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help with pioneer DEH7400MP

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should be a simple one, by default the screen swaps between green text on a black background and black text on a green background every 30 seconds or so, I know i managed to turn it off in the past but cant figure it out now!


its really REALLY distracting at night, every time it changes you cant help but glance at it.


The instructions in the manual tell you to press func until some option or other comes up, but its not there in my func menu! help!!

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Turn the HU off, but leave the key in the ignition

Press I think number 5 (might be 6) and it'll say flip on/off or somesuch

If it's not there, then hold down the func button and it'll load up the setup menu

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Press and hold the function button with power off. It then brings up a menu and I'm pretty sure it's in there. If not, press and hold 4.... that does something too IIRC....been a while since I've had a pioneer!


Why do they put pointless things like that in car stereos?


Ah Stinkus beat me to it..... mind you, it was his Pioneer I last did it on actually, LOL!

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aahhh! I'll give that a shot later on mate, thanks! how silly am I not thinking of pressing the buttons with the unit turned off? I mean its obvious really isnt it? :?

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Yeah that used to bug the heck out of me as well.. but the procedure described should sort you out.

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:lol: Yeah, it was Kev that showed me how to do it on mine. I'd never have worked it out otherwise

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I have just won an Alpine full Sat-Nav system off ebay but comes without instructions :D

At least it has a mini-disc so i can just pop one of those in, that'll do.


The fun!





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you know its going to be stuck on the welsh lanuguage setting and be trying to navigate you around Iraq... turn left boyo, watch the landmine!

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At least the name remains accurate ;-)


This is a long shot but is there andwhere you can d/load the more up to date maps to burn to CD, it's not the DVD based unit




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