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Monkeys IHI G60

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Well I've done about 600 miles and I can tell she wants to go, it's taking all of my self control not to drop the hammer!!!


Took it to combe for the VW day yesterday, first long run and it didn't miss a beat! :D

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i was having a look at the engine bay shot - and at the pipework. you could move the battery to the boot and run an air feed down where the battery tray was. i'm guessing you've got an oil cooler down there too - but it shouldn't make much of a difference. you'd certainly reduce the pipework to the turbo this way

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_leon_ any suggestions for mine?




Think monkey has more as he has the rallye intercooler as well with the in/out ends at opposite ends as mine are at the same. Jabba run a similar style intercooler on theirs with opposite ends on the cooler and they have the pipes the other way around with the turbo intake where the battery is. No pics though.


monkey is it full on mapping time then after that :D

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admitedly having the in and outlets on the RHS help a little...


junkie - can't see you getting things arranged better than that tbh. was that taken recently or when new? its very clean and shiny! alternator looks brand new - as does the filter, pipework, fan etc etc...


OT: few queries - 1) what battery terminals and cables are those - planning on relocating mine to the boot - partly due to the 1.8T change - want the air feed where the battery is. 2) what intercooler did you fit? The Pro one Jabba sells? 3) whats the blue pipe off the oil/water exchange unit? 4) using the radiator cowl apparently draws more air through the fan. Doing mine at the moment and the fan sits inside the cowl so barely takes any more space.


now one of you get some bloody videos up!!!


EDIT: to both of you - how much oil do you go through?

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admitedly having the in and outlets on the RHS help a little...


junkie - can't see you getting things arranged better than that tbh. was that taken recently or when new? its very clean and shiny! alternator looks brand new - as does the filter, pipework, fan etc etc...


OT: few queries - 1) what battery terminals and cables are those - planning on relocating mine to the boot - partly due to the 1.8T change - want the air feed where the battery is. 2) what intercooler did you fit? The Pro one Jabba sells? 3) whats the blue pipe off the oil/water exchange unit? 4) using the radiator cowl apparently draws more air through the fan. Doing mine at the moment and the fan sits inside the cowl so barely takes any more space.


now one of you get some bloody videos up!!!


EDIT: to both of you - how much oil do you go through?



1 Cable is the 0 gauge for the stereo with 0 gauge rings

2 Yep pro alloy/jabba

3 blue pipe is for the oil cooler, x2 there as well

4 dont know but been told without the cowl it moves more air as no restriction, hence a slim fan as well.


How much oil, well i could do with an oil rig lol


What kind of vids would you like mate, action, porn,comedy :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


edit: yes it was around 2 months post conversion then, and no it dont look the same anymore but going to get it back that way hopefully.

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I'm currently going through tonns of oil as I'm changing it every week cos of the running in! But before the conversion, it was pretty good.


I've just hear about some product called Activ 8(?) apparently it's supposed to drop oil/water temps as it sticks to the internal engine components for about 5 oil changes. The Trimsport guys swear by it. May give it a go.


I've been to the ring a couple of times, was supposed to be going the week after ED38 this year too, but the conversion has just cost me faaar to much so I won't be taking her this year :(


And 350 miles left and it will be remap time...as soon as I find the cash! :?

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4 dont know but been told without the cowl it moves more air as no restriction, hence a slim fan as well.


Yeah good idea to save space, but you will be only be sucking air through a small section of the radiator, that is, the circle directly in front of it.


The cowling is designed to mount the fan at a certain distance away from the radiator itself so that it can suck air through the radiator from directly in front of the blades, plus use the cowling shape to channel air through the corners of the radiator too.


I imagine it like this: Using a funnel to pour water into a bottle (the funnel being the cowling here) or using a straw to pour water in. Yeah, the straw will work but it only has a small area in which it is effective. The water will splash around the outside of the bottle and not get used properly in this case... Hmm, now I read it back, this metaphor might be confusing!


I can only see one fan, but I guess you might have two?

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4 dont know but been told without the cowl it moves more air as no restriction, hence a slim fan as well.


Yeah good idea to save space, but you will be only be sucking air through a small section of the radiator, that is, the circle directly in front of it.


The cowling is designed to mount the fan at a certain distance away from the radiator itself so that it can suck air through the radiator from directly in front of the blades, plus use the cowling shape to channel air through the corners of the radiator too.


I imagine it like this: Using a funnel to pour water into a bottle (the funnel being the cowling here) or using a straw to pour water in. Yeah, the straw will work but it only has a small area in which it is effective. The water will splash around the outside of the bottle and not get used properly in this case... Hmm, now I read it back, this metaphor might be confusing!


I can only see one fan, but I guess you might have two?


sorry for the hijack monkey feel free to do mine :)


So i think you missed my point boostmonkey, trying to say when moving along swiftly it will cool better as less restricted, now when stood in traffic on a hot day its not as effective i agree, the most i have seen it up to on the water temp is 110, soon as you start moving its straight back down kind of. As you can imagine the standard rad has a lot to deal with in my engine as the heat it produces will be a hell of a lot i imagine so anything that helps is a bonus. Still it needs upgrading at some point.


monkey im waiting eagerly for your post mapping results :)

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Yes mate,


Big thanks to you and the guys at G-Werks for building it, it certainly seems to be a sweet engine 8)


You'll be seeing me again, as soon as I find the cash for the remap. :wink:


And no worrys about the hijack. I think the slimline fans are more powerfull than standard ones. Mine doesn't have twin speed so it comes on full power straight away, that's gotta help too.

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the standard rad has a lot to deal with in my engine as the heat it produces will be a hell of a lot i imagine so anything that helps is a bonus. Still it needs upgrading at some point.


Using a VR6 radiator with 2 slimline fans would probably do it. But not sure whats needed to fit it.

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Don't know about Junkies, but it would deffo interfere with my intercooler.


Also, my girlfriend gave the car a clean while I was away, including the engine bay...


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dude where do you get a gf that cleans your engine bay?


looks good monkey


Now your talikng, send her to do mine monkey, thats a top job.


Thanks :lol:


Think she's gotta queue of people who wants clean cars now! :D :wink:

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Are you any happier yet monkey?



That's just it, I don't think I am anymore, I think I've fallen outta love with it.


I've spent a lotta time thinking about it and talking with my friends and girlfriend and it's time to move on. :(


Look to the for sale section...

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Are you any happier yet monkey?



That's just it, I don't think I am anymore, I think I've fallen outta love with it.


I've spent a lotta time thinking about it and talking with my friends and girlfriend and it's time to move on. :(


Look to the for sale section...




What's up dude?

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Well I want to start saving to move out, but every time I get any money, I end up spending it on the car! I think I may have an addiction! :?

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Well I want to start saving to move out, but every time I get any money, I end up spending it on the car! I think I may have an addiction! :?


Ah, but its a good addiction to have :twisted:

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I know i don't know you or anything but this is one of the threads that i have been following with interest..Just a bit shocked that just as you were getting it up on its feet you want to sell...


ah well if its not making you happy anymore...

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