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You're Nicked Sonny!

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Wasn't there something about someone who got their girlfriend to take the points then bragged about it on the net and both of them ended up getting done for perverting the course of justice?

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Case was adjourned until 9th Jan!!


Seems the court was too busy that day to have my hearing...


Still pleading guilty by post, just have to wait to hear my fate by mail after the 9th Jan - what a way to start a New Year!! Great....

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I suppose this is not good thread to mention my not legal speed on the way home one night after 2 in the morning and when I was pulled over I didn't even get a producer...


(I think they were not expecting to catch up with a diesel after 10 miles of er, 'enthusiastic' driving.)


And no I am not proud of it and I certainly have reformed my driving since :oops: :pale:

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Cheers Dinkus,


Had a quick look at the thread and the site mentioned (will look more later), seems contesting it is a popular thing to do? I could end up with more grief though!


Id go careful on that one mate, did that myself and ended up with an extra point than I would have done initially and a heftier fine to the tune of £190 more! :(


So be warned! :( :( :(

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yeah, when they send your court summons they also send a means form for you to fill in. obviously i've lied through my teeth about my outgoings but they have things like what you spend on drink, lottery & all kinds of crap! i've sorta convinced myself i'll get 5-6 points & a £250 fine but then you just never know?


Sounds about right I'm afraid to say mate :(

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my case was ajourned till 19th december so i think i'm going to attend this time. think i'll get suited & booted & try to appeal to their better nature!! the letter i got said that i could be banned straight away so i'll have to take my g/f just in case. it's a pain in the arse coz i've got to drive to kendal in her 206 coz she hates driving my car!

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Both adjourned?! Did they give a reason? I received a short letter saying mine had been adjourned and would be heard on the 9th Jan on a basis of 'not guilty' - I presume that's standard wording meaning I'm innocent until actually proven guilty in court, as I ticked the 'guilty' box.


Good luck in court mate!

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they said that coz it was a possible banning offence they wanted to give me a chance to appear in court & give any evidence that might help my case. that's fair enough but i'll be totally pxxsed if i drive all the way there & they ban me anyway! i'll let you know how it goes, good luck with yours dredgey!

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they said that coz it was a possible banning offence they wanted to give me a chance to appear in court & give any evidence that might help my case. that's fair enough but i'll be totally pxxsed if i drive all the way there & they ban me anyway! i'll let you know how it goes, good luck with yours dredgey!

Any joy mate??? Looks like my case has gone the same way yours did!


My case has been adjourned for the 2nd time, to 30th Jan. I have recieved a letter saying its highly likely that I will be disqualified, but I've been invited to go into court on the 30th to state my case.


If there's any hope, I think its that there may be a very small chance that I may be able to shorten the ban by going in and acting extremely humble?? :scratch:

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my case was finally heard 19th december, got a 10 day ban & a 200 quid fine! was well pleased with that, the ban takes effect from that day so make sure you have someone to drive you back just in case! acting humble is def the thing to do, i went all suited & booted & basically kissed a lot of arse & apologised a million times! i told them i needed my licence for my job (told them i was a sales rep) & tbh they were really fair & took into account my company closed for xmas so they banned me over xmas which was great coz i was drunk from the 22nd to the 28th!!! good luck anyway mate, hope it goes well.

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Court summons was this morning... 56 day ban, £200 fine, £35 court costs.


The magistrates reduced the fine from £300, as I had pleaded guilty right from the start.


I also took a letter from my boss, stating that a disqualification from driving would affect my ability to perform my job role. Although they mentioned that it didn't actually say anything about losing my job, they did take it into consideration.


Case took 7 months 5 days


Fair enough I guess...


Although interesting to note that another offender there today had been caught driving at 102 on a motorway, without insurance, on a provisional licence, and received exactly the same punishment :?:

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unlucky mate, could've been worse i suppose! but then again it could've been better!!! bad crack the bloke with no insurance got the same punishment, there's just no rule of thumb on these things so your totally at the judges mercy.

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Bad luck mate. Feel for ya.


So by your reckoning would you have revieved a lighter punishment if your letter said you would loose your job?

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Bad luck mate. Feel for ya.


So by your reckoning would you have revieved a lighter punishment if your letter said you would loose your job?


It seemed that it may have done, although you don't get to hear the magistrates making their decision so its hard to say.


I have spoke to someone else who had comitted a similar offence and they had a letter stating that it would in fact result in un-employment, and he got a 10 day ban so, I guess it would suggest so.


Never mind, the money I will save in fuel will pay for my skiing holiday! (Shame about the future insurance costs though!)

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Whoops.. we all live and learn. like ya say, ur be saving lots of £££ n fuel and keeping some miles off too

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I just got done for speeding the other week. I was doing 40 in a thirty which again i could say was my own fault it was just a quick burst to hear that oh so wonderful VR6 sound not a soul in sight at 11.30pm on a fairly wide road........the bastards were sitting in a bus turning point inside the car with no lights at all....stopped me and not only warned me for the speed but also for the noise as i may of woken people who were sleeping..( not that the wankers sirens would have as the pulled me?????) Any way i got on to pepipoo online and they said that it unambiguosly states that their speed camera's should only be used to analyse speed from outwith the car in clear view of motorists although i accepted the 3 points and fine i should write to their superior officer stating that the were in effect hiding from motorists in order to get convictions....

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Bad luck mate, I sympathise. Mine was a similar situation - they only set up their little money trap during the summer months (when its dry and more light??), and position themselves just out of initial sight.


Fair enough if the copper had to address the fact that you were speeding but trying to have a pop at you about the noise at 11:30pm, its hardly the small hours of the night is it? Seems like the police are now trying to enforce political correctness now too, huh?

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...And to my digust, I hear on the news that ordinary residents in Surrey are now going to be involved in a scheme where by they themselves can operate speed gun's?!?!..... Er... What?!?! Who's crazy idea is that? So now we can expect to be 'pointed at' by biased busy bodies?!?!?


This Country seems to have lost the plot?! :p

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Dont mess around. If some t**t did that to me, i wouldnt hesitate, not even for a second to get out my car and stick the speed camera up their :ignore:


Id love to see them send me a ticket then, c****s.

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