G60 upto 60 you need to mod the gearbox or put some serious engine work...


However, put in the gearbox work and a little engine work and it's all over for the VR6! :lol: ;)


mid-range, it's a bit closer with a mildly modded G60 being pretty close (if not quicker) on the 30-70 (and above ;) ) speeds which miss being short changed by the naff second gear as both require the same number of gearchanges...


Top end, the VR6 tends to have a better flat out speed due to the torque characteristics of the larger capacity engine...

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Mistrall, that seems alot for insurance on a valver, mines under £650 fully comp on a Jplate 2L 16v with wheels declared. I'm only 24 too (for another month).

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