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You're Nicked Sonny!

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Got caught doing 87mph in a 50mph dual carridgeway. My own fault, only got myself to blame, and guess its the risk of doing something foolish but does anyone know of anyone else who's been caught doing similar? What was the punishment?!? :oops:

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youll get hung drawn and quartered,but if your really unlucky youll just get a fine,was it a fixed camera or a mobile camera?

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It was a dude in a ford galaxy with his camera pointing out of the boot(one of those mobile ones). Slammed on the anchors but it was too late! (still kicking myself!)

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No, so far I've just had a 'notice of intended prosecution' through the post with a form to send back to confirm who was behind the wheel. But no-one came after me (although he was on his own and by the time he would have packed his camera up, I would have been long gone?)

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I had one of those and it was for 3 points and 60 quid...........but I wasnt going that fast, sorry dude


Hope it works out



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Cheers Dinkus,


Had a quick look at the thread and the site mentioned (will look more later), seems contesting it is a popular thing to do? I could end up with more grief though!

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by law, there has to be a speed camera sign within 0.5 mile of the site you were nabbed at - check it out - i've seen very flimsy signs tied to lamposts in our neck of the woods - I'm amazed they don't get removed :wink:


the notice to prosecute has to reach you within 2 or 6 weeks - i can't remember which but check it out.


the mobile camera location has to be published on the relevant police forces website - mobile locations cannot be random.


you are within your rights to ask for a copy of the pic - if you can't be identified, "sell" the points to someone else and send back the notice with the lucky buyers details :oops:


you can ask for proof of calibration for the equipment used. i did read stories of people getting off if the info couldn't be provided but that was probably a while ago and wouldn't be surprised if everything is a lot more slick now


what i've done is get one of them sat nav's PNA's which are very neat and tidy with inbuilt GPS from makro for £199 which include all speed camera's - you can download updates free online for speed camera databases and its all automatic once you've put microsoft activesync on your machine (included with the sat nav) - ie, every time you plug in the sat nav, it updates databases etc.


Best gadget i ever bought - you can

- hack it and use it as a pda

- mp3 player as it runs windows CE

- navigation is spot on

- speed camera info in invaluable

- for £40-50 you can get all of Europe maps and navigate to wurthsee etc :)


hope this helps

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Sounds like a good gizmo mate, could have done with it last week! Unfortunately all recent corrado funds have been spent on paintwork as some kind person (*^$?+!!!!!) dicided to engrave some 'go faster strips' down the entire length of both sides with his key!

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Yeah he was in one of those 'Serving the community' units with the dayglow stripes and the blue flashers on top.

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I hope I'm not the barer of bad news, but normally if you are over 30mph above the speed limit they take your licence! My Dad got caught doing 107 on a Dual Carriageway that was a 70mph limit and he lost his licence. Went to Court and said that he need to drive for his business (self employed) and they only took it off him for 6 weeks!

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I guess I'll have to wait and see but it is on my mind that a ban could be on the cards. I'm hoping not though! Your dad my have been banned as he was doing over 100mph though which I have a feeling is an instant ban regardless.


The only positive thing i can think that will come out of a ban is that the running costs I'd save over 6 months or whetever I could use on the Corrado.... Hey, maybe I could make it faster and really annoy the local constabulary!! :roll:

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The instant ban is for doing 30mph over the posted limit, you were doing 37mph over the posted limit which is 'worse'.


I got banned for a week years ago for averaging a 100 over 5.45 miles which took me 3 minutes and 15 seconds. £275 fine but no points. At the time I was expecting at least a month on shanks' pony, I was giggling as I left court to get chauffered back to Cornwall.


Depending on how keen you are to keep your licence/minimise the ban I would be taking legal advice.



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I am sceptical of these comments saying that there "must" be warning signs up for a speed camera to be legit. I don't think that's the case. There are definitely *guidelines* for police forces in terms of best practices, but at the end of the day you were breaking the speed limit (breaking the law) and therefore they don't have to warn you that they're about to test if you're breaking the law or not ..

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you're wrong, dr-mat.


when i got done 18months back, i looked into it extensively - as the government go to great lengths to state they are safety camera's, the argument therefore is invalid if the camera's are not in blackspot positions and if it is a blackspot, you should be made aware so you slow down. admittedly i think their argument is weak but its fact, not speculation - i've clocked just about every camera i've come across travelling the country and most are on the limit of 0.5 mile from a sign, unless its been removed - i even queried this when i was flashed and they give me the precise location - i suppose that they hope you have a short attention span and will have forgot seeing the sign 0.5 mile away :)


Try clocing them and then see how sceptical you are - also check out different forces websites for mobile locations - like i say, i have and thought it was worth posting


"at the end of the day", they do have to work to specific guidelines and part of the reason for that is tring to convince us they're safety camera's, not speed camera's - not that i agree........

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I got done before using an average speed calculation from an un-marked Vauxhall Omega, which turned out to be an average of 89mph in a 70mph but I only got a fixed penalty 3 points/£60 fine. Those are coming off next month! I guess this time I'm a higher percentage over the limit.


Don't know if there were any signs, but I guess at the end of the day I broke the law as Dr_Mat says. Trying to wriggle out if I think would only encourage them to throw the book at me!


If only, if only, if only.........

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dredgy - your fully within your rights to have this information - they can't do you any more or throw a bigger book at you.........

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So what would be the best approach- ask to see the evidence?


Just spoke to a Copper friend of my brothers who's in the Met- He asked one his traffic division mates and they reckon between 3-6 points and a couple of hundred quid fine is on the cards.


Bang goes the Miltek exhaust!

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not saying it'll achieve anything but your not doing yourself any harm - you never know, the paperwork may not be in order etc. i can't recall the site that i got all the information off regarding calibration requirements for the equipment etc but do a google search - you can't loose anything.

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You're right, I may as well- nothing to loose. At the very least I might get a picture of me in my car with that "FFFFFFuuu...." look on my face!


I have heard of some cases being dropped due to poor evidence thinking about it.

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The only positive thing i can think that will come out of a ban is that the running costs I'd save over 6 months or whetever I could use on the Corrado.

I'm afraid that some of that, if not all, will be eaten up by the increase in your insurance premiums over the next 5 years. The only consolation is that your licence will be clear of points when you get it back.


Best wishes



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