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Full respray how much help please

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I am wanting to fully respray my 1991 G60 how much am i likely to have to pay, thinking about gun metal grey, dragon green or black car is red at the moment



help please

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lets just say....alot.



to go a completely different colour is very expensive mate.


your probebly better off selling the 'c' and buying one in the colour you want seems the colours your thinking of are standard colours.



to have a full respray in the original colour can anywhere from a cheap £900 job up to silly prices....so i dread to think what a colour change would set you back.

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got quoted 1k for a full re-spray with dent repairs, but that was if i removed all trim and window seals. and i know he would do a superb job as the guy who does the spraying suffers from obsesive compulsive disorder so if he doesnt think its right he will keep doing it until it is

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A local coachworks to me (who are supposedly one of the best) quoted around the £2000 mark for the complete service, this was for the same colour (mystic blue), tbh I wouldn't expect a first class spray job to be much less if any. I know people who can do mine for less than a £1000 but the finished quality would not be the same.

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got my old red valver respraied (same colour) for £750 at a small local bodyshop, the guy had a jag, a lexus and his own xr3 in the workshop when i went in for the quote so i felt pretty confident leaving the car with him. The result was superb, although not 'show standard' it was bloody good for the money, glad i didnt dismiss the guy just because he was cheap. Suppose what i'm trying to say is the cheapest doesnt always mean the worst, check out their work before you make a choice based on price.

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elite in MK charge about 1100 for a full respray and dent repairs including smoothing rear panel. its like chris says the most expensive isnt always the best i know of a car painted by premier that looks rough after 4 years. i had a mk1 golf painted by a coachworks company that did bentlys astons etc but they ruined the car had to take them to court!

but i know a small place in bedford who do amazing work for very little money because they enjoy doing different cars not just mondeos all day long.!

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I completely agree that you can get good results for the sub £K mark, I can get a spray job for less than £500 from a chap who lives in a large static caravan! My mate runs a car trading business and frequently uses this person, the cars look great but the overall finish (ie continuation of paint on panels) is not of the standard I would want.


Basically if you want a good spray job and don't mind it not being of "showroom" quality then by all means paying £500-1000 will give you that, but if you want that showcar look (which is what I would want) then the £2000 price tag I received would be the one to go for. Although having said that I would be SO worried of stone chips etc that I wouldn't want to drive the bloody thing!!! :lol:

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Perhaps we can get a groupbuy on resprays, I am going to get mine done soon too :-)


I spoke to joebloggsVR69 on here who spent in the region on £3k on a quite impressive job. On top of that you need to consider all of the trim thats marked and gone grey in the sun. I have a list of about £500 worth at the moment :-S.


If you have the glass out I think you have to get autoglass or someone in to put it all back as its all bonded in (I might be wrong there)


I don't have time to do any prep work or dismantling at the moment so I expect to be seriouly stung when I get a quote.

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