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AR53 ! Some git nicked me valvecaps and Corrado badge :mad:

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Some thieving git(s) decided to nick my rear chrome-effect Corrado badge (yes, it was the last one available in Europe that I bought last year :( and Porsche logo'd alloy valve caps last nite off the car when it was parked up outside the bodyshop. Haven't people got better things to do with their lives ?? :evil:


Think I have a spare silver badge but am tempted just to get the resulting holesleft filled and smoothed, remove the pegs from the other one and keep as a spare. If I need to use it I can just use some sticky foam to attach to the rear ?


Oh the joys !

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wonder what they think they are going to do woth them?


I caight some little brats nicking the dust caps off my Skyline and asked them what they were going to do with them, they said 'sell them at school'


What can you do!




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With this kind of theft in mind, a couple of days ago I replaced red "Storm" badge with replica I made.

Took ages to complete - not nearly as good as original but no one will be able to tell difference from more than a couple of feet away.

Experimenting with a couple more.

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some little git has nicked the valve caps off H-YYU... well, 3 of 'em anyway 'cos they were locking ones with a 1mm allen bolt in 'em to stop 'em coming off... They also smashed the window on the car next to mine and it took the owner a day to realise that they'd nicked the car battery... :|

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Yes, very amusing topic :? , pity that some people make jokes about other peoples losses, how would they like it if someone nicked bits of their car ? :roll:

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You gonna go and nobble some bits off his golf like?? Sure to fuck those chrome badges arent that rare, its crazy if they are like

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I've had plenty of valve caps stolen off me before, once the weeks of grief and mourning had passed I thought "meh, I'll just get another set off eBay for a tenner." The emotional scar is still there though.

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The value is irrelevant here.. its the principal of the f*cking thing!

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Yes, value is irrelevent (only £30 for caps and badge), and yes it's the principal, but for someone to start a stupid thread just to try and wind me up and take a cheap shot is pretty sad...... And no, think I will leave it somehow, I wouldn't want to touch any MK3 with a bargepole thanks.


Oh and Rossco, think you'll find that seeing as you can't get these chrome Corrado badges anywhere in Europe anymore and haven't been able to for nearly a year now that would make them pretty rare ? :roll: Just as well I have a couple of spares.

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Yes, value is irrelevent (only £30 for caps and badge), and yes it's the principal, but for someone to start a stupid thread just to try and wind me up and take a cheap shot is pretty sad...... And no, think I will leave it somehow, I wouldn't want to touch any MK3 with a bargepole thanks.


Is that because you already sold your bargepole for £500 to fund your "latest project"?


Jeez lighten up, it was a joke. :roll:

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Funny, ha ha :?


I AM keeping it CIVIL, just didn't expect SOME of the responses to this thread ! :roll:


However, I can't speak for others.



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Oh and Rossco, think you'll find that seeing as you can't get these chrome Corrado badges anywhere in Europe anymore and haven't been able to for nearly a year now that would make them pretty rare ? :roll: Just as well I have a couple of spares.


Couple of spares, rock on you struan you complete legend. Yet again you rekon im ripping chunks but im not, i only made that statement about the badges because i walked into speccy cars with the part number and they had one.....in stock, so i figured that a small VW dealer in the north of scotland to have one of these badges in stock, they couldnt be that rare but hell, struan you are the ultimate........ timmy


We salute you


Slim is funny

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am i gettin it right....


is that pic supposed to represent you?


the retard from south park ??

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mate....u'r just provoking a thread war.....chill :D ....its not the vibe of the forum .... you need to spend some time in the "show some love " thread.... :wink:


lifes to short guys. :afro:

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