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Wheres Rado.. Corrado Spotting at Ferrari Garage!

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theres a ferrari dealership around the corner from my house....Cardiff has more ferraris per square mile than anywhere else in the world apart from Italy so they're common as muck around here.....best thing is tho..the guy who owns the dealership is called " Dick Lovett "......nice....looks good on the bottom of the numberplates!!


Wouldn't it be great to go around with a load of question marks..


Dick? Lovett.

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I used to love the F40, still do in a way, until you look inside it :)


There's a Ferrari dealer near my work and some of the cars sit there unsold for so long, that a few of 360s I looked at had a few mill of dust on the red rocker covers, LOL!


Stunning cars but if I had a one time oppurtunity to buy a Supercar up to £100K with no extra funding for maintenance or insurance, petrol etc, I'd take the 911 turbo over any ferrari 8)

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kevhaywire, totally agree , i want a car i can use not just look at, the 911 is the most practical of that genre

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Stunning cars but if I had a one time oppurtunity to buy a Supercar up to £100K with no extra funding for maintenance or insurance, petrol etc, I'd take the 911 turbo over any ferrari 8)


Nah 911s have no soul, to me they are over engineered crap!

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