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Leccy windows

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Hi all


My leccy windows were working fine but my leccy mirrors were not. Whilst stuck in traffic i decided to pull out the mirror switch to which i found the lead wasnt connected. When i got home i connected it up and had lots of noise from the mirrors but movement only in one direction on one, and no movement on other. Great i thought, at least there is power going there so i can sort it at a later time. Unplugged the lead again and now my leccy windows dont work. Neither of the switches work, they both did before, no noises....nothing. Sounds like a fuse or relay to me......looked at fuses in dash....no fuse for electric windows.


Does anyone know if its a relay or a fuse somewhere else..?????


Cheers in advance


P.S. I'm dying in this hot weather as my sunroof dont work either.

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Cheers henny, do you mean where the others are below the steering wheel?


Is it on its own?


how do i recognise which one it is (apart from it being the blown one)?


Cheers for your help, really appreciate it.

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if you remove the shelf that covers the fuse box and look above the fuse box, you'll see a load of additional relays added onto the top. There should also be a fuse there for the 'leccy windows... 8)

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Cheers gents,


will sort it when i get home from work, fingers crossed its just the fuse.


Then it'll be a case of why did it blow when i was fiddling with the mirrors....hmmmmmm

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fuse is above the fuse box in an extra mount...


does anyone happen to have a pic of this wonderous extra mount and fuse for the windowws?....i cant see one on top of my fusebox and id liekto be able to open my windows :roll:


EDIT--- ON A 92 G60

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I found my fuse for the windows eventually, it was on the board in the location of all the rest of the fuses, it was number 14 which is really strange as on the list of fuses number 14 is something like reverse lights, and the windows werent even listed on the list.

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thats bizzare....ill go try it ...


i found a fuse in the place descibed in the manual with the beneift of sunlight this morning and changed it, but the windows still dont work....so ill go and change 14.


thanks mate.....and by the way....how did you work that one out?

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ok..cheers mate but that didnt work!........has anyone else got a suggestion?...its gonna be hot this weekend apparently!.

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i'm assuming that it must be the motor ....as theres no sound at all....it must be foofed.

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Bentley says, 20A circuit breaker in position 21 above fusebox.


19 20(21)22 23 24

13 14 15 16 17 18


1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12


These should be resettable if they are not just thermal.


This feeds power to the window controller. Sidepanel behind driver.


The switches should have a live on them on the green/yellow or green/white on the drivers side and plain green on the passenger side. Assuming its positive switched???


Thats your lot really. It is worth checking that wheteher they go up and down with the drivers door open. This allows you to shut them with the ign key out for a short while.



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um.....right......so what are you suggesting i check mate?....my auto electrician capibilities could be writern on the top of a pin....

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Try the windows with the drivers door open. What happens.


If nothing, Check that you have power in the back of the circuit breaker. It should be live all the time on one of the contacts.


With a voltmeter set on resistance, check the breaker has continuity, ie no resistance.


The only other thing I can see imediately commmon to everything is the big fat earth off the window controller. This is fitted to an earth rose by the fuse box. The same earth is also for the central locking.


let me know........

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ok....(( i appreciate this )) the windows will not open with the door open.


The only other thing I can see imediately commmon to everything is the big fat earth off the window controller. This is fitted to an earth rose by the fuse box. The same earth is also for the central locking


if there was a problem with this would that mean that the central locking wouldnt work too?

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if there was a problem with this would that mean that the central locking wouldnt work too?



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Dave try looking to if there is an actual motor in there!!!! :)


How come youve changed your username?



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right....checked the fuse and it had blown....got the rear door card off to check the window ECU and ......there wasnt one there....


luckily i had one in the garage :D


put it in.....and the windows still didnt work... :(


so i took the fusebox itself out and found a wire loose at the back.....plugged it in and hey presto....windows. :cheers:


cheers for all the suggestions dudes.



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mine are intermittent on the total closure sometimes they both go up, sometimes just the passenger is this more likely an alarm prob? or the controller getting dodgy?

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