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Neil VR6

Slow puncture? porous wheels?

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The two driver's side wheels never seem to keep pressure for that long. It was a problem with the tyres that were previously fitted to the wheels when I bought them that has carried through to the current tyres. It's not that bad as they probably need inflating once a week and don't lose that much. Just a bit annoying really. Do wheels go porous? (They are std G60 15 inch BBS's)



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I have the same thing with my speedlines and just got new tyres, alloys are quite corroded - I rekon it's that, will let you know after they have been refurbed.

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It could be the lip of the wheel is dirty or corroded where the tyre should seal onto it. I've had this in the past, it was curred by removing the tyre and cleaning the wheel up with some 80 grit abrasive paper.

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I know whats wrong there....when you have your tyres changed you must make sure they scrape off the old bits of rubber where the old tyre was fitted, a good fitter will do it .......90% of em don't. :mad: .A Bad seal is a Common fault through it...watch em change them.

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Neil G60, pourous is a possibility.

My old Audi RS4 wheels went this way.


Best method is to take one off and use a plant-spray-gun thingy and squirt patches on the inside of the wheel. Watch for bubbles :)

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The most common problem is corrosion on the inner rims causing this. There's not really a *good* way to fix it without having a refurb (though careful sanding should be almost as good), oh and watch out for some of the wheel refurb coyboys who don't consider that the inner rim needs tidying up too ..

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mmm food for thought there. Even after all 4 tyres were changed there were still 2 which leaked. This suggests porosity although tyre centres are a bit cowboy. When the tyres were fitted I had to make them get one of the wheels refub'd as they scratched it whilst fitting the new tyre :x


It was great at 7am this morning in the rain having to pump up the tyres so I didn't fall of the road on the way to work :x

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I would definately check the lip where the tyre seals, before condemming them as being porous. I've seen this happen alot.


Pump them up and put them in a big container of water and watch for where the bubbles are coming from.

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